
How does Anthony Weiner keep his job when other New York congressman got booted for misconduct?

Friday, June 3, 2011

This is day 6 of Weinergate and I think it’s safe to assume that the randy congress from New York got caught with his pickle down sending a lewd photo of his privates to a sexy coed more than half his age.

After four days of contrived explanations and incredible to believe scenarios, Weiner has succeeded in raising more questions than answering them. He persists to claim that his Twitter account was “hacked”, which is a federal crime, but at the same time refuses to call in the F.B.I. or the Capital Police to get to the bottom of it.

If Weiner insists on not calling in the authorities to pursue the criminal or criminals involved in committing a federal offense, how can he feel it won’t happen again?

That’s if you believe his paper thin story in the first place.
Chances are very strong that Weiner, by his in-action not to pursue justice indicts himself as the actual culprit not wanting to make a false claim to the Feds which in itself is also a federal crime.

So where does that leave us?

We have a married sitting U.S. congressman sending out lewd soft-core porn photographs of himself to young attractive women, maybe some of them are minors. How is this not at least conduct unbecoming a U.S. congressman?

Congressman Eric Massa of New York left congress after revelations of tickling male pages. He was a Republican,

Congressman Chris Lee also of New York left congress after revelations he sent a shirtless photo of himself to Craig List. He was also a Republican.

Isn’t what Weiner did at least equivalent to those offenses and he gets to stay in congress? How does that work exactly? The rules are applied differently to Democrats?


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