
Anders Behring Breivik

Monday, July 25, 2011
Dear Bishop, What are your thoughts on the strange individual behind the twin terror attacks in Olso, Norway, last Friday? Will we ever learn the truth? - Alexandra

Anders Behring Breivik was until 2007 a member of the Progress Party (FrP), which promotes libertarian, conservative and populist viewpoints. Breivik identified himself in a multitude of social media services as an admirer of, among others, Winston Churchill and Max Manus. On Twitter, he paraphrased the philosopher John Stuart Mill: "One person with a belief is equal to the force of 100,000 who have only interests."

In his manifesto, Breivik describes himself as an economically liberal, revolutionary cultural conservative. Dagens Næringsliv writes that Breivik sought to start a Norwegian version of the Tea Party movement, but that they, after expressing initial interest, ultimately turned down his proposal because he did not have the contacts he promised. According to Oslo reporter Goran Skaalmo, Brievik considers his act to be the "ultimate gift of love" to his country, and believes he should be "applauded and celebrated" for his "marketing plan," which he believes to be a step for himself along his path towards becoming the "perfect knight." Breivik, in his manifesto also professes a certain admiration for al Qaeda, which he lists as one of only two "successful militant organisations" due to its "superior structural adaptation." Breivik posits further that, "If Muhammad was alive today, Osama bin Laden would have been his second in command." He also describes himself as "a real European hero," "the saviour of Christianity" and "the greatest defender of cultural-conservatism in Europe since 1950."


In his manifesto, Breivik wrote: "In many ways, our modern societies and European secularism is a result of European Christendom and the enlightenment. It is therefore essential to understand the difference between a 'Christian fundamentalist theocracy' (everything we do not want) and a secular European society based on our Christian cultural heritage (what we do want). So no, you don't need to have a personal relationship with God or Jesus to fight for our Christian cultural heritage. It is enough that you are a Christian-agnostic or a Christian atheist (an atheist who wants to preserve at least the basics of the European Christian cultural legacy (Christian holidays, Christmas and Easter)). The PCCTS, Knights Templar is therefore not a religious organisation but rather a Christian 'culturalist' military order."

Also, in his manifesto, Breivik accepts working alongside Odinists (pagans) throughout the Scandanavian countries and Europe. To my mind, this man is not, and probably never has been, a Christian. So what is he?

Anders Behring Breivik is a Freemason  the Johannes lodge St Olaus TD Three pillars Olaus (T D Tre Søiler No. 8) of the Norwegian Masonic Order in Oslo. His interest in Freemasonry should not be underestimated. That fact alone raises alarm bells because Freemasonry is international, opposes nationalism and is antipathetic to just about everything the media attribute to Breivik. He says he belongs to the Knights Templar founded in London in April 2002. Eleven more "knights," he claims, are programmed to carry out similar terror attacks in the future. This so-called "Christian" stored three bottles of Chateau Kirwan 1979 red wine bought at auction ten years ago, and recorded in his log last December: "My thought was to save the last flask for my last martyrdom celebration and enjoy it with two high-class model whores I intend to rent prior to the mission."

Above is a Freemasonic Knight of the Order of the Provincial Priory of Knights Templar of Kent (England). Though totally unconnected to Anders Behring Breivik, the Order's symbolism is almost identical to that used by Breivik, and the degree of Knights Templar in Scottish Rite Freemasonry is one of the highest.

The Order Knights Templar is conferred in the Order of the Temple. It was founded in the twelfth century and is considerably older than Craft Masonry in its present form. It defines the eleven rituals and laws governing state and local level organisations. The state level is called a Grand Commandery of Knights Templar. This represents members of a state or an area of equivalent size. The local level is called a Commandery of Knights Templar. Women, Negroes and the poor are not admitted. The Templars are said to have represented the first wide-scale attempt to organise and mobilise the forces of occultism for the purpose of gaining control of the world. Today’s Masonic symbol is the same as worn by the Knights Templar of old who at first were a Christian-orientated organisation founded in the eleventh century to protect and defend pilgrims travelling to Jerusalem. Over the years the Templars became tainted with the Islamic mysticism and Gnosticism embraced by some while in Palestine. They became further contaminated by a sect known as the Assassins. The Order of Knights Templar inevitably degenerated, and some are believed to have engaged in the practice of Phallicism, or sex worship, and Satanism venerating Baphomet, the idol of Luciferians. The crime of sodomy was eventually a rite of Templar initiation. Freemasonry is clearly Luciferian worship, despite their very clever attempts to hide this fact. The Grand Master at the time when King Philip IV of France tried and executed key members, was named Jacques de Molay. Since de Molay was Grand Master of the Knights Templar, it can be assumed he was also involved in these satanic and homosexual acts. “DeMolay” is somewhat disturbingly one of the orders of Freemasonry for young men.

According to the New Catholic Encyclopedia (Imprimatur: +Patrick A O’Boyle, Archbishop of Washington, 5th August 1966): “Membership in, associating with, or contributing to any aspect of Freemasonry under any title, including Mason, Freemason, Illuminati, Shriner, Order of the Eastern Star, Order of DeMolay, and many others, even if believed for a worthy cause (children’s hospital) or under the guise of entertainment (circus), should be understood as a grave offence against God. No organisation that is a separation from Freemasonry or a mimic thereof should be seen as anything but humanistic and self-serving. While any theist should be strongly opposed to any taint of Freemasonry, for Catholics it constitutes automatic excommunication once they have knowledge that the teachings of the Church proscribe any association or activity related to them.”

Twenty-one years after the organisation of the Grand Lodge of England, Catholics were forbidden to seek membership in any Masonic group. In the bull In Eminenti of 28th April 1736, Clement XII condemned Freemasonry in the first of twenty bulls against Freemasonry. Since 1738 seven other popes have specifically proscribed Freemasonry: Benedict XIV, Pius VII, Leo XIII, Pius VIII, Gregory XVI, Pius IX, and Leo XIII. Pius IX issued six bulls attacking Masonry. In 1884, Leo XIII, in Humanum Genus, endorsed the view that the Freemasons’ “real supreme aim” is “to persecute Christianity with untamed hatred, and they will never rest until they see cast to the ground all religious institutions established by the Pope.” The following words issued by Cardinal Ratzinger (now Benedict XVI) were approved and ordered by John Paul II in November 1983: “The Church’s negative judgment in regard to Masonic associations remains unchanged since their principles have always been considered irreconcilable with the doctrine of the Church and therefore membership in them remains forbidden. Catholics who enrol in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion. Local Ecclesiastical authorities do not have the faculty to pronounce a judgment on the nature of Masonic associations which may include a diminution of the above-mentioned judgment.”

Baptist leaders have referred to Freemasonry as “an ungodly brotherhood of satanic darkness”; “there is an inherent incompatibility between Masonry and the Christian faith”; “there is a great danger that the Christian Mason may find himself compromising his allegiance to Jesus.” (The Baptist Union of Scotland, 1965).

Lutherans say “Masonry amounts to idolatry.” (Missouri Synod, 1959).

Presbyterians: “Masonry is a religious institution and as such is definitely anti-Christian.” (General Assembly, Rochester, 1942).

Methodists: “There is a great danger that the Christian who becomes a Freemason will find himself compromising his Christian beliefs. Methodists should not become Masons.” (General Assembly, London, 1985).

The Church of England: “A number of very fundamental reasons to question the compatibility of Freemasonry with Christianity.” (General Synod, London, 1987 where several members of the committee were Masons!)

Russian Orthodox Church: “Any Orthodox who joins Masonry loses all the right and privileges of his membership in the Church.” (Strange Altars, Acker, page 60).

Roman Catholic Archbishop Emanuel Milingo: “We are now in the last days of Satan’s reign and he is working overtime through his agents to complete the takeover of the world. His agents are nothing less than the Freemasons who have permeated to the very heart of Christ’s Church. It is the task of Freemasons to lull Christians, especially priests, into believing that the Devil and his demons do not exist. Satan plays with priests like toys when they do not believe in him. After the last war young Freemasons were placed in seminaries around the world. These agents of Satan were waiting for their time to come. … The Freemason antichrists became priests for this purpose. They aim to take religious power throughout the world, just as they have taken economic and political power.” (Powers of Darkness, Powers of Light, Cornwell, 1991).

The Jerusalem Post described Anders Behring Breivik as being pro-Israel.


Breivik also views Adolf Hitler as a failure.


In Section 3.139 of his manifesto he describes himself as a non-religious, cultural Christian who supports "a reformation of Protestantism leading to it being absorbed by Catholisism [sic]". He wrote in his manifesto: "It is not required that you have a personal relationship with God or Jesus in order to fight for our Christian cultural heritage and the European way."

Something that appears to have been overlooked by the broader media is the fact that Breivik's taste in music included classical and trance, a hypnotic form of dance music, and that this could be linked to a form of auto-suggestion and self-hypnotism that might have allowed him to be psychologically programmed.


Can we rule out the possibility that Anders Behring Breivik was programmed over a long period of time to carry out the twin atrocities at Oslo and Utoeya to discredit Christanity, a sense of national identity and monoculturalism? The question of him being a Manchurian candidate is intriguing, but does such a thing exist?

It may be possible, says psycho-analyst Susan C Vaughan, MD, an assistant professor of clinical psychiatry at Columbia University Medical Center in New York City. "If you have a person in a position where they are psychologically dominated and keep them isolated from everything else, [a Manchurian candidiate] could be possible." In this scenario, "you are told what to think and not given the opportunity to express your opinion or hear any other opinions, and gradually the message comes to you and you begin to believe it," she explains. "It helps when the message is delivered by someone who has or who represents themselves as having a lot of power over you."

"I am not sure whether [a Manchurian candidate] is technically possibly or not, and nothing has been attempted to my knowledge," says Robert J Maddox, PhD, a professor emeritus of modern American history at Penn State University in University Park, Pa, and a World War II and Cold War specialist.

If this really is the case, Anders Behring Breivik is unlikely to stay alive beyond having fulfilled the purpose of those in whose control he acted so appallingly.

To answer the question regarding our learning the truth behind what has happened, I somehow doubt we ever will. Seldom is it the case in our modern world that those in control want all the facts known unless it suits their agenda. Our thoughts at this time, however, should focus on the many victims and those close to them whose distress is palpable. They are all very much in our prayers.


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