
Spider Monkey a Ben 10 ultimate form

Friday, April 29, 2011
spider monkey
Above picture is Ben 10's ultimate alien form when he turns into Spider Monkey. Not the typical folk tale that started with "spider monkey was wandering in the forest looking for food and came upon a glass jug with a piece of food in the bottom. He reached deep inside the jug and grabbed the food in his fist."

Here's the description of Ben 10's Spider Monkey alien form. [Source Ben 10 Wiki Planet]

Spidermonkey or Spider Monkey is an alien with 4 arms, 4 eyes and 2 legs, a feature Spidermonkey has in common with Fourarms and Stinkfly. Spidermonkey can spin webs from his tail which were at one point stated to be as strong as steel, although it can be shredded, only by strong enemies though. He has supernatural adhesive skills, and has superhuman agility. He can also swim. In the episode Birds of a Feather, Simion, an Arachnichimp, said that their ears are better than humans, so he may have a highly strong sense of hearing, too. He is also good at hand-to-hand combat. He also has above average strength (stronger than a human) as seen in Absolute Power: Part 2 when he hit Kevin with a metal pole which sent him flying.


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