
The Weekend Agenda

Friday, March 18, 2011
I deliberately delayed posting today to keep Marizela Perez right at the top of the blog.
Missing Person Marizela Perez
2 min - Mar 7, 2011
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Urgent Seattle Area: Michelle Malkin's Cousin ...
1 min - Mar 7, 2011
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This has been a really really hard week, with the stupid Daylight Savings Time change. The powers-that-be had to make it come sooner and leave later, making the poor kids have to walk out in the darkness to get to school every morning.

So, here I am blogging from the good old pc in the living room... connected by dial-up at 28.8. What? You say "that must be so slow" - well, for my purposes and for some of the websites I'm visiting tonight, it's great. Now, had I jumped on the laptop or netbook, I gotta wait for the anti-virus programs to initiate and download the latest files... and there's no mouse (the USB mouse I was using lost its cookies some time back) - the unit I'm using runs WinMe and between the OS and the fact I'm on dial-up doesn't seem to attract any virus or trojan programs (I DO have avast on this machine and run it periodically, but it's always clean!)

So here's part of what's on of my "weekend agenda":

Let's see: we'll be watching the DVD "Inception" and I've already started reading Keith Richards' and Suze Orman's latest books. "Life" has a great style - you can turn to any page and read something incredible. The most fascinating pages (to me) are when Keith tells how he created sounds for particular Rolling Stones songs using a cassette recorder. Then there's the page explaining experimentation with open chord tuning, and later a reveal on how "A Bigger Bang" was recorded that really shocked me! I checked the book out of the Albany Public Library, after losing the copy I received as a gift last year when it first came out.

I bought "The Money Class" on eBay for a steal (Suze would be proud of me!) She writes some wonderfully inspiring things, like "focus on what will be gained, not lost." Let's find another... ah, here's one: "You define yourself by who you are, not what you have." ... and ... "we must let go of the past."

I had to jet over to uAlbany today to interview a professor who teaches Japanese culture for a piece that will air Monday during WAMC's Special FundDrive for the Red Cross (donations will go to help Japan). While on campus, I picked up the latest "Albany Student Press," and I must commend the folks who put that paper together! It is really good! I love their "Kegs and Eggs" coverage, and I'll have more to say about that maybe tomorrow...

I snagged a Metroland at the sub shop - they have a great article about how we still can't figure out a way to predict earthquakes. There's a nice photoland section, too. (Yes, we've been playing Monopoly since after dinner!)


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