
How to Identify B.S. Blog Articles

Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Looking for solid, honest blogging and social networking advice that's FREE with nothing to download, nothing to subscribe to, no crazy popup screens to get past? I've put my entire course "THE BLOGGING CLASS" online in one easy-to-use collection. Go visit The One Minute Blogger!
If you're like me, you've probably had it "up to here" with know-it-all "guru" bloggers, writing a bunch of crap so they can either win a contest or sell you something like an eBook or a "system" or maybe even some software!

Here's what to watch out for:

  • Content is king (or Content is NOT king)
  • Blogs giving bad or poorly researched advice
  • 5 or 10 or 20 "Essential Twitter Tips"
  • The best time of day to post on your blog
  • How to Get Tons of Blog Comments (written on a blog that gets zero comments)
...and this one is my personal favourite:
  • How to make money with affiliate marketing (by someone who barely makes any money doing affiliate marketing)
Bloggers: AVOID "affiliate marketing" at all costs! Scroll down to read comments on this one!
All of the above were discussed in a May 09 2011 post on The Blogging Bookshelf. The article has racked up 129 comments of the very best kind! [See my upcoming post about having too many comments on your blog, coming soon! Check back everyday until it posts!]

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