
What the Lib media fails to accept is that Obama is a reality TV star, too!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

There’s a term is psychology known as “projection” in which a person lays their own inner guilt over something upon someone else and blames them for the very thing they’re guilty of doing. It’s the cheating wife constantly accusing her husband of infidelity, or the fat slob counting how many times other people load up at the all you can eat food buffet.

Well, the same thing is true with the media’s dismissive attitude toward Donald Trump as just a reality TV star. First of all Trump was an extremely successful businessman 20 years before reality TV was ever invented. But, the bigger point is that there’s no bigger realty TV star than Barack Obama.

He got his big launch by Oprah Winfrey and Ellen DeGeneres. Gimmie a break here! There’s never been such lesser qualified candidate for president in the history of American politics. Obama never served as a governor, or mayor. He never ran a business—not even a lemon aide stand. Prior to his election, everything about Obma was based on optics and atmospherics. He dressed well and could a teleprompter better than anyone on the planet. But, take that teleprompter away and he thinks the United States is made of more than 57 states. He looks like a president should, calm, cool, collected. And enough stupid Americans, those that get their news from Jon Stewart, voted for him.

But, Barack Obama couldn’t fake the funk forever because although the media is powerful, they can’t do the job as president for him.

And now that he’s got a record of failure and disaster as president. The American people can row realize he’s really an empty suit that was always more sizzle than steak, or in other word, the Barack Obama as president reality show TV that’s taking America down the tubes!

There's no difference between Dog the Bounty Hunter and Barack Obama!



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