
al-Qaradawi, The Muslim Brotherhood & The Future

Sunday, February 20, 2011
Muslim televangelist Yusuf al-Qaradawi says he knows what the Muslim Brotherhood in Egpyt thinks -- and he provides clues to how they might act. A profile in Germany's Der Spiegel called him the "Muslim Dear Abby." He made an appearance in Cairo on Friday.

Washington may reconsider the Muslim Brotherhood and engage with the moderate Islamist movement. Or not...

The Society of the Muslim Brothers (often simply الإخوان Al-Ikhwān, The Brotherhood or MB) is an Islamic transnational movement and the largest political opposition organization in many Arab states. The group is the world's oldest and largest Islamic political group, founded in 1928 by Hasan al-Banna, a 22-year-old elementary school teacher, as an Islamic revivalist movement in Egypt, after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. The group has followers in 70+ countries. The Brotherhood was not the lead actor in the demonstrations in Egypt leading up to the resignation of Hosni Mubarak, but it played an important supporting role and made a conscious effort not to hijack the revolution away from idealistic young people brought together by social networking.
Related: A Young Girl's Response to Anti-Islamic Sentiment in the USA.
Readers can get a better understanding of the Muslim Brotherhood influence in America by reviewing Sayyid Qutb’s works ‘Milestones’ [ pdf ] and ‘In The Shade of The Quran’ (15 volumes, also downloadable in pdf form here). Chris Gaubatz has written "My Life Inside CAIR and The Muslim Brotherhood" - in which he purports to reveal the true aim of the organization.

A Look At The Youth Of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood

Journalist Charles Sennott recently returned from Tahrir Square, where he was filming a documentary on the revolution for PBS's Frontline. It focuses on the young members of the Muslim Brotherhood [official website] who played an important role in Egypt's revolution. [Audio report].

So where exactly is all this leading to? It's that little bug of social revolution, of political upheaval, of "time for a change." Once it gets momentum going, it is very difficult to stop.

We cannot and should not FEAR change, but we can ACCEPT it and DEAL WITH IT! Remember, nothing is forever!

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For The Chinese Islamist organization known as the Muslim Brotherhood, see Yihewani.


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