
Debt Ceiling Deal Reached To Avert Default-Tea Party can declare victory!

Sunday, July 31, 2011 0 comments
Even though Tea Party members may not like the final deal, they can surely declare victory for getting congress to deal with fixing the country’s outrageous debt situation. They set the terms of the debate where neither establishment GOPers nor Democrats wanted to go.

It’s not a perfect fix, far from it. But, it’s a small step in the right direction.

The big loser is President Obama who stayed on the sidelines and showed just how incompetent he is as president. Next on the agenda is voting him out of office.

The Huffington Post

President Barack Obama and Republican congressional leaders reached historic agreement Sunday night on a compromise to permit vital U.S. borrowing by the Treasury in exchange for more than $2 trillion in long-term spending cuts.

Officials said Republican Speaker John Boehner telephoned Obama at mid-evening to say the agreement had been struck.

Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid said that both his party and opposition Republicans gave more ground than they wanted to. He said it'll take members of both political parties to pass the measure.

Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said that the pact "will ensure significant cuts in Washington spending" and he assured the markets that a first-ever default on U.S. obligations won't occur.

Both the leaders said they will brief their colleagues tomorrow on the details of the agreement.

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Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has signed off on a deal to raise the debt limit pending the approval of his caucus -- and of course if can win the backing of Senate GOP leaders and then a majority of the House.

His spokesman confirms that Reid will present the deal to his caucus shortly, with the hope of holding a vote on it Sunday night, giving House leaders some running room to pass the plan before the nation's borrowing authority expires late Tuesday.

The deal works like this:

It guarantees the debt limit will be hiked by $2.4 trillion. Immediately upon enactment of the plan, the Treasury will be granted $400 billion of new borrowing authority, after which President Obama will be allowed to extend the debt limit by $500 billion, subject to a vote of disapproval by Congress.

That initial $900 billion will be paired with $900 billion of discretionary spending cuts, first identified in a weeks-old bipartisan working group led by Vice President Joe Biden, which will be spread out over 10 years.

Obama will later be able to raise the debt limit by $1.5 trillion, again subject to a vote of disapproval by Congress.

That will be paired with the formation of a Congressional committee tasked with reducing deficits by a minimum of $1.2 trillion. That reduction can come from spending cuts, tax increases or a mixture thereof

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Only Way Is Essex star Lydia Bright bikini shot with fatso boyfriend

Fat or not the guy has enough game to hook up with Lydia.

The Sun

THE Only Way Is Essex star
Lydia Bright is clearly delighted that her romance is back on with James 'Arg' Argent - even if he's a little l-Arg-er these days.

Lydia, 20 - who split with him in the second series - kissed the 17st11lbs singer by a pool on hols in Marbella then posted a photo on Twitter, saying: "Look at the stud on me arm."

Arg, 23, is aiming to lose 1½st with The Sun's Fabulous magazine team. A pal said: "He was eating to fill the gap Lydia left in his life. Now he'll soon be back to his best."

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Big fish tale: Angler enters record books after catching EIGHT FOOT albino catfish


Now that’s one big fish!

Daily Mail

This monster from the deep has netted a British angler a place in the record books. The whopper, caught by plucky Chris Grimmer, is the biggest albino catfish ever caught by an angler.

The 8ft beast tipped the scales at 194lbs - 2lbs heavier than the previous best by blind woman angler Shelia Penfold last year.

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Hoey, look what you have to clean!
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CNN Anchor Clashes With Sen. Rand Paul Over Debt Ceiling


After proposing a balanced budget amendment to the Reid bill and having it struck down, Sen. Rand Paul sat down with Don Lemon to explain what was happening on the floor and what compromises he was up for making.

Lemon was in a curt mood, it seems, as weeks have gone by and the debt deadline looms with little to no visible progress occurring. The two had a contentious exchange as Sen. Paul tried to explain he did have the will to compromise when Lemon questioned what it would take.

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Game addict Chris Staniforth, 20, killed by deep vein thrombosis playing too much Xbox

I stopped playing games (Sega game system) when I was twenty four years old. That was twenty four years ago and I thought I’d stopped at a late age. But, the game systems changed and I thought it was an opportunity for me to put away childish things.

I don’t get grown men playing video games.

The Sun

A LAD of 20 has been killed by a blood clot caused by playing his Xbox for up to 12 hours at a time.

A post mortem revealed that
Chris Staniforth - addicted to games such as Halo - had suffered a deep vein thrombosis. It can be triggered by sitting in one position for long spells.

Stunned dad David, of Sheffield, said: "He lived for his Xbox. I never dreamed he was in any danger.

"As a parent you think playing computer games can't do them any harm because you know what they are doing

"Kids all over the country are playing these games for long periods - they don't realise it could kill them."

Chris collapsed seconds after telling a friend how he had been experiencing a strange sensation in his chest.

The pair were chatting outside a JobCentre where Chris had an interview.

David said: "He told his friend how he was woken in the night by a strange feeling in his chest.

“Then he dropped a packet of chewing gum and as he picked it up, he jolted back and began to spasm."

Chris's friend called an ambulance - but paramedics could not save him.
A coroner yesterday confirmed DVT had caused Chris's death and it was cited on his death certificate.

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Does Your Blog Have Too Many Comments or Too Many Visitors? (How to cope!)

"It's Too Hard to Make Money Online" ::: NO KIDDING! With every click of the mouse there's another "expert" beckoning me to download his/her pdf, throwing up an annoying pop-up screen screaming at me to subscribe - sending me another email thanking me for visiting. ENOUGH!

A month or more ago I ran across a relatively new blog that had more than 40 amazing comments. What was so amazing about these comments? Commenters included:

Mavis Nong from Online Business Tools

Kristi Hines from Blog Marketing

Stacy from Blog Tips

Janet from The Natural Networker

Devesh from Twitter Marketing

Marlon from productivity bits

Obviously, this blogger was doing something RIGHT! A "right" collection of comments, from all the "right" people, including some of the hottest bloggers of 2011! How was this accomplished? the blogger stopped by one of the blogs that these other bloggers were featured on, leaving a comment there, and in some cases asking that blogger to return the visit and check out a particular post. It worked like faery dust! (before YOU try anything like that, you'd better make sure you've posted a quality kick-ass article. This is one of those things you only get ONE chance at!)

Onto "too many visitors" - I have "too many" on this very blog! I briefly discuss the problem here.
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Republicans and Democrats reach tentative deal on debt ceiling talks that kicks the can down the road, again!

As I expected this Kabuki dance between the Dems and the GOP was coming down to the last wire.

Basically, this deal that both sides are not going to like does nothing to stop the rate of spending.

Instead of going over the cliff at 100 mph, we’re slowing down to 92.

It’s kicking the can down the road, as usual.

ABC News

Democratic and Republican Congressional sources involved in the negotiations tell ABC News that a tentative agreement has been reached on the framework of a deal that would give the President a debt ceiling increase of up to $2.4 trillion and guarantee an equal amount of deficit reduction over the next 10 years.

The details are still being worked out, and a senior White House aide tells ABC News, "talks continue but there is no deal to report."

Congressional leaders plan to brief their members on the framework tomorrow. The reaction from both parties' rank-and-file will determine whether this tentative deal becomes a final deal.

Here, according to Democratic and Republican sources, are the key elements:

*A debt ceiling increase of up to $2.1 to $2.4 trillion (depending on the size of the spending cuts agreed to in the final deal).

*They have now agreed to spending cuts of roughly $1.2 trillion over 10 years.

* The formation of a special Congressional committee to recommend further deficit reduction of up to $1.6 trillion (whatever it takes to add up to the total of the debt ceiling increase). This deficit reduction could take the form of spending cuts, tax increases or both.

*The special committee must make recommendations by late November (before Congress' Thanksgiving recess).

* If Congress does not approve those cuts by December 23, automatic across-the-board cuts go into effect, including cuts to Defense and Medicare. This "trigger" is designed to force action on the deficit reduction committee's recommendations by making the alternative painful to both Democrats and Republicans.

* A vote, in both the House and Senate, on a balanced budget amendment.

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Freida Pinto


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Rosie Huntington-whiteley

Saturday, July 30, 2011 0 comments

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Star Press

One thing I find really annoying in my line of work:

Like it or not, most people now have home computers, smartphones, and access to the internet pretty much everywhere they go. (And if you're going to Outer Mongolia or some other place where you don't have it, leave an out of office message that says so.)

There is absolutely NO reason why a member of the press should not be able to contact someone immediately in response to a press release! NONE! Don't be a stooge! Read on:::

One time I received a press release with FIVE different phone numbers on them and NOT ONE SINGLE answer! Either ring-ring-ring-ring or a non-dated voicemail. (I can't tell you how many times people will call me back DAYS LATER after I have left a message!)

If you can't be right at the phone or have someone who will be, and you expect a successful press event to happen, for goddsakes PLEASE record a special message, something like: "Hi it's Phil on Tuesday, November 10, if you're calling about the press release leave your contact info and I will call you right back." THAT lets the person calling know that they have a better than 50% chance of speaking with a live person before DEADLINE... or leave an alternate, a cell number, an email address... if you want coverage!

I took a chance one time and went to a news conference without being able to verify the information that was presented in the press release. Guess who was the ONLY reporter at the event? ME! The other radio and TV stations passed because there were other events (maybe not as important) happening where they WERE able to make contact with a living soul!

In this modern "I want it NOW" world, reporter's deadlines have shrunk like crazy! If you email me your press release tonight, and I read it at 0800 tomorrow, you better have SOMEBODY manning the phones 0900 or before and you better be able to produce people I can interview by 1000! I'm sorry, but that's the way it is today!

Now, if you have a place where you can upload AUDIO and/or VIDEO tracks, you are way ahead of the game and making it eaasier for the press to cover your event! "Oh, you couldn't make it out to hear so-and-so speak about the issue? We have a soundbite on our website and a video of the presser on YouTube." You will be surprised how well that scenario plays out!

Permission to reprint this blog post in whole or in part is hereby granted, provided that the author (or authors) and Dave Lucas are properly cited. Permission to reprint any comments below is granted only for those comments written by Dave Lucas and staff.
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Big Brother Overload: China & USA


China: Wi-Fi monitoring system in Beijing cafes and bars

According to Mingpao Daily, Beijing Police has issued a notice to all the cafes and bars which provide Wi-Fi access to their customers to install a RMB20,000 monitoring system. Upon installation, users have to register their ID in the counter before logging in the Wi-Fi network.
The notice was issued by the Beijing police around end of June, 2011 to cafe, bookstore, and bar which provide free Wi-Fi access to their customers. If they reject, they will no longer be allowed to provide free Wi-Fi service.

The system is called “non profit network security auditing system”, the installation fee varies from RMB 2 - 40,000 dollars. The system can monitor 100 customers at the same time and their browsing record would be kept in the system for 60 days. The “notice” states that for those which reject to install the system, they would be subject to a RMB15,000 fine. The police can also suspend their business license.

It is believed that the system would be adopted in other cities upon testing in Beijing. The Beijing East City District police told reporters that the system is to help the police to crack down criminal offense. However, Internet users find the monitoring system a violation of user privacy.

Words of Caution at New York Post

News Corp.'s legal department on Friday issued a notice to New York Post staff asking them to save any information related to phone hacking and bribery of government officials, as the company faces ongoing scrutiny in a reporting-tactics scandal stemming from its News of the World U.K. tabloid.

New York Post Editor-in-Chief Col Allan told staff in a memo the measure was being taken in light of allegations of phone hacking and bribing of government officials by the News of the World, which News Corp. closed this month, "not because any recipient has done anything improper or unlawful."

The notice comes after a government official said last week the U.S. Justice Department was preparing subpoenas as part of early-stage investigations into the allegations related to foreign bribery and the hacking of voicemail of Sept. 11 victims.. MORE

Permission to reprint this blog post in whole or in part is hereby granted, provided that the author (or authors) and Dave Lucas are properly cited. Permission to reprint any comments below is granted only for those comments written by Dave Lucas and staff.
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Computer performs wedding ceremon


Maybe computer can be the norm to perform same sex weddings?

Daily Mail

When Miguel Hanson and Diana Wesley get married today, they won't stand before a gray haired minister holding a Bible. Instead, they'll be looking at a 30-inch monitor.

Mr Hanson, a Houston, Texas web developer and IT consultant, created a minister software program when the couple couldn't get a friend to serve as the minister at their wedding. On one half of the screen, they'll see a virtual minister with an animated, square face with blue eyes and thin, oval glasses.

His voice will be heard over a sound system while the text of what he's saying will show up on the other half of the screen.
'I was like, you know I'm going to write my own minister,' Mr Hanson said.

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The trigger that could lead to a debt deal

I was saying to a good friend of mine who’s really concerned about the country might go into default, not to worry.

This whole song and dance going on in Washington is exactly that, a show to scare the Be-jesus out of people, so when a deal finally gets cut, most people won’t pay attention to the details of a crappy deal that solves absolutely nothing.

The Washington Post

Look closely at the Reid and Boehner bills. The first round of cuts are pretty much the same. The joint congressional committee charged with recommending further deficit reduction is pretty much the same. The difference is that Boehner’s bill forces them to act. He ties a future increase in the debt-ceiling to the successful passage of their proposal. Reid’s bill has no such trigger. And many of the participants in this process say that is the space where a deal will be made -- or not made.

Democrats dismiss Boehner’s current offer completely.
At the New Republic, Jonathan Chait piquantly
compared it to “a kidnapper who offers to give you back your child in return for $100,000 and your other child.” A senior Democratic aide in the Senate is even blunter. “That’s the one line in the sand we’ve drawn this whole time. We can’t be revisiting this in another six months.”

Most think the likely compromise is a trigger that would impose automatic, across-the-board cuts in spending if the committee fails in its mission. But Senate Democratic leadership isn’t so sure. They worry that a spending-cuts only trigger is heads, Republicans win; tails, Democrats lose. “The idea of triggers with just cuts is a non-starter. Republicans would just deadlock the committee and get the cuts they want,” continues the aide. “If there is a trigger it would have to be balanced.”

The White House proposed a balanced trigger in April: It would have automatically raised taxes and cut spending if America wasn’t on a path to balanced budgets by 2014. In his remarks on Friday morning, Obama reiterated that support. “if we need to put in place some kind of enforcement mechanism to hold us all accountable for making these reforms, I’ll support that too if it’s done in a smart and balanced way.”

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BREAKING: Obama Approval Drops to New Low of 40%

Barack Obama is desperately trying to work the debt ceiling crisis as a means of trying to get his approval rating up by putting the blame on the Republicans.

I don’t see how that’s gonna work exactly considering his record of out-of-control spending.


President Obama's job approval rating is at a new low, averaging 40% in July 26-28 Gallup Daily tracking. His prior low rating of 41% occurred several times, the last of which was in April. As recently as June 7, Obama had 50% job approval.

Obama's approval rating averaged 46% in June and was near that level for most of July; however, it has stumbled in the past few days, coinciding with intensification of the debt ceiling/budget battle in Washington.
Obama's 40% overall approval rating nearly matches the recent 41% approval Americans gave him for handling the debt ceiling negotiations. Though Americans rate Obama poorly for his handling of the situation, they are less approving of how House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid are handling it. Gallup does not include ratings of Congress or congressional leaders in its Daily tracking, and thus, there is no overall job approval rating of Boehner, Reid, or Congress directly comparable to Obama's current 40% overall job approval rating.

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Paul Ryan makes an excellent point about how the Democrats use baseline budgeting to come with phony numbers to fool the public.

Breitbart TV

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Boehner: 'I stuck my neck out a mile' for debt-ceiling deal with White House


Despite what the Obama-suck media is screwing over the airwaves, the only people coming up with plans to address the financial situation of the United States are the Republicans.

The Democrats offer no plans and just criticize the GOP to score cheap political points with voters. Is this how a responsible political party should act?

I don’t think so.

The Hill

A defiant House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) late Friday defended his debt-ceiling plan by saying it is the only viable plan on paper so far.

The Speaker said he'd risked political capital and stuck his neck out to try to get a deal, while saying an agreement with Democrats was impossible due to their intransigence.

"I've offered ideas, I've negotiated," Boehner said in closing debate on his bill. "Not one time, not one time did the administration ever put any plan on the table. All they would do is criticize what I put out there.

"I stuck my neck out a mile to try to get an agreement with the president of the United States," Boehner continued to grumbling among Democrats. "Hey, I put revenues on the table in order to try to come to an agreement in order to avert us being where we are. But a lot of people in this town can never say yes."

Boehner closed his remarks by thundering: "This House has acted. And it is time for the administration and time for our colleagues across the aisle… put something on the table! Tell us where you are!"

Boehner defended an addition to his bill that would require both houses to pass a balanced-budget amendment to the Constitution, saying the country is ready for this change.

"It's time for this to happen," he said. "It enjoys support from both houses of this Congress, and it enjoys bipartisan and widespread support across our country."

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Goodbye, LOSERS!

Another batch of "followers" who un-followed me when they realized my twitter account is not set up to auto-follow them in return...
(Actually, even if it was, they would have left anyway - that's what these folks do- they're usually fake twitter accounts set up by money-schemers trying to make extra bucks online by tweeting junk)
And, on the outside chance that I am following any of these peeps, I will soon be UNfollowing them in return!

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Senate Tables Boehner 3.0 Bill. Where’s the compromise by Democrats?

The House last week passed Cap, Cut, and Balance with bi-partisan support. The Democrat controlled Senate tabled the bill without even the decency of having a debate.

Last night the House passed another bill that wasn’t as good as the first as far as truly addressing the financial woes of the country. And again the Senate tabled it without a debate.

Yet still the Democrats like Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, and Dick Durbin have the gall to accuse the GOP of not wanting to compromise.

What is the GOP controlled House supposed to do when they’re the only branch of government offering plan after plan while the Democrats are the ones refusing to deal seriously with our nations spending? It’s the Democrats with Presidents Obamam’s failed policy of super spending that has put us in this situation in the first place.

Could it be that the Democrats are actively forcing a financial collapse of the United States so they can offer up even more big government to fix it?

Sure looks lie it to me?

The Caucus, New York Times

The United States Senate quickly dispatched the
debt ceiling bill passed by the House Friday evening, tabling the Republican bill indefinitely and moving quickly to start consideration of a Democratic plan that would avoid default on Tuesday.

Less than two hours after House Speaker John A. Boehner pushed his bill through the House over the strenuous objections of nearly two dozen of his own Republican members, the Democratic leadership in the Senate followed through on their promise to kill his legislation.

But the move now sets up an uncertain 72 hours as the Congress moves ever closer to the Tuesday deadline when the Treasury Department says the country will default on its financial obligations without an increase in the debt ceiling.

Mr. Reid said he intends to start the legislative clock ticking on Friday on a new plan to raise the debt ceiling. But Mr. Reid could wait until later in the evening on Friday to allow more time for negotiation throughout the evening.

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Sexy bikini babe Freida Pinto all set to Freida world

Friday, July 29, 2011 0 comments
The Sun

SEXY Freida Pinto shows just why she's a global sensation - as she prepares for a battle to save the world in her latest movie.

The Slumdog Millionaire star, 26, hits cinemas next month in Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes, a tale of mankind and monkeys fighting for supremacy

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Have Smartphone, Will TimeTravel

A “time travelling woman” has appeared in the Shanghai Metro. Recently, a woman who claims to have been “sent through time” sits lengthwise at the exit to the subway station asking pedestrians for money so she can return to her home town 500 years in the past. What is even more dumbfounding is that this ancient woman even takes out and iPhone 4 to ask for mobile phone numbers from the passing crowd. Is she "real" or merely engaged in COSPLAY?

Translation of the hand-written Chinese sign on the ground:

I am from the Qingyuan village and have unwittingly time traveled here. I have nothing upon me and am begging for traveling expenses to return home, a debt I will repay in the days ahead [future]. › Life - Cached
Jul 21, 2011 – An Internet user recently posted a series of photos on of a young woman dressed as The Goddess Athena - clad in an otherworldly ...

Permission to reprint this blog post in whole or in part is hereby granted, provided that the author (or authors) and Dave Lucas are properly cited. Permission to reprint any comments below is granted only for those comments written by Dave Lucas and staff.
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Blog Spotlight ::: LOADING-INFO


How many blogs do you reckon you run across on a weekly basis? Ten? Twenty? Thirty? Try hundreds. Of those hundreds, how many could you honestly say fall within the category of GREAT blogs, with interesting content?

Thousands and thousands and thousands of blogs have passed before my two weary eyes - and you know that when it all comes down to it, there are just a good handful of weblogs that I find myself bookmarking or digging or stumbling or otherwise simply committing the URL to memory. Loading-Info is one of them. Catchy title, eh: "Loading-Info"...

Take a moment to think about it. I find the brand "Loading-Info" to be quite appealing!

A quick peek at the blog reveals articles on web-hosting and dedicated serves, widgets for info-geeks and website-monitoring for advanced users. Whether you are a wet-behind-the-ears newbie or a problogger, you'll learn something new with every visit to Loading-Info... here's a small sneak-peek of a sample (click on the pic to visit the post):
Whenever you're out websurfing on the net, whether googling for something or bloghopping or scouring for information on a variety of websites, you are LOADING INFO. YES! From the internet - to your computer - to your monitor - through your eyes and ears - directly to your brain! Electrons to electrons!

There's no smoke and mirrors here! There's a real gal behind the blog: she is none other than Gian Faye Paguirigan! She describes herself as a web enthusiast: "a normal 19-year old geek on the block who discovered the Internet long ago" - she is musically gifted, multi-talented, loves cats and loves to watch the stars (as in astronomy!) She's also into "playing with codes, doing programming and spending time tweaking things on the web and on her computer."

Gian Faye blogs out of Dasmariñas City, Ca, Philippines.

Loading-Info is LOADED with blogging info, tips and resources - and Gian Faye is very active across a wide variety of social media:

Connect with Loading-Info's Gian-Faye:
Email Me

I give Gian-Faye an "A" for excellent presentation and a 5-star rating for her blog "Loading-Info" ... check it out!

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Nafissatou Diallo DS accuser is scamming for out-of-court settlement

This reason this con artist/maid/hooker is going on a media offensive is she and her lawyer are trying to put pressure on DSK to settle for some cash to go away.

Make no mistake, it’s all about cash!

New York Post

Who's that lady?

Nafissatou Diallo was ushered into Brooklyn's Christian Cultural Center yesterday aboard patent-leather pumps that made the 5-foot-10 former hotel maid and current sex accuser tower over the two dozen supporters who stood guard, including church pastors and a prominent member of the New Black Panther Party.

She was unrecognizable.

Gone were the baggy, gray slacks and lime-green, shapeless blouse she wore in that ill-advised interview on ABC. Gone was the lifeless hair.
Who cares if the Manhattan district attorney no longer believes in her? In the 24 hours before staging a press conference/rally/image makeover, Diallo, who accuses powerful French guy
Dominique Strauss-Kahn of trying to rape her, underwent a glam, head-to-toe makeover -- even as her lawyer attempted to remake the case of rape into a case of race.

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John Boehner's idiotic Debt Ceiling Bill suffers setback

I’ve been saying for weeks that the debt ceiling should not be raised-period.

If a person was a million dollars in debt, spends more money a year that he takes in, then says he’s going to cut 500,000, but not in one year, rather in 10 years as he continues to spend more as his income, a rationale assessment would be that the person is stupid.

This is exactly John Boehner’s plan that cuts spending over ten years as the country continues to spend more than it takes in year after year.

And we’re supposed to accept this as solving our financial problems? It doesn’t at all.

The Huffington Post

A Republican plan that would have hiked the nation's debt ceiling for only six months and left the country's spending captive to a "Super Congress" failed to advance in the House Thursday night, with Democrats and Tea Party-backed Republicans opposing the plan.

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) had initially scheduled a 6 p.m. vote on his measure which, in addition to raising the debt ceiling, would have cut $915 billion in spending and set up a 12-legislator commission to compel another $1.8 trillion in reductions over 10 years. The vote was then postponed to later Thursday night, but House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) announced just before 10:30 p.m. that a vote would not occur until the following morning at least.

Boehner had already gone back and restructured his plan, after the
Congressional Budget Office revealed Tuesday that it contained only $850 billion in cuts -- less than the plan put forth by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.).
But even after his plan was re-scored -- and he spent more than a day leaning on reluctant members -- Boehner was short at least three votes, sources said.

The Hill reported that the $17 billion in funding for Pell grants contained in the bill, added in part to lure some Democrats, was a major stumbling block for some members. And many Tea Party-backed Republican freshmen oppose any increase in the debt ceiling whatsoever.

Boehner and his leadership team worked for hours, but they were unable to salvage the bill and secure the votes, marking a stunning failure for a party leader on a crucial piece of legislation.

It was unclear if Boehner would try to bring the bill up again, or if the way was now clear for Reid to advance his plan, which would cut $2.2 trillion over ten years and raise the debt ceiling enough to last into 2013.

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Both political parties are playing the people for suckers! Boehner needs to be kicked to the curb! We need cuts in spending, not a sham.


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