
Marizela Perez, Still Missing, Happy Birthday

Saturday, April 30, 2011 0 comments
Time passes.

Marizela Perez just had a birthday.
What astounds me is that Michelle Malkin is such a HUGE personality, and one would think that someone so well-known, accomplished and regarded would have just a bit more clout than the average joe or judy... but apparently not: Michelle writes on her blog:

[Marizela's] parents, family, and friends continue to search Seattle and beyond. Strangers near and far are working on the case. Praying. Hoping. Pushing. But there have been no new leads since the last time I updated you. No bank activity. No online or phone activity. No progress in the police investigation.

We have been pressing the Jack in the Box Corporation to help us obtain surveillance video at one of its University District-area restaurants on the corner near her last known whereabouts. But still no help.

We are waiting to hear whether Google will help us obtain crucial web search/browsing history that could shed light on what happened, and whom she may have contacted or met, on the March 5 afternoon she disappeared. But still no word.

We have pressed the police to issue warrants to AT&T, Facebook, and AOL to preserve and obtain all relevant perishable data that could rule in or rule out foul play. But still no progress.

...and that's not good... Michelle, this certainly must be driving you nuts. Pure mental torture for any one of us to have to lose a loved one or a friend in this way. Our prayers are with you.
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Cart-wheeling verger Ben Sheward rebuked by stodgy clerics after becoming wedding web sensation


Shame on the Abbey clerics for scolding the cart-wheeling verger. There’s nothing wrong with showing joy in God’s house.

I’m sure Jesus didn’t mind one bit! To be able to do cartwheels at his age, Ben derserves a medal.

Daily Mail reports the Westminster Abbey verger who became an internet sensation after cart-wheeling down the nave following the Royal Wedding has been rebuked by senior staff.

Sources at the Abbey said the man was feeling ‘fairly chastened’ after his impromptu display of acrobatics was caught on film.

Although he is unlikely to face any formal disciplinary action, Abbey staff have warned him not to speak publicly about the incident.

While the Abbey has refused to identify him, sources have disclosed he is Ben Sheward, who lives in South London.

The sources said Mr Sheward is believed to have worked at the Abbey for ten years, and he has previously been pictured welcoming new choirboys by sharing sweets with them.
According to some sources, he has studied music in New Zealand and is an expert on the composer Edward Elgar.

Mr Sheward waited until some 1,900 guests had left the Abbey before seizing his chance to cartwheel down the red carpet that William and Kate had just walked along for the first time as a married couple.
In the clip, the black-cassocked verger is shown strolling down the carpet.

As a number of apparent stragglers from the wedding service look on, he embarks on one cart-wheel, smiles, and then squeezes in at least one other before disappearing out of shot.

ITV cameras caught his antics, which were beamed to millions of viewers around the world, ensuring the unsuspecting verger became an international celebrity.

The clip had already attracted 100,000 internet hits yesterday, and comments on various websites had come from as far afield as the United States and Australia. One said: ‘I think this self-publicist should be sacked!’ Most, however, praised him.

A Westminster Abbey spokesman said: ‘The verger, like all of us, was very pleased the service had gone according to plan, and was expressing his exuberance.’ He emphasised that the incident occurred some time after the wedding had finished.

But Abbey officials were keen to prevent the story spreading further yesterday with one saying: ‘We are just trying to keep a lid on this one. The verger has been spoken to a number of times and has been advised how to handle the situation.’

The official denied, however, that the man was in hiding, saying the Abbey had not resorted to such extreme measures.

Yesterday there was no sign of Mr Sheward amid the thousands of visitors to Westminster Abbey.

One verger, who was greeting the crowds, said: ‘We all found it jolly good fun when we heard but I don’t think he anticipated all the publicity.

‘I believe he thought the cameras would have been turned off by that point. Now some visitors are expecting all vergers to be doing cart-wheels.’

Another Abbey worker added: ‘It was lovely, just lovely. It reflected the joy we were all feeling at that point. But he really isn’t looking to become a media star – he isn’t that kind of guy.’

All of the carpets, furniture, fixtures and fittings which had been brought in for the wedding had been cleared away by Friday night.

The only evidence of the nuptials yesterday – besides the larger-than-usual number of visitors – were the 20ft potted trees lining the aisle.

A verger is usually a layman who assists in the ordering of religious services, particularly in Church of England churches or cathedrals.

A verger’s main role is to lead processions during services, and they often play a prominent part behind the scenes, helping to plan the logistical details of a service and discreetly shepherding the clergy through it. But they have a variety of other functions, from acting as odd-job men to guiding tourists around the buildings.

The office’s title comes from the ceremonial rod which a verger carries, a virge, from the Latin virga, meaning branch, staff or rod.
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Tempers flare and shoes are thrown at Pastor Terry Jones' Dearborn rally


Terry Jones may be out there, but not everything he has to say is off base. I have a problem with Muslims who refuse to assimilate to American culture no differently than if it were any other group.

But, Islam is the chic religion of the Left. As far as I’m concerned Islam is not a religion of peace at all. They put a much higher value on death and martyrdom which is why they have no problem strapping bombs to babies.

That’s pretty sick if you ask me!

Detroit Free Press reports amid a heavy police presence, Pastor Terry Jones delivered a rambling speech Friday from the steps of Dearborn City Hall that lashed out at Islam and President Barack Obama, but much of his words were drowned out by the voices of a swarm of protesters across the street who called him a bigot.

Jones repeatedly provoked the crowd and insulted them. At one point, he ignored police requests by ambling down to the front of police barricades while taunting his opponents.

Angered, some of those protesters stormed past their police barricades and marched across Michigan Avenue as they hurled bottles and shoes at Jones' supporters across from them. One woman spit in Jones' direction.

The young crowd then pushed down a security fence that separated them from Jones' supporters and surged forward, their faces tight with anger. For a moment, it appeared a major clash was about to break out.

But Arab-American leaders and police pushed back the angry group as dozens of police officers in full riot gear marched out in single file to separate the two sides. At least two were arrested. Dearborn Mayor John O'Reilly Jr. said afterward that Jones was responsible for creating the disturbance by ignoring city requests not to approach the barricade.

"He refused to comply," O'Reilly said. "He was asked, 'Please don't come to the barricade.' He just ignored us. ... His goal was to start trouble. ... That shows his character."

More details here

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Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood Now Plans Big Political Role


This is not a good development! But, it wasn’t like people Sean Hannity didn’t see this coming. Look for Egyptian women to be treated like 2nd class citizens, but worse than that, Israel’s security is in grave danger.

This was never a Democratic uprising, but rather an Islamofacist takeover pure and simple.

The Blaze reports the once outlawed Muslim Brotherhood says it will contest half of the seats in Egypt’s parliamentary elections in September, revealing plans to become a major force in the country’s post-revolution politics.
The elections will be the first since the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak by a popular uprising in February.

The Brotherhood remained Egypt‘s best organized opposition group despite a campaign by Mubarak’s regime to suppress it. It successfully fielded candidates in previous parliamentary elections as independents.
At a news conference Saturday, the Brotherhood named the leaders of its new Freedom and Justice party.

The party will test to what extent the Brotherhood is willing to moderate its rigid religious discourse to try to win broader political support.

More details here
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Missile kills Khadafy's youngest son, madman unharmed


Gadhafi forces are still winning the war in Libya. Of course the MSM won’t report that for obvious reasons.
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Naked man in China shins down drainpipe as police raid brothel


They have a death penalty in China for messing with prostitutes. So, this guy did what he thought had to do to avoid capture with his pants and everything else down.

Do you feel a draft?

Daily Mail reports one moment he thought he was just an anonymous punter in a backstreet brothel.
The next he's in the nude hanging off a drainpipe after police burst into the brothel he was using in eastern China.

As the doors were smashed down the customer, leaving his clothes behind, ran on to the roof of the rundown apartment bloc in Changchun, Jilin province.

He then shinned down what appears to be a huge drainpipe and then ran off into the backstreets.

But he was not alone in making his escape. Moments after he appeared on the roof, two women - one just wrapped in a towel - could be seen running across the roof.

In the centre of the image another forlorn customer can be seen hiding behind a packing crate.

China has severe anti-prostitution laws and punishments including the death penalty for anyone guilty of human trafficking.
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NetActive 30 April 2011

Barack Obama & the American Dream - Barack Obama would be a terrible poker player. He has certain “tells” that reveal his emotional status, especially when he is feeling nostalgic.

Jobs a Trump Presidency Would ‘Save or Create’ - **Written by Doug Powers Imagine for a moment that Donald Trump is elected president next year...

Should Doctors and Patients be Friends Online? - As many of my regular readers know, I have been a long time advocate for social media and I over the winter, I took a position as Social Media Manager for...

‘Top 10 reasons twitter is on top of the social media food chain’

Akhila K.
Beautiful series of posts on Gender Across Borders blog on intersectionality. Love this one: I am from...

Renee Schmidt
Check out: - My friend's site where SHE posts hip hop music, videos and cool other stuff :) @

Summer Jam 2011
Don't forget to to tune in to the Angie Martinez Show, Monday at 4pm for the official Summer Jam Artist Lineup!

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Permission to reprint this blog post in whole or in part is hereby granted, provided that the author (or authors) and Dave Lucas are properly cited. Permission to reprint any comments below is granted only for those comments written by Dave Lucas and staff.
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Rick Perry, Texas governor, rips Obama's trip to tornado-devastated Alabama: What about our fires?


I got a better point,Gov Perry!

Almost a year ago, Obama and the mainstream media virtually ignored the devastating flooding in Tennessee. He never visited there either.

I wonder if it’s because he lost Tennessee by double digits? Rush Limbaugh sure thought so.

New York Daily News reports as President Obama meets with Alabama families affected by deadly tornados that swept through the South earlier this week, Texas Gov. Rick Perry is asking: What about us?

The Republican, long a critic of the president, once again ripped the Obama administration Thursday. This time, he bashed Obama for not responding to an April 16 request for a declaration of emergency in the Lone Star State, where wildfires have destroyed nearly 2 million acres.

"You have to ask, 'Why are you taking care of Alabama and other states?'" said Perry.

Texas officials asked the White House to make the declaration, which would have allocated federal funds to help the state deal with the crisis.

"I know our letter didn't get lost in the mail," Perry added.

More details here

Obama is running for re-election. And even though he lost Alabama by nearly 20 points to John McCain, there’s still a significant numbers of African Americans in Alabama that heeds desperately needs to hold the White House.

This the visit. It’s as simple as that.

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Black Chamber of Commerce Head Harry Alford: Obama is ‘Fanatical’ & ‘Marxist’ — I Only Voted for Him ‘Because He’s Black’


The Obama White House is starting a fake Black Chamber of Commerce to fool the public. Well, it’s gonna work with some Black folks, lets be real here.

However, it must be noted that Obama visited Al Sharpton in New York a few weeks ago. That’s a big change because two years ago when running for president Obama didn’t wanna be seen with Sharpton in public. So something is up with the Black vote.

The Blaze reports that Harry Alford is the president and CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce. And boy is he entertaining. He’s also not a fan of many of the business positions Democrats have taken.
You might remember him for his fiery exchange with call-me-Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) in 2009, when he accused the senator of infusing race into a congressional hearing:

Today he joined Laura Ingraham on her radio show to talk about Obama’s business policies. He started with this:

“Obama wanted the National Black Chamber to dance to his music and have blind allegiance to his crazy programs and agenda, which are totally anti-business. We are a pro-business organization. So we have to stand on the side of business, and the benefit of our members, which are black entrepreneurs.”

Eventually he got to calling Obama and the administration “Marxist” and “fanatical.”
“They might as well put on the brown shirts and swastikas,” he said.
But that’s not all. Alford also admitted he only voted for Obama “because he’s [Obama] black,” a move he now regrets.

“That is a lesson I will take to my grave,” he said solemnly, later saying Obama is “wrecking” the country and is “dangerous.”

You can listen to the entire, extremely opinionated interview below:
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GOP in Crisis: Testosterone deficiency leaves America on suicidal path


The problems of this country, massive deficient, insane spending, and morale decline will not be addressed by the Democrat Party because they’re policies are the root causes for the mess that we’re in.

The only group that can right this course is the GOP!

However, what the GOP doesn’t realize is that they have a serious lack men who aren’t afraid to fight. Too many of the guys on our side are timid and soft.

They think they can operate in the PC environment that Liberals have cleverly set up, and win. That’s why so many GOPers have already neutered themselves before the battle ever begins. They’re too cowardly to break out and throw caution to the wind and say what needs to be said.

What Donald Trump has done is expose and indict the Achilles' heel that’s infecting the party—lack of courage.

It’s a sad state of affairs and unless these guys in the GOP or any GOPer running for office puts their balls back on, the country is doomed forever.
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Video: Incredible cart wheeling verger Ben Sheward down Abbbey aisle Royal Wedding

Friday, April 29, 2011 0 comments

I promised myself that I wasn’t going to blog about the Royal Wedding. I didn’t get up at 4:00 am to watch it. But, I did switch to it after the Mets were losing to the Phillies.

Yeah, it was cool to watch.

But after I saw this story, I couldn’t resist anymore, so shoot me.

Daily Mail reports the relief of getting the wedding out of the way was etched not just on the faces of the people involved but also in the actions of one of the clergymen.

Verger Ben Sheward decided that after the majority of the guests had gone he would do some acrobatics and cartwheeled down the aisle at Westminster Abbey.
The joy of the nation was summed up in his actions caught on camera as ITV continued to film what was going on inside the abbey to millions of people watching worldwide.

That was fun to see!

Good luck, Will and Kate!
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Spider Monkey a Ben 10 ultimate form

spider monkey
Above picture is Ben 10's ultimate alien form when he turns into Spider Monkey. Not the typical folk tale that started with "spider monkey was wandering in the forest looking for food and came upon a glass jug with a piece of food in the bottom. He reached deep inside the jug and grabbed the food in his fist."

Here's the description of Ben 10's Spider Monkey alien form. [Source Ben 10 Wiki Planet]

Spidermonkey or Spider Monkey is an alien with 4 arms, 4 eyes and 2 legs, a feature Spidermonkey has in common with Fourarms and Stinkfly. Spidermonkey can spin webs from his tail which were at one point stated to be as strong as steel, although it can be shredded, only by strong enemies though. He has supernatural adhesive skills, and has superhuman agility. He can also swim. In the episode Birds of a Feather, Simion, an Arachnichimp, said that their ears are better than humans, so he may have a highly strong sense of hearing, too. He is also good at hand-to-hand combat. He also has above average strength (stronger than a human) as seen in Absolute Power: Part 2 when he hit Kevin with a metal pole which sent him flying.
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Spider Monkey a Ben 10 ultimate form

spider monkey
Above picture is Ben 10's ultimate alien form when he turns into Spider Monkey. Not the typical folk tale that started with "spider monkey was wandering in the forest looking for food and came upon a glass jug with a piece of food in the bottom. He reached deep inside the jug and grabbed the food in his fist."

Here's the description of Ben 10's Spider Monkey alien form. [Source Ben 10 Wiki Planet]

Spidermonkey or Spider Monkey is an alien with 4 arms, 4 eyes and 2 legs, a feature Spidermonkey has in common with Fourarms and Stinkfly. Spidermonkey can spin webs from his tail which were at one point stated to be as strong as steel, although it can be shredded, only by strong enemies though. He has supernatural adhesive skills, and has superhuman agility. He can also swim. In the episode Birds of a Feather, Simion, an Arachnichimp, said that their ears are better than humans, so he may have a highly strong sense of hearing, too. He is also good at hand-to-hand combat. He also has above average strength (stronger than a human) as seen in Absolute Power: Part 2 when he hit Kevin with a metal pole which sent him flying.
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Why Trump resonates (F bomb speech) with Republicans and what GOPers should take from it


We already know that Donald Trump is a very successful businessman. We already know he’s a real leader that knows what it takes to create jobs in the “real world.” There’s nothing theoretical about the guy. He didn’t cut his teeth in the classrooms and hallways at Harvard like a certain community organizer in the White House.

He did it in the cold, no non-sense world of American and Global business where profits are the measure of how well the business is doing.

But, all that is not the reason he’s hitting home runs with voters poll after poll. Bottom line, cut to the chase, the reason why Republicans are gravitating to Trump is because he’s saying EVERTHING REPUBLICANS WANNA HEAR that the present GOP Washington-class leaders are TOO CFHICKEN SHIT to SAY.
It’s as simple as that and the sooner these feckless bastards in the GOP realize that the better ti will be for them. These GOP morons have to get it into their thick skulls that America wants bold leadership, not a bunch of “Me-too” “tits on a bull” Republicans that are too damn timid to take it to BaraCK Obama and the Democrats.

Now, I don’t know if Trump is running, he might not. But, if he does these other men in the race for the nomination better step up their game! And I’ll tell you this. I’m not worried about Michele Bachmann or Sarah Palin because they already have more balls than Mitt Romney or Pawlenty.

Trump is the only male equivalent to Bachmann and Palin. That’s the damn problem with the GOP—too many weak ass, panty wearing, wanna be loved by the media guys like John Boehenr and Eric Cantor.

These metro sexual Republican RINOS needs to get the fuck out the Party and let real men like Allen West and Mark Rubio take over!

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Millionaire Lottery Winner Hawking Book

If I were a big prize winner, I wouldn't bother selling anything on the net - I'd be too busy spending money and planning for my future.

Found in my "spam" email inbox: a message from LARRY!
Hover and click on the images to see what I've seen! Here's a link to "Larry"'s website, via the e-mail:

And here's a link to the Oklahoma Lottery:


Why is "Larry" hiding his identity? (If that is "Larry" writing me?)
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BlogCatalog Raising Ca$h for MyBlogLog Acquisition?

MyBlogLog is closing soon. BlogCatalog is trying to take it over, and my guess is they are trying to fund a purchase by gouging bloggers with their "$150 a month" "Power Blogger" program. Looks like they need a few more bucks.

Even though they have banned my blog from BlogCatalog, (the slap in the face came AFTER I blogged nicely about them) they continue to "keep me informed" via email.

Let's face it: Facebook and Twitter have really sucked the life out of both MyBlogLog and that ridiculous runner-up "Blog Catalog."

Here's the scOOp from the MBL e-mail:
Since initial enrollment for the Power Blogger program closed, we have been swamped with emails asking how to become part of this exclusive group. In response, we have opened Power Blogger enrollment up to 10 more success-driven bloggers. Take advantage of this limited-time offer and secure your spot as one of the next blogging sensations. Don't waste another minute reading someone else's online success story. Sign up for Power Blogger and start writing your own.
Let's see. They want to sell 10 spots at $150 a month. That's $1500 a month. And they have some signed up already, so maybe we can assume if they are borrowing money to buy MyBlogLog from yahoo, they need to pay back the loan at about $3000 or more a month, for X number of months...

Looks like they also have some "big name blogger" endorsements from bloggers with snazzy websites (maybe a little too snazzy for the rest of us)

Meantime, the folks at Famous Bloggers have been dealing with an invader.

And I continue to RECOMMEND ENTRECARD to all my fellow-bloggers!

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Permission to reprint this blog post in whole or in part is hereby granted, provided that the author (or authors) and Dave Lucas are properly cited. Permission to reprint any comments below is granted only for those comments written by Dave Lucas and staff.
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Obama “bans” reporter Carla Marinucci after she used smartphone to video tape protesters at DNC fund raiser


I guess the president doesn’t want the news to get out that he gets protestors at his events and it isn’t all love anymore for “The One!”

It’s only suppose to be worship and fainting at his very presence and he can’t have modern tech f’ening up his image that he’s work so hard on to fool the public at large.

SF Gate reports that the hip, transparent and social media-loving Obama administration is showing its analog roots. And maybe even some hypocrisy highlights.

White House officials have banished one of the best political reporters in the country from the approved pool of journalists covering presidential visits to the Bay Area for using now-standard multimedia tools to gather the news.

The Chronicle's Carla Marinucci - who, like many contemporary reporters, has a phone with video capabilities on her at all times - pulled out a small video camera last week and shot some protesters interrupting an Obama fundraiser at the St. Regis Hotel.

She was part of a "print pool" - a limited number of journalists at an event who represent their bigger hoard colleagues - which White House press officials still refer to quaintly as "pen and pad" reporting.

But that's a pretty Flintstones concept of journalism for an administration that presents itself as the Jetsons. Video is every bit a part of any journalist's tool kit these days as a functioning pen that doesn't leak through your pocket.

In fact, Carla and her reporting colleague, Joe Garofoli, founded something called "Shaky Hand Productions" - the semi-pro, sometimes vertiginous use of a Flip or phone camera by Hearst reporters to catch more impromptu or urgent moments during last year's California gubernatorial race that might otherwise be missed by TV.

The name has become its own brand; often politicians even ask if anyone from Shaky Hand will show at their event. For Carla, Joe and reporters at other Hearst newsrooms where Shaky Hand has taken hold, this was an appropriate dive into use of other media by traditional journalists catering to audiences who expect their news delivered in all modes and manners.

That's the world we live in and the President of the United States claims to be one of its biggest advocates.

Just the day before Carla's Stone Age infraction, Mr. Obama was at Facebook seated next to its founder, Mark Zuckerberg, and may as well have been wearing an "I'm With Mark" t-shirt for all the mutual admiration going back and forth.

More details here

No, the tech savvy president can only be portrayed in a positive light. I like the, “we paid our dues, where’s our change?” Very catchy, I could see it on T-shirts for 2012.

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Internet Surfers - Proceed with Caution

Wi-Fi networks are popping up nearly everywhere and many consumers don’t realize the dangers, including real threats of identity theft, that come with using a Wi-Fi connection that is not your own. According to a recent poll conducted by Wakefield Research and Wi-Fi Alliance, 32 percent of respondents said they have tried to get on a Wi-Fi network that was not their own, 18 percent more than a December 2008 poll. The Better Business Bureau, along with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), urges consumers to think ahead before surfing the Web on a Wi-Fi hotspot.
Wi-Fi hotpots like coffee shops, libraries, airports, hotels and universities are all breeding grounds for hackers. According to the FTC, new hacking tools—available for free online—make hacking easy, even for users with limited technical know-how.
Consumers should be cautious before using a non-secure wireless network and before sending personal information via unencrypted websites. When surfing on a non-secure Internet connection, an individual’s personal information, private documents, contacts, photos and even login information can be up for grabs as other users on the network have the capability of seeing what is being sent.
David Polino, Better Business Bureau President, warns consumers against two popular security scams that can be associated with using an unsecure Internet connection. “Many consumers don’t realize the repercussions that come from using a Wi-Fi hotspot. Phishing, a popular e-mailing scam, and text message scams, grow rapidly when hackers obtain access to personal information on the Web via an unsecure Wi-Fi network.” BBB urges consumers to protect themselves from such scams by securing their Internet surfing.
In order to confirm that an Internet connection is secure, BBB advises consumers to follow the FTC’s top Wi-Fi tips:
  • Make sure the connection is protected by a unique password. If a Wi-Fi hotspot doesn’t ask for a password, the Internet connection is not secure. If a hotspot asks for a password just to grant access, consumers should proceed as if the connection were unsecured. Only trust home and work internet connections that are protected by a customized user password. Wi-Fi hotspot connections with generic passwords are vulnerable to hackers.
  • Transmitted information should be encrypted. When sending personal information like addresses, credit card numbers and Social Security numbers over the Internet, make sure the website is fully encrypted and the network is secure. Look for https (the “s” stands for secure) at the beginning of the URL address to confirm its security.
  • Don’t stay permanently logged-in to wireless hotspots. Never leave your Internet connection running while your computer is unattended and make sure to log-off after every use.
  • Change your passwords frequently. When creating new accounts, make sure you use different passwords. Do not use the same password for different sites. If one password is hacked, the chances of other accounts being hacked becomes greater with repeated passwords.
For more advice on security scams, visit or to learn more about protecting your privacy online and what to do if your information is compromised, visit and
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What the Lib media fails to accept is that Obama is a reality TV star, too!

Thursday, April 28, 2011 0 comments

There’s a term is psychology known as “projection” in which a person lays their own inner guilt over something upon someone else and blames them for the very thing they’re guilty of doing. It’s the cheating wife constantly accusing her husband of infidelity, or the fat slob counting how many times other people load up at the all you can eat food buffet.

Well, the same thing is true with the media’s dismissive attitude toward Donald Trump as just a reality TV star. First of all Trump was an extremely successful businessman 20 years before reality TV was ever invented. But, the bigger point is that there’s no bigger realty TV star than Barack Obama.

He got his big launch by Oprah Winfrey and Ellen DeGeneres. Gimmie a break here! There’s never been such lesser qualified candidate for president in the history of American politics. Obama never served as a governor, or mayor. He never ran a business—not even a lemon aide stand. Prior to his election, everything about Obma was based on optics and atmospherics. He dressed well and could a teleprompter better than anyone on the planet. But, take that teleprompter away and he thinks the United States is made of more than 57 states. He looks like a president should, calm, cool, collected. And enough stupid Americans, those that get their news from Jon Stewart, voted for him.

But, Barack Obama couldn’t fake the funk forever because although the media is powerful, they can’t do the job as president for him.

And now that he’s got a record of failure and disaster as president. The American people can row realize he’s really an empty suit that was always more sizzle than steak, or in other word, the Barack Obama as president reality show TV that’s taking America down the tubes!

There's no difference between Dog the Bounty Hunter and Barack Obama!

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All About About!

Suddenly, all bloggers are knuckleheads.

The latest "advice" craze among "guru" bloggers involves tweaking or otherwise "tuning up" any blog or website's "ABOUT" page!

I've noticed a lot of articles like this one are making the rounds. And here's a somewhat milder post:
Richard Adams writes::: "Your readers want to know who *you* are. They want to know what makes you unique, what your experiences are and why they can trust what you’re writing." TRUE, but you don't HAVE to tell them everything anything.
Let's examine this realistically: quite simply, everyone has his or her own unique comfort level. No one should be compelled to believe they need give up more information than they would feel comfortable with. I don't believe that spilling your guts or detailing your resume is a requirement for an effective "about" page. I think the topic is without all the merit recently attributed to it, and is on its way to becoming another vehicle for "guru" bloggers to get links, sell ebooks and kiss each other's fannies.

RIPPED from Google: a few of the more legit advice articles...
Ideas for Crafting a Better 'About' Page - Baymard Institute
Awesome About Page Designs for Inspiration -
How to write about yourself, "about" pages |

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Permission to reprint this blog post in whole or in part is hereby granted, provided that the author (or authors) and Dave Lucas are properly cited. Permission to reprint any comments below is granted only for those comments written by Dave Lucas and staff.
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Today's lesson is all about BRANDING...

I've told you before how certain celebrities and blogebrities achieved fame via artificial internet buzz... now here's another celebrity who plays PR like a virtuoso plays a violin... this is something you should STUDY ON YOUR OWN and think of ways you can apply these techniques to BLOGGING!
I offered this comment earlier this week to an article I clicked on via microblogging platform twitter:

"You wrote “How do you shake off old paradigms and see something with new eyes?” – that can be a tall order. Perspective and knowledge come into play. For someone new to writing, blogging, publishing – your tips and techniques are like opening a treasure box. For somebody like me who has been reading (and writing) good advice for a long time, I ask myself “How many more times can we re-invent the same stuff and recycle it over and over again,” which is exactly the role the “guru” must play… to shake off those old paradigms one needs to (I hate to say it) “think outside the box.”

A better example might be the career of rap artist Nicki Minaj, who went from a relatively unremarkable, rather plain-looking minor player to a glam SUPERSTAR in demand for collaborative projects with the likes of Mariah Carey, Britney Spears etc., all in a relatively short 4-year timespan. Particulary interesting is how Minaj hijacked the “Barbie” franchise without stepping on any copyright toes: This could be a great lesson for bloggers… Minaj-icize your blogs!
Make sure you save/print this link: observe the "before" and "after" photographs. Now, substitute YOU and YOUR BLOG for the "before" ---- how do you want things to be/look "after" ?????
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Video: California man arrested for reading Bible outside DMV


Many times people don’t like to hear he Bible read to them because they can’t handle being convicted by it.

The Blaze reports when Mark Mackey, a member of the local Calvary Chapel, showed up to the DMV office in Hemet, CA on February 2, he had a goal: read the Bible and introduce those waiting in line to the “gospel of Jesus Christ.” And for about 15 minutes he was successful. That is until a California Highway Patrolman took the Bible from his hands, arrested him, and told him he was guilty of preaching to a “captive audience.”

So much for freedom of speech.
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Andrew Cuomo's eStop

e-STOP Marks Third Anniversary as One of the Most Effective Internet Safety Laws in the Nation

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that e-STOP has resulted in the removal of more than 24,000 accounts and online profiles linked to registered sex offenders.

The Electronic Security and Targeting of Online Predators Act (e-STOP), authored by Cuomo when he served as Attorney General and passed unanimously by the Legislature in April of 2008, established numerous groundbreaking protections.

It requires sex offenders to register and keep up-to-date all current email accounts, screen names, and any other Internet identifiers with the state Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS). The list is then given to more than two dozen social networking companies on a weekly basis and those sites use it to purge offenders.

"e-STOP is one of the most effective Internet safety laws in the nation, directly responsible for keeping thousands of sex offenders off-line and away from our children," Governor Cuomo said. "I commend the social networking sites that have agreed to continually use our data to ensure the safety of their users. e-STOP shows that New York continues to be on the forefront of Internet safety and its success is an example of what can be accomplished when we work together."

Provisions of the e-STOP law include:
    · Requiring sex offenders register all of their Internet accounts and identifiers (e-mail addresses and designations used for chat, instant messaging, social networking, or other similar Internet communication) with DCJS.
    · Authorizing DCJS to release state sex offender Internet identifiers to social networking sites and certain other online services to prescreen or remove sex offenders from using the site's services and notify law enforcement authorities and other government officials in conformity with state and federal law of potential violations and threats to public safety.
    · Requiring mandatory Internet restrictions for all level 3 sex offenders, offenders whose victims were under 18, and offenders who used the Internet to victimize a minor.

Laura A. Ahearn, L.M.S.W, Executive Director of Parents for Megan's Law and the Crime Victims Center said, "Regardless of the office he holds, to us, Andrew Cuomo will always be the Sheriff of Cyberspace. As parents and lawmakers struggle to keep up with the dangers of an ever-expanding digital universe, Governor Cuomo has stepped in, passed an effective law, and kept the spotlight on Internet safety. We applaud his successful efforts to expand provisions of Megan's Law to the Internet."
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Around The Blogosphere 28 April 2011

A controversial shutdown of three localised British blogs has readers scratching their heads. The blogs served netizens in Cardiff, Edinburgh and Leeds. Each location had its own reporter aka "beatblogger"- DJ Leekee blogs::: "Launched as a local experiment in 3 cities throughout the UK, Guardian Local was set-up to connect local citizens to information sources and resources in their areas and bring them local stories, news and features that mattered to them!"
Don't forget to stop back here on the blog tonight at 7:37 PM New York (Eastern) Time for the latest installment of THE BLOGGING CLASS! I think you'll find tonight's lesson particularly interesting!
AMERICAN DREAM SMASHED BY "BEAST" ::: (CBSNewYork) — In a fiery courtroom faceoff, a heartbroken mother lashed out at the sentencing of the monster who brutally raped and killed her daughter.

CBS 2’s Pablo Guzman was in the Queens courtroom as the woman confronted the killer through a translator.

“Come back my daughter! My only child!” the mother said.

Even the most hardened courtroom observers were wiping their eyes. The mother, Guihua Yu, had traveled from a remote part of China to confront Carlos Cruz, 29, the man who beat, raped and killed her daughter last May.

Guihua Yao said her 23-year-old daughter, Yu Yao, had just arrived in the land of her dreams – America.

BLOGGER DAN NGUYEN has that all-important BACKSTORY.

Finally: Catholic Church suspends rogue Chicago Rev. Michael Pfleger - News out of the Windy City tonight: Chicago’s Cardinal Francis George has at long last suspended prog nutball Rev. Michael Pfleger.

The appearance of Egyptian political activist and tweep Gigi Ibrahim on The Daily Show brought a wave of support and protests from fellow tweeps, who covered the Egyptian revolution. Tarek Amr wrote this post for Global Voices.

Malaysia: Boot Camp to “Help” Effeminate Boys
Based on their effeminate tendencies, 66 schoolboys from the state of Terengganu in Malaysia were recently sent to a boot camp aimed at "helping them behave in a proper manner". The boys were identified by their schools, who were instructed last year to identify students who displayed feminine qualities. The blogoshere in Malaysia is divided over this issue.

Digi has launched the DiGi WWWOW Award, it's 1st people’s choice Internet awards for Malaysians by Malaysians.

On the heels of Japan's flying girl, here come Taiwan's lying girls. The Lying Girls will show you a really, totally, different way of viewing Taiwan…

Would You Pay For Search? - How much would you pay for Google if it were not free?

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Muslim Actress Sila Sahin Receives Threats For Posing in Playboy


A Muslim actress, who posed nude in the German edition of Playboy, has caused quite a stir in the Islamic community of Germany.

Fox News reports:

Sila Sahin, a 25-year-old Turkish German living in Berlin, has been branded a “whore” and a “Western slut” after appearing topless on the cover of the magazine’s May 2011 issue, The Sun reports.

Sahin’s photographs, according to posts on Islamic websites, have shamed “Muslim womanhood” and depict her “prostituting herself for money,” the newspaper reports.
“She needs to be very careful,” one post read, according to the Sun.
“She must pay,” another read.

(h/t) The Blaze
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Obama declares state of emergency for tornados that rocked parts of Alabama death rises to 72


This is really tough to see. The power of God is something to behold. Look for the climater change nuts to crawl out the woodwork and blame man for this storm.

It has to be too much use of fossil fuels causing this strange weather, right? God has nothing to do with it?

Think again!

Daily Mail reports:

• Current death toll stands at 58 in Alabama, 11 in Mississippi, two in Georgia and one in Tennessee

• Alabama university town of Tuscaloosa one of worst hit areas and amazing video shows tornado hitting

• Louisiana police officer killed in Mississippi when a tree fell onto his tent as he shielded his young daughter

Severe weather across South could beat 1974 record of 148 tornadoes in 16 hours

Severe storms laced with tornadoes battered America’s South on Wednesday and killed at least 72 people across four states.

Fifty-eight people died in Alabama, 11 in Mississippi, two in Georgia and one in Tennessee - with parts of the city that is home to the University of Alabama destroyed by a gigantic tornado.

Homes and buildings across Tuscaloosa were taken apart, one hospital said its emergency room had admitted at least 100 people and a video showed paramedics lifting a child out of a flattened home.

The storm system spread destruction on Tuesday night and Wednesday from Texas to Georgia, and it is forecast to hit the Carolinas next and then move further northeast.

A state of emergency was declared in Alabama, where 15 were killed just in Birmingham, and drivers were abandoning their cars in Tuscaloosa as traffic was halted by downed trees and power lines.

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Anybody who gets up 4:00 am to watch Kate Middleton and Prince William get married is a LOOOOSEEEEER!!!


Gimmie a break with all this royal wedding stuff!

Hey, I have nothing against Kate and William, they seem like nice people. But, the American press is trying so hard to make this bigger than Prince Charles marrying Lady Dianna, and it’s soooo far from that.

Bottom lime, Kate and Will couldn’t be more boring! Somebody hit my snooze bottom I’m falling asleep again (yawn).

Much love to my British readers though, this is nothing personal, only business.
God Save the Queen!

I’m a Prince Harry fan. He’s the cool one. I would watch his wedding.
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The problem with the GOP in congress is that they’re a bunch of punks!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011 0 comments

I have known to be very harsh on President Obama, and deservedly so. He’s an incompetent mess that presiding over the decline of the country, and he doesn’t care.

However, no one seems to notice how very critical I’ve been with the feckless punk ass GOPers in congress who are so afraid of taking Obama head on. They’re such a bunch of politically correct poll driven pussies that I’m totally ashamed of these weak ass men

We need more Jim Demints, Marco Rubios and Allen Wests to be the norm in the GOP. I’m sick and tired of these bitch ass John Boehners and Eric Cantors who are so afraid of the media. Act like God damn men, not like a bunch of panty wearing pussies that are afraid of their shadows. If these jerks need to be primaried, so be it! Just because ya’ got and R after your name doesn’t mean shit! You’re expendable at the ballot box for true strong conservatives.
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Let me breakdown the man-made climate change myth for ya’ll


We have scientists, doctors and other researchers actively trying to find a cure for diseases like cancer, right? In order to keep that research money coming in, scientists have to constantly remind us, “Hey we have this cancer and that cancer to deal with and try to cure for!”

Totally understandable, right?

Well, around the world we have scientists who are dedicated to finding the cause of so-called “man-made climate change”. So what do you think these scientists are gonna say in order to keep the millions of dollars of research money coming in?

“Climate change is really happening!”

Now where is my check?
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