
Review ::: Virgin Mobile Broadband2Go

Sunday, March 27, 2011
Yikes! The package is almost as big as the netbook!

TESTFREAKS Blog not too too long ago reviewed the Broadband2go service, complete with COVERAGE MAPS, SPEED TESTS

VM has just recently capped the service and if you didn't get in on the $40 Unlimited plan early on, you can't get it now (however, those who already are on it, like little ole me, get to stay on it!) Broadband is awesome! If you've got it, maximize your use of it!

Among those who disfavour caps, The Michigan Telephone Blog ::: "...companies should realize that broadband caps are eventually going to hurt them in the pocketbook. Consumers are going to be far less likely to buy devices, such as game consoles and home theater equipment, that depend on a broadband Internet connection if actually using their broadband service is going to cost them an arm and a leg." MTB continues on to quote and link to Stop The Cap.

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