
Amy Winehouse, Nafissatou Diallo, Anders Behring Breivik

Monday, July 25, 2011
She's Come Out!

Nafissatou Diallo on US tv


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Norway: A Firsthand Account of the Massacre in Utøya

Compiled from various sources includingSolana Larsen for Global Voices Online

The world is still in shock over the mass-murder of at least 85 people attending a political youth camp on the island Utøya in Norway on the evening of Friday, 22 July 2011. The killer, now identified as Anders Behring Breivik, masqueraded as a police officer before opening fire on everyone around him, and chasing those who fled to the water.


Says he wanted to 'save Europe'...

Killer Warns of 'More Cells'...

Breivik is also the prime suspect behind a bombing in Oslo only few hours earlier that killed seven people and caused extensive damage to government buildings.

Thoma Roche of Techyumblog posted an analysis entitled ‘Inside the Mind of the Norwegian Terrorist'. The fact that the terrorist pinpointed Japan and South Korea as clear examples of countries that consistently and directly dismissed multiculturalism has drawn various responses in South Korea

The Utøya summer camp is an annual event of AUF (Arbejdernes Ungdomsfylking) the youth organization of the Norwegian Labour Party. Young people from across the country gather to discuss politics, listen to music, play sports and hear speeches by current and former politicians. Utøya is less than an hour's drive from central Oslo. Earlier in the day, before the gunman arrived, AUF's Twitter feed [no] and the#Utøya hashtag showed that approximately 700 participants were discussing the environment, women's rights, and Middle East politics. It was raining, but the mood was good. Later, the Twitter account went silent. More...

This post is also available in these languages:::
Español· Noruega: Relato de primera mano de la masacre en Utøya
Nederlands· Noorwegen: Ooggetuigenverslag van het bloedbad in Utøya
한국어· 노르웨이: 우토야 섬 학살, 생존자의 생생한 증언
Italiano· Norvegia: testimonianza diretta sulla strage di Utøya
Français· Norvège : Témoignage d’une rescapée de la fusillade d’Utøya


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