
Naked man in China shins down drainpipe as police raid brothel

Saturday, April 30, 2011

They have a death penalty in China for messing with prostitutes. So, this guy did what he thought had to do to avoid capture with his pants and everything else down.

Do you feel a draft?

Daily Mail reports one moment he thought he was just an anonymous punter in a backstreet brothel.
The next he's in the nude hanging off a drainpipe after police burst into the brothel he was using in eastern China.

As the doors were smashed down the customer, leaving his clothes behind, ran on to the roof of the rundown apartment bloc in Changchun, Jilin province.

He then shinned down what appears to be a huge drainpipe and then ran off into the backstreets.

But he was not alone in making his escape. Moments after he appeared on the roof, two women - one just wrapped in a towel - could be seen running across the roof.

In the centre of the image another forlorn customer can be seen hiding behind a packing crate.

China has severe anti-prostitution laws and punishments including the death penalty for anyone guilty of human trafficking.


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