
MISSING ::: Marizela Perez

Thursday, March 10, 2011
I hate these kinds of stories... they don't usually end well.

The one thing that gives me hope here is one sentence in the CBS story about Marizela Perez' disappearance (Seattle, WA): "a history of depression." I would hope this young lady just needed to take sometime to be by herself and "get away from it all."

A few years back I had quite a following on my Dave Lucas WorldWide radio program, which broadcast out of Albany on 590am and via the internet all over the world. We used to get callers from everywhere. My producer, Lance Matthews, was a godsend as far as helping me with our "missing persons" shows.

One very disturbing story was the disappearance of Christina Williams in California. So sad. The ending was a heartbreak.

At one point we did a couple of shows about Suzanne Lyall, and I think we were listened to by someone with case knowledge, and that that someone either called the show or participated in our chats (remember chatrooms on IRC?)

One investigator wanted to monitor our phones during the show, but apparently his equipment was unable to interface with the radio station's phone system.

Nothing is worse than not knowing the fate of a loved one. Ms. Perez has a famous blogging cousin, Michelle Malkin, who has posted about the disappearance on her blog. Let's all hope for the best. And pray.


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