
Think Progress blogger ignorant on Constitution on how Michele Bachmann can support NY’s right to pass Gay Marriage

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Just a few minutes ago on Memeorandum read the following headline:

Bachmann Supports New York’s Right To Enact Marriage Equality Law

So what’s the story? Why wouldn’t Bachmann support a state’s right to pass a law?

Tanya Somanader goes to write:

“Despite her right-wing view on marriage, Bachmann said she supports New York’s right to institute marriage equality because, under the 10th Amendment, the state has a right to do so.”

So, is Somanader inferring that Bachmann supports Gay Marriage? That’s pretty funny because in the same interview Bachmann clearly says that she for a constitutional amendment defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman.

Somanader, who graduated with a BA degree in International Relations and History conveniently fails to report this. Bachmann believes in Federalism-states have the right to pass its own laws. Although Bachmann believes New York or any other state has the right to pass Gay Marriage, it doesn’t mean she’s agrees with it.

So once again we have another constitutionally illiterate Liberal reporter for Think Progress (Far Left website) misstating the facts.

What else is new?



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