
Marizela Perez Donation Fund

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

You can find videos, pictures, background stories, and links at:

Do you have a blog or website? Please join me, The Jawa Report, American Family Values and a host of others spreading the word about the Marizela Perez Missing Persons Case. Tell your friends on Facebook and if you twitter, please spread word via tweets!

I know you may be strapped for cash in these tough times. Perhaps, like me, you've texted to donate a few dollars to the earthquake relief fund for Japan.

There's another important cause for which your donations are solicited: Michelle Malkin updates the Search for Marizela Perez...
There is now a donation fund to help the family defray the costs of the ongoing search.

Make checks payable to FASA sa UW

Mail to:

Ethnic Cultural Center
care of FASA
Condon Hall, 7th Floor
1100 NE Campus Pkwy, Box 35560
Seattle, WA 98195

Make sure to put “Marizela Perez” name on memo line.
Michelle also has indicated she plans to add a PayPal link to her website soon for anyone who wishes to make an online donation.

It's hard to imagine how a family feel when a loved one disappears. Like the families of Suzy Lyall (still missing after years and years) or Christina Williams.

THIS MOMENT is an important one for all of the loved ones looking for Marizela Perez, Her disappearance is recent. The hope is that she is alive.

One of Michelle Malkin's blog readers left this comment on her blog, which speaks for an lot of us, I dare say:

On March 16th, 2011 at 2:53 pm, J Bo said:

I will keep checking back for that PayPal link. Probably the easiest and safest.
FOR ALL that Michelle has done for all of us, this is the least we can do in her time of need. I encourage all to do whatever they can to help out. This has got to be heartbreaking and still she is a trooper and continues to carry on. All the best to you and you family.
We LUVYA Michelle. JIM

I agree: that PayPal link will be the easiest, fastest, safest way to contribute, even if you can only give a little bit, it adds up in the end. THIS IS THE LINK TO MICHELLE MALKIN'S LANDING PAGE. Watch for that link to go up.

Let's hope and pray for a happy ending! Marizela’s Facebook page:

People can go missing for any number of reasons. My hope is that Marizela's story might end something like Erica Desai. [Desai was LOST and then, FOUND.]

Take a look at another case where the missing person wasn't missing at all.

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