
Meagan Broussard tells her story about Anthony Weiner

Monday, June 6, 2011

Anthony Weiner needs professional at least and has no busness being a U.S. congressman anymore.


My name is Meagan Broussard. I am 26 years old. I served in the U.S. Army, and I am a full-time college student and a single mom.

I admired Rep. Anthony Weiner because I had seen a video of him standing up for the 9/11 responders. It was a rant, but he came across as someone very passionate, someone who cares about what he believes in. I didn’t know much more about him.

On April 20, I clicked on his Facebook page that I “liked” a video of Rep. Weiner addressing a gathering of construction workers in Washington, DC. I commented that it was “hot.” That’s the only way I came into contact with him at first.

From there, he introduced himself to me over Facebook Chat. Within an hour, we were sending messages back and forth. It became an everyday correspondence.

We chatted often, but I wasn’t always available. It was “Hello, how are you doing, where are you going,” that kind of thing. Sometimes, it was more personal. I don’t want to get deeply into all of that.

I don’t want to portray him as a horrible person because I just don’t know him.
I was contacted and asked to tell my story. I finally came forward last week because I saw on television that Rep. Weiner had hired an investigating firm to go through all of his files. I worried that there would be people looking at my pictures and messages. I was nervous, but decided that since my messages with Rep. Weiner were going to come out anyway, I wanted to tell my own story rather than have other people talking about me when they didn’t know anything.

I’m not on a crusade to “take him down.” I just acted to protect myself and my family.

I have nothing against Rep. Weiner. I think he was intrigued by me because I am different than the people he normally meets. I don’t know why he opened up to me in certain ways, but that’s the best explanation I have.
He was trying to get me to talk about myself sexually, and I said, straight up, I’m not an open book. I was real blunt. He would ask me weird things, like “Did you miss me?” I didn’t understand that–how could I miss someone I hadn’t met and didn’t know? What is there to miss about me if you don’t even know me?

He said that he was an open book, maybe way too open. And after that he said to me that I was “too fucking real,” not like other people who were all over him. He realized that I wasn’t taking the bait, and I think that intrigued him enough to send messages to me and open up to me and try to be real, too.

At first I was skeptical that I was really talking to Rep. Weiner, so I asked him to take a picture of himself, which he did. Then I asked him to pick up the phone and call me. I had to hang up because of something that was happening on my end, but then I called back and heard a voice saying, “Congressman Anthony Weiner’s office,” so I hung up. He asked me if I was satisfied, and I guess I was–I didn’t pursue that any more.

Talking to him was sometimes a turn-off because he was so open and just so full of himself, as if he were looking, searching for something. I don’t know if he loved telling me his personal business. I didn’t want him to say more, didn’t want to hear stories about sex with famous people. But I guess he needed to express himself.

All of this still makes me really nervous. I live in a small town. I don’t want this and all the anxiety that comes with it. I was worried that all of my personal messages and photos were going to come out, and so I came forward. I just hope to be left in peace.



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