
Attract Visitors! Set Your Comments Free!

Sunday, March 27, 2011
Are you miffed because nobody bothers to comment on your blog? Could that possibly be YOUR fault? Here's a FAST FIX!

(1) Make sure your blog loads quickly, free of annoying pop-ups...

(2) Set Your Comments free! ("How-to" on BlogWorld.)

Blogspot users now have the ability to turn on a switch that makes any blogger blog "smartphone friendly" - there are also services that will do this for you if you are blogging on a different platform.

Yes, some people still use dial-up to access the Internet. In fact, a lot of people in the world have dial-up Internet. According to a report by the Pew Research Center, as of May 2010, 5% of people in the United States were using dial-up. Compared to broadband users at 66%, that number might seem small, but that means there are over 15 million dial-up users out there. World-wide, that number only rises.


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