
Disasters this September and November? Alignment-Earthquake connection?

Wednesday, June 29, 2011
I'm not really big on chicken-little style disaster predictions, perhaps the most frightening of which was that whole millenium thing. But I do recall reading a book in the early 90s about Nostradamus, and his prediction (off by a few years) of the 9/11 act of terror "from the skies above the New City".

John Hogue studies Nostradamus. Nostradamus has a few "comet predictions" and as we learned a few days ago, space debris ike comets and asteroids or meteors can pop up out of nowhere, and we'd have about 5 days notice to do anything (if we could do anything) about them.

Elenin is a comet. Hogue writes "As the orbiting earth lined up with it and the Sun a significant earthquake took place either that very same day or within a few days. The first alignment coincided with a magnitude 8.8 quake hit the Chilean coast sending a Pacific wide tsunami on 27 February 2010. Next came a 7.2 temblor shaking up Christchurch, New Zealand on 4 September 2010. The third alignment of Sun-Earth-Elenin happened on 15 March, four days after 11 March 2011 when Japan’s 9.0 quake crushed and later drowned over 25,000 people and knocked out four nuclear reactors along the northeast Honshu coastline with a vast flooding tsunami that also sent waves reverberating across surface of the Pacific Ocean." The comet will align two more times this year, in September and November. Something to think about.

If Hogue's theory is correct, science must assume that earth's inner core can be influenced by gravity or perhaps some undiscovered property of passing celestial bodies. The hardest part of deciphering Nostradamus' predictions is that you have to imagine yourself living in a century where most of the inventions and things we take for granted did not exist. If the man was privvy to "visions" of the future, he must have struggled to convey what he "saw" - especially historical "clips" seen occurring in a different langauage and culture. So if he wrote "Hister" instead of "Hitler" we understand why. We should also understand that until his infamous "Mabus" prediction comes clearly into focus (via the passgae of time), we won't be able to accurately discern the identity of "Mabus".

Nostradamus' 9/11 prediction was accurate, and we come to know that after analysis it conforms to the structure of his previous forecasts. He used anagrams at times (and perhaps other "tricks" so one could not easily figure out exact dates etc.) - and again I'm sure a lot of what he was able to write down he himself probably did not fully understand. Like if you brought Napoleon here to 2011 for 10 minutes and then ask him to write down what he saw - let's assume he was in a room where the TV was on tuned to the news, there were a few magazines and a newspaper on the coffee table, and someone was chatting away on a cell phone. All this stuff is in English and he has to write his experience in his native French.

Back to the comet: we wait and see. What do YOU think? Another "Chicken Little"?


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