
Manny Pacquiao delete his Twitter account

Saturday, March 26, 2011
Does our boxing superhero knocked-down by critics after his controversial Twitter account? Manny Pacquiao made his decision by posting at Twitter his last message “Sorry everyone but hanggang dito nalang delete ko na account ko thank you very much to all your support.”

According to news, Manny Pacquiao's Twitter followers became upset he replied one of his follower's question "why he ever ran ran for Congress despite his obvious lack of the House proceeding" with “e di mag reklamo ka sa lolo mong panot”.  The issue started during the voting of congressmen on impeachment trial of Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez. Although Pacquiao said that he would vote "no", his vote wouldn't be counted if he is absent.

With celebrities/icon like Manny Pacquiao with thousands of followers, it is expected from them to be very cautious with their words.


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