
Blackhole Toolkit website 5

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

There are concerns that a "false positive" for a computer virus is registering on Norton and a few other AV programs.
I recently launched a new image-based ad campaign and began to wonder if alerts I've been seeing are associated with those images. But I also run AdSense ads...

[SID: 24225] Web Attack: Blackhole Toolkit Website 5 detected.
Traffic has been blocked from this application: C:\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe

I have also heard that some Google AdSense ads have been "poisoned" - and that the Toolkit might be trying to gain access through the old yahoo MyBlogLog code (which I haven't yet deleted.)

Norton logged an IP address which I traced.

This could also be the work of code-snoopers and/or rogue bloggers like Lady Java or Windy working for Lainy.

Anyone else experiencing this?


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