
NetActive 22 July 2011

Friday, July 22, 2011
McLuhan at 100 - It's Marshall McLuhan's 100th birthday. What would McLuhan have done? A flash crowd meetup? Or republish an old interview from Playboy in 1969? You may be amazed by The Technium article. If you don't read anything else today...

Former U.S. President Bill Clinton and Haitian President Joseph Martelly met in Port-au-Prince on Thursday (July 21) to discuss reconstruction efforts and visit a housing expo. A year and a half after the massive 7.0 earthquake decimated the capital city and killed hundreds of thousands of people, 635,000 of the country's poorest residents are still living in tent camps. Clinton, who as Co-Chairman of the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission has devoted much of his efforts into alleviating poverty in the Western hemisphere's poorest nation, lauded the efforts of Martelly, who took office earlier this year. (Watch the Video via NTN24)

Spat of the Day: Google+ Removes Business Profiles via the Wall Street Journal (blog) Yesterday Google axed pages set up by Sesame Street and Ford Motor Company as well as the blogs Mashable and Search Engine Land. The reason, Google manager Christian Oestlien later explained in a post and a YouTube video, was that the “platform at the ...

Long Before Google+, Google Declared War On Facebook With OpenSocial - Google and Facebook are at war. We've known this for a while. Of course, neither side will admit to it, but they are. Winner takes the Internet.
Blogging Is Hard – With A Capital H! That's the word from Marya, posting on FamousBloggers!

is a passionate writer, blogger and a thinker. When she is not writing online , she is often found mimicking the properties of a bookworm, or enjoying delicious food - cooked by capable restaurant people. Catch more of her posts at Writing happiness. Follow her @WritingH.

via CNET- Jul 22, 2011 by Jay Greene The beginning of Sun's Jonathan Schwartz's 2007 blog post praising Google's use of Java in Android. In the midst of its nasty legal battle with Google, Oracle seems to have resorted to a bit of Web site scrubbing. ...

The Great Pretenders: China’s “Unfire-able” English Teachers - The majority of China’s private ESL institutions are considerably less legitimate.These schools hire English teachers with one, basic requirement: a white ...


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