
Around The Blogosphere 22 April 11

Friday, April 22, 2011
Tom Howlett

How to use Social Media for Link Building

Posted by Tom Howlett ::: The rise of social media has made it essential as part of modern online marketing and link building campaigns. Search engines, especially Google, are paying a lot more attention to links in the social space and it is believed to help site rankings.

Contributing to the social space is a better strategy than trying to fill it with as many links as possible. Here are a few tips which will help you get the most from your campaigns. More…


The Evolution of Bloggers (Infographic)

Posted by Sam ::: one of the earliest signs of blogging taking off was back in 1994 when Justin Hall began ‘personal blogging’ whilst he was at college. It has been interesting to watch blogs evolve over the years and they now form a major part in people’s day to day personal lives, as well as providing a key tool for businesses to promote and discuss things online.

This infographic charts the Evolution of Bloggers from the very beginning to the current day. It also includes some interesting statistics and details of the earliest bloggers along with the more popular bloggers of today.


This is from a newly found Facebook group commemorating photographer Tim Hetherington, who died on duty while covering the front lines in the besieged city of Misrata, Libya - “We, the Bangladeshi photographers express our deep condolence to Tim's family. Tim was a teacher in Pathshala- The South Asian Media Academy. His works and energy were the tremendous inspirations and support for us. R.I.P Tim…”

Chile: Nurse Expedites Organ Transport Using Twitter

Read this post. Cristina Bizama (@cristi_enf), nurse at Talca hospital in Chile, was able to hasten the transport of organs from the city of Talca to the capital, Santiago, some 260 kilometers away. Everything started with one tweet: "Incredible! There is no way to transport 5 organs to [Santiago]." The Twitter community sprang into action immediately.
It’s Not Just Apple That Is Tracking Our Every Movement (TCTV) - This story of how the iPhone and iPad are tracking the every movement of their users keeps growing...

A Humanity-Scaled Wiki Time Capsule - I've been thinking about time-capsules. Maybe we could use a very large one that could serve as a backup for civilization?

Homeland Security to Conduct Multi-State Earthquake Drill - If you see something shaking, say something!


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