

Thursday, April 28, 2011
Today's lesson is all about BRANDING...

I've told you before how certain celebrities and blogebrities achieved fame via artificial internet buzz... now here's another celebrity who plays PR like a virtuoso plays a violin... this is something you should STUDY ON YOUR OWN and think of ways you can apply these techniques to BLOGGING!
I offered this comment earlier this week to an article I clicked on via microblogging platform twitter:

"You wrote “How do you shake off old paradigms and see something with new eyes?” – that can be a tall order. Perspective and knowledge come into play. For someone new to writing, blogging, publishing – your tips and techniques are like opening a treasure box. For somebody like me who has been reading (and writing) good advice for a long time, I ask myself “How many more times can we re-invent the same stuff and recycle it over and over again,” which is exactly the role the “guru” must play… to shake off those old paradigms one needs to (I hate to say it) “think outside the box.”

A better example might be the career of rap artist Nicki Minaj, who went from a relatively unremarkable, rather plain-looking minor player to a glam SUPERSTAR in demand for collaborative projects with the likes of Mariah Carey, Britney Spears etc., all in a relatively short 4-year timespan. Particulary interesting is how Minaj hijacked the “Barbie” franchise without stepping on any copyright toes: This could be a great lesson for bloggers… Minaj-icize your blogs!
Make sure you save/print this link: observe the "before" and "after" photographs. Now, substitute YOU and YOUR BLOG for the "before" ---- how do you want things to be/look "after" ?????


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