
Gitte May-Britt Gifford R.I.P.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Our dear friend Gitte died last Friday at her home. She was a very close friend of my late London Secretary, Diana Brewester, and often visited Highgate, London, when Diana was alive. Likewise, Diana would visit Gitte in Denmark. When Diana passed away in December 2003 it was Gitte who ensured that her last wishes were carried out. Her generous assistance during that period was invaluable. Yet I feel that the loss of her friend was something from which Gitte never really fully recovered. I miss Diana, too, seven years after her sudden departure following a terrible illness. It remains uncertain as to what took Gitte from us because the autopsy results were not disclosed, but I am in contact with her last boyfriend, Daniel, who has been as helpful as anyone can be in these circumstances. He is as much in the dark about her end, however, as we are. That notwithstanding, Gitte showed immense loyalty and courage. Frequently outspoken, she was a formidable opponent and a fiercely loyal ally. She will be greatly missed by all who knew her. The funeral is being held this morning in Odense, Denmark. We invite prayers for Gitte who is now in the care of her Creator. She leaves behind a daughter, Siri, who is also very much in our thoughts and prayers.

I shall always remember Gitte May-Britt Gifford as an exceptionally strong-willed woman whose thinking could not be influenced or altered by anything other than indisputable fact. She had an inquisitive mind of great intellect, and her unquenchable thirst for knowledge was tempered only by a sense of humour which made her all the more human and all the more likeable. Towards the end, I suspect the balance in her being and life became upset. It is deeply distressing that one so intelligent and so relatively young (she had just turned forty-five last month) can suddenly be taken from us. I shall not forget her, especially her kindness, and her determination.



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