
Charlie Sheen Fired, now to sue

Wednesday, March 9, 2011
After Charlie Sheen fired in his famous TV sitcom, Two and a Half Men, the actor's lawyer Marty Singer said "We will sue," as he told The Hollywood Reporter. "It's a matter of when. It could be this week, it could be in a little while. We're in no rush. But we will sue."

Reasons why Charlie Sheen got fired from his show obtained from

"There is ample evidence supporting Warner Bros. reasonable good faith opinion that Mr. Sheen has committed felony offenses involving moral turpitude (including but not limited to furnishing of cocaine to others as part of the self-destructive lifestyle he has described publicly) that have 'interfere[d] with his ability to fully and completely render all material services required' under the agreement."

Having said that, Charlie's lawyer, Marty Singer, on the other hand demanded Warner Bros. pay Charlie for the eight canceled episodes. Asking how much is that? Well, estimates, Charlie earns $850,000 to between $1.8 - $1.9 million each episode


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