
Fatwa: Kill Colonel Khadafi! (So we won't have to worry how to spell his name correctly)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Gadhafi: "Hell no, I won't go!"

Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi vows “to fight to the last drop of blood” as clashes intensify between rebels and his loyalists in the capital, Tripoli and witnesseses describe the streets as a "war zone."

Influential Muslim cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi issued a fatwa on Monday that any Libyan soldier who can shoot dead embattled leader Moamer Kadhafi should do so "to rid Libya of him." This is on the level of, let's imagine, Justin Bieber telling kids to burn any Christine Aguilera CDs they find around the house... :::MoRe:::

Cuba's former leader Fidel Castro warned Tuesday that unrest in Libya may be a pretext for a NATO invasion. Nicaragua's Daniel Ortega has jumped to the support of the embattled leader of the North African nation, saying he telephoned to express solidarity. Qadafy says he's standing his ground. (And won't back down, adds Tom Petty).

World stocks fell on Tuesday as the growing revolt in Libya drove crude prices to 30-month highs in New York and London [prices for North Sea Brent LCOc1 touched $108.57 a barrel before paring some gains], prompting fears the unrest could spread to other major oil suppliers in the region and harm global growth. Gas prices are skyrocketing.

ليبيا ليست تونس او مصر !! - صورة

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