
Now is NOT the time to buy a new car...

Monday, February 21, 2011
A little while ago I sent out a tweet after driving past the Voorheesville Stewart's Shoppe, where GASOLINE was selling for $3.45 a gallon! "Uh-oh," I thought to myself, "how long before people start cutting back on other purchases." A few minutes later when arriving at my destination, Saki Tumi had her tv on, watching the NBC Nightly News, where the top story of the day, the Arab Revolution spreading to Libya, carried additional information that "oil company workers from various nations are being evacuated" --- well, that was all I had to hear! The fate of the American economy now rests in thewinds of change sweeping across North Africa. And earlier today, I heard a radio talk show host mention he "wouldn't be surprised if revolution fever didn't break out in China," and sure enough, NBC news reported that revolutionaries staged protests in China that were quickly snuffed out by the authorities.

What next, world? What next!


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