
Xiaxue vs. Coffin & Kobayashi

Saturday, March 26, 2011
Xiaxue finishes crushing Peter Coffin! -or- as I tweeted, "puts final nail in coffin" :)

Recently Xiaxue posted two articles critical of another blogger, a sort of digital stalker-taunter-shuckster who writes as " Peter Coffin" - and in no time at all, the story went GLOBAL!

Here's a rip from "Peter Coffin threw a brick at Xiaxue, and she responded with a nuclear bomb..."
Peter Coffin: The strange story of a boy, a model and his 'girlfriend' -Kimi Kobayashi, who none of you know because she goes to school in the next school district and she has super-strict parents so she can't come out. ...
Web 'Comedian' Peter Coffin Caught Being His Own Girlfriend- Switched
How Peter Coffin Got Busted For Having a Fake Girlfriend- Urlesque
Peter Coffin Speaks as the Internet Taunts Grow: 'I'm Just Going ...- Village Voice (blog)

Xiaxue's pair of articles about Coffin and the female persona he created "Kimi Kobyashi" must have triggered a rash of searches for another blogger that Wendy Cheng (Xiaxue) feuded with some years back, the Arissa Luna-wannabee herself, Dawn Yang. Some of those searches brought Singaporeans here to my humble weblog! (Thanks for coming by!)
One problem with some of the past "feud" posts on Xiaxue's blog involving Dawn Yang is that some of the material was deleted... so if you have come here expecting to find links to deleted posts you'll be disappointed. I'm sure if Wendy removed any content it was for good reason.

To the left, a pic of Dawn + Wendy in happier times (if ever there were any!) Below is a content "lift" off of the MyBlogLog popular links widget (which I imagine will be shut off when MyBlogLog vaporises in a few months.) If you click on the first link, you'll find it to be a dead-end.See Also:
Something seems to have triggered readers to search for anything Xiaxue: it must be Peter Coffin!

Peter Coffin: "Kimi's account used some photos of a Korean woman. Possibly a model. Yes, I am a huge fool for believing it. We don't need to talk much about why - I have chatted, emailed, skyped, etc with this person..." WAIT A SEC! HE SKYPED? AS IN VIDEO? Most people use Skype for the video aspect...

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