
Congressional leaders kick Obama to the curb to get some real negotiations on debt deal

Sunday, July 24, 2011
How much more evidence is needed that President Obama is in over his head? He’s never submitted a counter proposal to Cut, Cap and Balance. Does he really know how to do anything other than agitate like your basic garden variety community organizer?

Obama the Most Merciful is angling for the country to go into default so he can blame it on the GOP. It’s the only thing left to revive his presidency.


First came the Biden talks. When those blew up, the Obama-Boehner talks took center stage. And when that failed, the McConnell-Reid talks looked promising. And after they faltered, the Obama-Boehner talks tried to find a new life.

Now it’s all come down to the Boehner-Reid-Pelosi-McConnell talks to solve the debt crisis. Notably absent? The president.

That’s not to say Saturday’s congressional takeover went well.

In a frantic bid to avoid causing a worldwide economic disruption, debt negotiations have shifted wholly to Capitol Hill, as a frustrated President Barack Obama has taken a step back and allowed House and Senate leaders to try to find a way out of the debt-ceiling debacle. After congressional leaders told Obama at the White House Saturday morning they would attempt to stave off the crisis before Asian markets open Sunday evening, leadership aides raced to put together a framework that both parties could support.

With the president staying out of the picture, congressional leaders struggled to make progress on a temporary two-step solution that raises the debt limit with some offsetting cuts.

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