
Basic Blogonomics?

Monday, May 23, 2011
For more years than newspapers have been struggling to figure out where they stand (if indeed they'll still be standing) in the world of digital journalism, bloggers have been struggling to figure out how to turn their blogs into cash machines. "Blogonomics" is a term coined by Matt Welch... Blogonomics: making a living from blogging. Unfortunately, a few questionable characters hijacked the term and gave it a bad name for awhile. It is now set to begin a re-emergence and a return to the headlines.

HOW MANY DIFFERENT WAYS CAN YOU SERVE CHEESE AND NOODLES? The seemingly endless bombardment of ebooks with titles like "Underground Blogging Secrets" and "Power Blogging Treasures" (and hundreds of others) all pretty much one form or another of the material featured in this undated post, written by The Professor on Blogonomics 101.

"The way to advertise on the Internet is to care about your customer as an individual and respond to them. Ads don’t do that. Personal interaction does that. Bloggers provide personal interaction, they are real people, and they respond to commenters as individuals. Companies need to get it, and so far, they don’t. They don’t value bloggers, don’t see them as a potential resource because they don’t care about individuals." ~ comment by Donna on Blogonomics

A forgotten Google account leads to Barry Ritholt getting a groundbreaking idea --- that fails to break very much in the way of ground:
"The entire economic model of blogs needs a reboot. There is enormous traffic, tremendous intellectual firepower, budding influence — all gravitatating to the blogosphere, and yet for most bloggers, the economics of blogging are dismal. Ad networks are okay, but only if you are one of the top 2% of blogs, and even then, they can be inconsistent."
Ritholt tells his story, then muses:
"Gee, might a network of Market/Trading/Economics blog reach that desirable audience? What is that worth to an ad buyer?

Indeed, it seems almost obvious.

So why hasn’t this been done yet? What am I missing here?"
The complete article is here.

Are YOU deadly serious about blogging? Then read THIS!

You might also want to check out The Blogroll ::: So Yesterday!

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