
NYS Sen Eric Adams is a traitor to his race for siding with UFT lawsuit

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

My African American community, when will you learn that the Democrat Party don’t care about what’s best for your kids?

A low down snake in the grass African American state senator has turned his back on his own people by siding with his masters in the powerful teacher’s, the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) on a lawsuit to stop the expansion of charter schools that offer better education for children that look like him.

This is absolutely shameful, but I’m not shocked because Adams gets piles of money from the UFT and that’s more important than what’s best for the kids.

Until the African American community reaches a level of political maturity that realizes their vote for the Democrat Party WILL NOT be automatic, they’ll invite this type of betrayal from now until Kingdom come.

Wake the fuck up, my brothers and sisters!

New York Post

Brooklyn state Sen. Eric Adams gets an "F" -- for flip-flopping on charter schools, betrayed parents charge.

Adams enthusiastically voted last May to let the number of charters in the state dramatically increase from 200 to 460 -- winning praise from charter-school advocates.

But he stunned parents last month when he signed on as a co-plaintiff to a lawsuit filed by the United Federation of Teachers that would block the opening or expansion of 20 charters in public school buildings.

The NAACP also is a party to the suit.

"It doesn't make sense. It's a slap in the face. It's hypocritical and back-stabbing," said Brooklyn parent Oneka Hope, whose son, Aubrey, is a first-grader at Empower charter school in Crown

His political supporters also feel jilted.

Adams' re-election bid was endorsed last year by the pro-charter group Democrats for Education Reform. The group's donors also pumped thousands of dollars into his campaign kitty.

"People see this as throwing families and students under the bus to participate in the teachers union's cynical chess game [to block charters]," said DFER director Joe Williams.

Adams declined e-mail and phone requests for comment.

Charter backers also claim the incestuous relationship between the UFT and the NAACP has compromised the civil-rights group's integrity on education issues.

The NAACP has received $120,000 in donations from the UFT and its statewide affiliate, the New York State United Teachers, since 2008, financial reports show.

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