
NYC bans smoking in public outdoor spaces

Monday, May 23, 2011

More government intrusion into the private lives of people. This new expansion of the smoking ban to parks, beaches, and pedestrian mass seems very wrong to me.

And I’m not even a smoker!

However, it’s become very fashionable to treat smokers like modern-day leapers. However, there’s a huge hypocrisy involved here. If mother government hates smoking so much and it’s so dangerous, why not ban it entirely?

The answers is obvious, Big Brother wants to continue collecting taxes for cigarette sales. So smoking is so terrible, but not terrible enough to cash in on it.

CBS News

"It's not fair, Ya know. I'm a smoka. That's my choice. I smoke.It's not gonna make me stop," said New Yorker Frank Zieran.
New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg, a former smoker, pushed for the law that aims to drastically reduce, if not eliminate exposure to second hand smoke.
"I feel like everywhere I go, people are outside smoking because they can't be inside. And I have to steer my stroller out of the way of second hand smoke," said Shari Dorfman.

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