

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
"You will be much happier if you get up every day and make the future you want" ~ Bill Clinton, UAlbany March 2011

Bloggers! Make the future YOU want... NOW!

In her most recent book, financial guru Suze Orman teaches us that in order to create lasting security we must learn to stand in our truth. She says we must recognize, embrace, and be honest about what is real for us today and allow that understanding to inform the choices we make. The New American Dream is not the things we accumulate, warns Orman, but the confidence that comes from knowing that which we’ve worked so hard for cannot be taken away from us. In THE MONEY CLASS, Orman teaches us how to take control over our present—right here, right now—in order to build the future of our dreams.

A lot of self-proclaimed "blogging gurus" have sprung up in recent months, purporting to have knowledge and "magic bullets" to help bloggers blog better. Well, it's not actually all about that: their material is really directed at the massive number of young bloggers who have been led to believe they can make tons of money by blogging. Which is not to say they can't. But you can only write a post about "7 Ways To Blog Better" so many times...

I've blasted the gurus (you can read about that ::: scroll down a bit, there's a link, you'll find it!) and I believe I have found a way to share REAL SOLID AUTHENTIC advice about blogging.

And here it is:

I've borrowed the idea for a title from Suze Orman, and I am not a single bit ashamed! Remember what Suze says: "She says we must recognize, embrace, and be honest about what is real for us today and allow that understanding to inform the choices we make." I say, "that goes for bloggers too!"

Liane Youngblogger makes the best argument, hands down! Here it is:

In the end, EVERYONE KNOWS THE SAME TRICKS. People come to a dead lock where' they got similar knowledges and ideas that you turn out to be a replicate of the others.

I have heard many bloggers who wants to break in to the success level by enrolling themselves on all kinds of programs, that in the end, would just usually be not beneficial in the long run.

Here are the usual reasons:

♦ Ebooks and traning programs are all pre-written, meaning they don't cater directly to your needs but to the general needs.
♦ Most of them are just products of hyped-up sensational marketing. Their main target? Your money.
♦ Yes, they might be giving you their methods but afterwards, you're left all alone
♦ You've just been reading about the same thing all over again.

What's the point in paying for things you already know? I say, forget about high-priced trainings, forget about yet another ebook, and most of all, forget signing up to some random newsletter in a vain attempt to get something while actually falling again on a marketer's trap. ~ Liane Youngblogger

Awesome Ultimate Blog Promotion Guide! FREE! ::: There's no e-book to purchase and download. Nothing to buy. All you have to do is read this entire post and then you can link to a few truly wonderful articles that will help you be a better blogger, if that's what you wannabe!


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