
The Internet as a Liberator

Saturday, February 12, 2011
When the celebration is finally over, what will befall Egypt? And was the internet, especially twitter and facebook, a catalyst for social change?

So much at stake now in the middle east and the land of the pyramids! How many other revolutions down through history turned out BAD for the people? Hmm... the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, and a few years ago the failed revolution in Iran...

Doomengloomers have been speculating (almost hoping) that once the party's over, the Muslim Brotherhood or some other radical group will seize the reins of power in Egypt, turning it into, perhaps, another Iran... taking control of oil flowing through the Suez canal and killing the United States' financial recovery (which would mesh nicely with Al-Qaeda's long term goals).

Gil Scott-Heron's forecast that the revolution"will not be televised" could possibly come true, as the unblinking eye is not keeping watch in radical tents... the months ahead will reveal the true future of Egypt.

There is a marked difference between what happened in Egypt and what people tried to make happen in Iran. The military held the key in both cases. While no one knows the true intentions of Egypt's military, the soldiers appear at this time to be acting on the people's behalf. We'll see...



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