
uAlbany Sends Wrong Message?

Saturday, March 19, 2011
So, uAlbany was out cleaning up "Hooligan Row" on Friday. One radio station reported that the President of SUNY Albany would be joining the clean-up crew...

Kegs and Eggs Albany 2011 Riot - Music Video
3 min - 6 days ago
Uploaded by kuraibankusu

Some students think the University is sending the message to the Pine Hills Terrorists, aka/Long Islanders "it's awright, we'll clean up your mess."

The students say the Kegs and Eggs crowd should be made to clean up their own mess. PEROID...

But no --- the kowtowing continues:

"President George Philip said UAlbany's administration decided to schedule spring break next year to coincide with St. Patrick's Day, a move made after dozens of students vandalized cars, destroyed furniture and smashed bottles Saturday during a "kegs and eggs" pre-St. Patrick's Day party.

Wrecked Maxima at Kegs and Eggs, Albany 2011
56 sec - 6 days ago
Uploaded by wizzyd2010

Furious administrators said they also are weighing the cancellation of Fountain Day, its annual spring celebration popular with students." Read more »

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