
SEO for my blog! (Yours too!)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Bloggers! It's time you engage!

Click here::: Blog Engage Blog Forum and Blogging Community, Free Blog Submissions and Blog Traffic, Blog Directory, Article Submissions, Blog Traffic!!!

Have you noticed the Blog Engage advert appearing directly below this blog's Google ads? Have you clicked on it and investigated? It represents a ground-floor opportunity. Did you ever wish you had joined entrecard or adgitize or sweeva or any other service when that service was BRAND NEW?

You've been given another chance! An opportunity to work with and be part of a great team assembled by Affiliate Lights and Blog Engage! Don't just sit there an let it pass you by!

Blog Engage's RSS Service offers a great and exciting feature for many bloggers with genuine value and benefit. The service automatically syndicates a bloggers content on an hourly basis into our community creating do follow back links and web site traffic.

Blog Engage is also Google Adsense Revenue Sharing which means the customers also benefit from any ads our visitors click on their submitted story pages.

All our customers content is also automatically submitted to our sister site Blog Serp which is also do follow. This will help increase your SEO even more by increasing your backlinks. Your content will be automatically published when syndicated to Blog Serp and will not be subject to the “Upcoming Process”. Content will be submitted under General Blogging and under the blogengage account.

Affiliate Lights has reduced the minimum amount needed for a payout from 100 USD to 25 USD.

We've added more banner images for our members to use and hopefully this will help you create more sales. The Affiliate lights program has already gotten 5 sales within the first 3 days of operations. This is a great start and with your help we can create an even bigger buzz in the blogosphere.

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