
Mexican Police Chief Marisol Seeks Asylum in U.S.?

Friday, March 4, 2011
The 20-year-old female police chief of a drug-ravaged Mexican border town has quit and fled to the USA after receiving death threats and fled to the United States, where she is seeking asylum, a relative told the Ciudad Juarez daily El Diario Thursday.

Authorities in the town of Práxedis G Guerrero, close to "Mexico's most violent" city of Ciudad Juarez, confirmed only that Marisol Valles Garcia, 20, once acclaimed as 'Mexico's bravest woman,' requested a leave of a few days. Town Clerk Andres Arreola told Mexican media this afternoon that Garcia went to America to treat her child's bronchitis.

This blog profiled Garcia back in October in "The Lady Has A Badge."

The college student (also a wife and mother) reportedly received death threats for months. Andres Morales, secretary of the county in Mexico and second in charge after the mayor, told ABC News today that he couldn't confirm the report of her seeking asylum. ABC is promising more on its national news network tonight.

Titular Seguridad Praxedis, está de permiso: ayuntamiento. Con Paola Rojas


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