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Thursday, June 30, 2011 0 comments
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Anda harus berhati-hati terhadap situs-situs yang mirip dengan facebook, apabila anda memasukkan data login anda di situs palsu tersebut, maka akun facebook anda akan di hack oleh orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Inilah Halaman Facebook untuk memudahkan anda mengakses Login FB agar tidak tersesat seperti terjebak halaman fishing yg akan sangat merugikan nantinya.

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2. Facebook Lite
Facebook versi lite merupakan facebook versi hemat bandwidth dan juga bagi anda yang memiliki koneksi yang tidak terlalu cepat. Facebook lite memang tidak memiliki fitur full karena adanya pengurangan pada penggunaan ajax sehingga lebih ringan.

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4. Facebook Mobile
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Semua versi login facebook di atas bisa di akses melalui browser pada PC. Semuanya tergantung kesukaan dan kenyamanan Anda dalam menggunakan fb login yang mana. Ingat, masukkan alamat email fb dan password Anda, seperti pada saat pertama kali Anda mendaftar atau membuat facebook.

Setelah anda login ke facebook, anda bisa merubah facebook profile dan menggunakan fitur-fitur di antaranya fasilitas chat lengkap dengan facebook emotion, selain itu jika anda bosan dengan tampilan biru maka anda bisa customize background facebook sesuai selera masing-masing. Selamat menikmati facebook, dan semoga Anda tidak lagi kebingungan untuk facebook login.
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California woman Sabrina Renne Robinson promises boyfriend kinky sex only to torture him for cheating on her


Like the old saying goes, “If it sounds to good be to be true…”

Boyfriend got a big surprise after he got handcuffed to the bed.

Daily Mail

A woman who promised her boyfriend a night of kinky sex has been jailed after handcuffing him to the bed and torturing him for cheating on her.

Sabrina Renne Robinson, from California, poured hot wax over his chest and threatened to 'gut him like a deer' as she sought revenge.

She also smashed him in the face with the butt of a shotgun and repeatedly threatened to kill him.

Police in California said the 33-year-old suspected her boyfriend had been seeing another woman.

She invited her boyfriend to her flat in Fresno, California, and according to police suggested they do 'something kinky'.

The 41-year-old man, who has not been named, stripped naked and allowed himself to be handcuffed to the bed.

But police said when the man was restrained Robinson suddenly turned violent.

Investigators say Robinson burned the man's chest with candle wax, punched his head and body, hit him with the barrel of a shotgun and threatened him with a knife.

While brandishing the knife, Robinson told him 'this is the same type of knife I skin deer with', according to Madera County Sheriff’s Department Eric Stuart.

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Atty gen Holder comes to his sense and drops probe against Bush CIA officials over alleged torture


Now that the Obama administration has sucked up every bit of juice from getting Osama bin Laden to sleep with the fish, the least he could do was to stop harassing Bush CIA officials that got the actionable intelligence by using enhanced interrogation.

This investigation was never warranted in the in the first place and was only done to appease Obama’s kook Leftwing base.

I bet they’re crying in their wine glasses tonight on the Westside of New York!

National Journal

The Justice Department will end a wide-ranging probe into the CIA’s past interrogation, rendition, and detention activities, but it will launch a formal criminal investigation into agency officials involved in the deaths of two detainees, Attorney General Eric Holder announced on Thursday.

“The department has determined that an expanded criminal investigation of the remaining matters is not warranted,” Holder said in a statement.

Holder said he accepted the recommendation of longtime federal prosecutor John Durham to proceed with a criminal investigation into the deaths of the two detainees, adding that Durham’s team “reviewed a tremendous volume of information pertaining to the detainees” that included “both information and matters that had never previously been examined by the department.”

the attorney general tapped Durham in 2009 to review cases of alleged detainee mistreatment and death at the hands of CIA interrogators and contractors under the George W. Bush administration.

The probe has been hanging over the CIA, and Holder’s decision to end it was immediately welcomed by key officials.

Notably, Holder made his announcement only minutes before the Senate voted 94-0 to confirm Gen. David Petraeus as the next CIA director. The announcement was also made on the last day for current CIA Director Leon Panetta, who is heading to the Pentagon as the next Defense secretary.

“After extensive examination of more than 100 instances in which CIA had contact or was alleged to have had contact with terrorist detainees, [Durham] has determined that no further law enforcement action is appropriate in all but two discrete cases,” Panetta said in a message to CIA employees.

“No decision has been made to bring criminal charges,” added Panetta, who fiercely defended CIA agents during his tenure. “Both cases were previously reviewed by career federal prosecutors who subsequently declined prosecution. The agency will, of course, continue to cooperate fully in the remaining investigations.”

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The Case of Dominique Strauss-Kahn VS. Nafissatou Diallo Takes a Strange Turn...

I had some serious doubts about this case right from day one...
Here's an update 2 July 2011 ::: NY POST: Maid cleaning up as 'hooker'!

UPDATE July 7 ::: Recent Photos of Diallo


The woman who cried rape may be involved in a lot more than we have been led to believe. Is she really living in a building that exclusively houses HIV/AIDS carriers? The photo displayed here may or may not accurately depict her. Some say the picture is at least 10, maybe 15 years old. Others say it simply isn't her! What do YOU think? The way things have been going in the news, nothing really surprises me anymore. I have some added in some new information to an article I posted awhile ago. Consider this a "working update" vesrion, one where I will add new facts and allegations as they are reported.

"I have not given birth to a bad woman..." ~ quote from the mother of NYC chambermaid Nafissatou Diallo ::: Ms. DIALLO is quoted in the New York Times ‘Don’t worry, this guy has a lot of money. I know what I’m doing,’ (Diallo is seen in the accompanying photo)

Attention has now shifted from perp to the alleged victim of an alleged sexual assault of a 32-year old hotel chambermaid in New York City on May 14th by the former International Monetary Fund managing director, Dominique Strauss-Kahn.

The sexual assault case against Strauss-Kahn is on the verge of collapse as investigators have uncovered major holes in the credibility of the "devout Muslim Ghanian" housekeeper.

The maid, Nafissatou Diallo from the West African nation of Guinea, told police that the 62-year-old Strauss-Kahn came out of the bathroom naked, chased her down, forced her to perform oral sex on him and tried to remove her underwear before she broke free and fled the room.
The New York Times reports ::: According to the two law enforcement officials, the woman had a phone conversation with an incarcerated man within a day of her encounter with Mr. Strauss Kahn in which she discussed the possible benefits of pursing the charges against him. The conversation was recorded.

That man, the investigators learned, had been arrested on charges of possessing 400 pounds of marijuana. He was among a number of individuals who made multiple cash deposits, totaling around $100,000, into the woman’s bank account over the last two years. The deposits were made in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia and New York.

They also learned that she was paying hundreds of dollars every month in phone charges to five different companies. The woman insisted she only had a single phone and said she knew nothing about the deposits except that they were made by a man she described as her fiancé and his friends.

In addition, the official said, she told investigators that part of her application for asylum included a previous rape, but there was no such account in the application. She also told them that she had been subjected to genital mutilation, but her account to the investigators differed from what was contained in the asylum application.
Inquiring minds want to know more about Diallo, who received political asylum in the US, and has been employed at the hotel for three years: La famille de celle qui accuse Dominique Strauss-Khan de tentative de viol s'est confiée à SlateAfrique. Elle décrit une jolie jeune femme de nationalité guinéenne sans histoire, sérieuse et qui n'a pu être manipulée.
via SlateAfrique ::: The one who is called Ophelia is not from Senegal, Ghana or Puerto Rico, as some journalists have reported, but from Guinea.

The daughter of a merchant form the Peule tribe (40% of the population in a country of 10.3 million), she is from the Labé region in Guinea, and followed her husband, a Guinea merchant, to the USA in 1998. There, she divorced him and has been raising her 15 year old daughter alone in the Bronx. She has some family in Harlem, including her sister, who is married to a Guinean business man working in the import-export trade.

Nafissatou Diallo holds a green card, and has been working as a maid in the Sofitel Hotel for three years. She has a reputation as a serious girl.

“She is as hard a worker as her sister,” said a cousin of hers on the phone. Diallo’s family has not been able to see her yet. Like everyone else, they read the papers, but they hope the sexual assault is “less severe” that what is reported.

Mamadou Chérif Diallo, from the victim’s family, and a 35 year old Guinean who is working for a New York City agency, who is tasked with representing the family, said this:

She’s a good Muslim. She is really pretty, as are a lot of Peule women, but in our culture, we do not accept this kind of behavior. Seriously, Dominique Strauss-Kahn attacked the wrong person. It’s a scandal! It’s really sad, this accident!

Under police protection

The family explained that Nafissatou Diallo is in hiding with NYPD protection to protect her from the media. She presenting has a lawyer. The attorney general’s office in Manhattan, contacted by SlateAfrique, refused to confirm the identity of Nafissatou Diallo, a common measure to protect sexual assault victims in the US.
French-Cameroonian writer Calixthe Beyala wrote an open letter that has been posted on several websites, entitled: “On épouse une Blanche et on viole la femme noire -or- Rape the Black Woman, and Marry the White One” - here are two snippets:

“...he knows perfectly the Sofitel Hotel in New York led by French. In this hotel, work for many black women! Many of them were raped by the former head of the IMF and the scandalous affairs have always been suppressed by the hotel management...”

“It is traumatising to realise that some Black people still have chains in their minds, and do not question the appetite of powerful men for Black women, a morbid attraction, in which relations haven't changed since slavery.”

Global Voices' Julie Owono explores the possibility that Nafissatou Diallo is a "conspirator".

Does machismo cause rape? Tracy Clark-Flory investigates for

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Mark Halperin suspended by MSNBC for being on point when he called Obama a “dick”



Finally, somebody at the Obama-suck-up cable channel, aka MSNBC had a moment of clarity when reporter Mark Halperin correctly labeled President Obama as a “dick” after he heard the stream of misinformation and class warfare demagoguery coming from the president’s lips yesterday.


At least there’s somebody at MSNBC with enough integrity to tell it like it is when we have a president way over his head, unable to talk about his own record since coming to the White House, refusing to accept blame for his own mess, and desperately giving the American people false choices between choosing kids and corporate jets.

That was a shameful, disgusting, and unbecoming of a president performance by Obama yesterday and Halperin nailed him on it.

So now the drones at MSNBC are scrambling to right the ship and put it back on a brown-nosing path.

It won’t take them that long to get back on course.

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Public sector employees at NY/NJ agency (Port Authority) paid $30K more than average pay of private sector workers


This is where your tax dollars are going.

The average salary for a worker at New York/New Jersey Port Authority, a bi-state agency that runs both New York city airports, the World Trade Center, the PATH Trains system, and the city’s Hudson River bridge and tunnel crossings, is a whopping $90,000 a year.

That’s a lot more than private sector workers in NYC who take in $60K on average.

Here’s the funny part, a PA spokesman said, “The PA has taken significant steps to control costs.”

New York Post

It pays to work for the Port Authority -- big time. The average salary at the bistate agency hit $90,000 last year -- more than $30,000 above the average salary for private-sector workers in the city -- according to a new analysis by the conservative think tank the Manhattan Institute.

The study found that average salaries at the PA rose about $1,000 over 2009, even as the agency is preparing to propose hiking bridge and tunnel tolls 25 percent next year, from $8 to $10.

"Is it bloat, or is it grounded in necessity? They need to show me," said City Council Minority Leader James Oddo (R-Staten Island). "If they have a good explanation for it, they better put it out there rather quickly."

According to the analysis, the highest-paid PA worker is executive director Christopher Ward, who earned $304,902. The agency's top attorney, Darrell Buchbinder, was No. 2, with $251,758.

The most eye-popping numbers were put up by PA cops, four of whom made the top 10 thanks to huge overtime pay.

Three police sergeants more than doubled their base salaries because of OT. And one of them, Sgt. Edwin Rivera -- No. 8 overall -- pulled down $132,286 on top of his base salary of $103,964 to make him the PA's OT champ for 2010.

Rivera declined to comment.

In a statement, the PA said it "has taken significant steps to control costs . . . the agency is now at its lowest staffing levels in 40 years and will continue its commitment to cutting costs."

The agency has a workforce of about 7,000 -- including a 1,500-member police department -- and operates the region's airports and seaports, the World Trade Center, the PATH train system, and the city's Hudson River bridge and tunnel crossings.

By comparison, the Empire Center said the average employee salary at the MTA in 2009 was dramatically lower, at $69,000.

"We think it's incredibly important that financial data, like the Port Authority's payroll, is available for analysis," the Empire Center said in a statement.

"It helps to paint the whole picture of where our tax dollars go and provides a canvas for taxpayers to make an informed decision about how they think their government is performing

End of story.

Good thing the PA has taken significant steps to keep salaried down. Otherwise these workers may be subject to Obama’s tax hikes for the rich.
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Andi Eigenmann breaks her silence

The Agua Bendita actress Andi Eigenmann breaks her silence today around 8Pm about

Andi Eigenmann posted on her Twitter account,

"For your better understanding, I've only had one boyfriend before Jake whom I've only been seeing for the past 2 months. Therefore, Jake cannot be the said ex-boyfriend whom everyone has been talking about,"

Two person has been pinpointed as father of Andi's pregnancy. First was Jake Ejercito, son of former President Joseph Estrada already refuted the speculation about him over Twitter. The second was ALBIE CASIÑO, who was said to be Andi's first boyfriend just before they joined showbiz.

Andi Eigenman in her first tv series Agua Bendita
Some say the two separated last year. But there are also reports saying that was only January 2011 they do break.

There was a conflict between former lover for allegedly accused of Albie was Andi as a "cheater" on May 2011.

No direct statement about the pregnancy was Albie's Andi, but the personal Twitter account of the mother young actor Rina Lee Casiño it was his statement today:

"No one's denying nor confirming. Just saying he is not her 1st bf & I did not hear Ms. Jaclyn Albie did u say?"

Converse of the radio-TV host Ogie Diaz Mrs.. Casiño and said this:

"Walang problema kung anak ko nakabuntis ke Andi. Blessing yan. And we welcome DNA Test."

But if the wide Andi was Twitter's statement, clearly referring to her father of her unborn child is nothing except Albie.
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Andi Eigenmann breaks her silence

The Agua Bendita actress Andi Eigenmann breaks her silence today around 8Pm about

Andi Eigenmann posted on her Twitter account,

"For your better understanding, I've only had one boyfriend before Jake whom I've only been seeing for the past 2 months. Therefore, Jake cannot be the said ex-boyfriend whom everyone has been talking about,"

Two person has been pinpointed as father of Andi's pregnancy. First was Jake Ejercito, son of former President Joseph Estrada already refuted the speculation about him over Twitter. The second was ALBIE CASIÑO, who was said to be Andi's first boyfriend just before they joined showbiz.

Andi Eigenman in her first tv series Agua Bendita
Some say the two separated last year. But there are also reports saying that was only January 2011 they do break.

There was a conflict between former lover for allegedly accused of Albie was Andi as a "cheater" on May 2011.

No direct statement about the pregnancy was Albie's Andi, but the personal Twitter account of the mother young actor Rina Lee Casiño it was his statement today:

"No one's denying nor confirming. Just saying he is not her 1st bf & I did not hear Ms. Jaclyn Albie did u say?"

Converse of the radio-TV host Ogie Diaz Mrs.. Casiño and said this:

"Walang problema kung anak ko nakabuntis ke Andi. Blessing yan. And we welcome DNA Test."

But if the wide Andi was Twitter's statement, clearly referring to her father of her unborn child is nothing except Albie.
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Denise Richards adopted a baby girl


Charlie Sheen's estranged wife Denise Richards hit the Internet trending topic because she adopted a baby girl.

Former Bond's girl  (Pierce Brosnan) in The World is Not Enough adopted a baby girl domestically told by her rep to US Weekly. Richards named her adaopted baby girl Eloise Joni, her mother's name who was gone in 2007 because of cancer.

Denise Richards' rep told,

"Denise and Eloise's big sisters couldn't be happier and feel incredibly blessed,"

Richards has two daughters named Sam, 7, and Lola, 5 from her previous marriage to Charlie Sheen.
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Denise Richards adopted a baby girl


Charlie Sheen's estranged wife Denise Richards hit the Internet trending topic because she adopted a baby girl.

Former Bond's girl  (Pierce Brosnan) in The World is Not Enough adopted a baby girl domestically told by her rep to US Weekly. Richards named her adaopted baby girl Eloise Joni, her mother's name who was gone in 2007 because of cancer.

Denise Richards' rep told,

"Denise and Eloise's big sisters couldn't be happier and feel incredibly blessed,"

Richards has two daughters named Sam, 7, and Lola, 5 from her previous marriage to Charlie Sheen.
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Beginning Friday, and other large out-of-state retailers will be required to collect sales taxes on purchases that their California customers make online. Bold step in a new direction? Will other states soon follow?

The new tax collection requirement — part of budget-related legislation — is expected to raise an estimated $317 million a year in new state and local government revenue.

From MOHAMED OSAM on JUNE 29, 2011 ·

In an email sent this afternoon to Californians participating in the famous eCommerce company, Inc. (NASDAQ: AMZN) affiliate program, the company said, “California residents will no longer receive advertising fees for sales referred to , , MYHABIT.COM or“. This decision was made Due to a sales tax measure recently passed in CA state legislature and on its way to be signed by GovernorJerry Brown.

This is not the first time, Amazon has actually terminated the associates program in Hawaii, Connecticut, Illinois, and North Carolina because of the passing of similar legal issues.

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Bachmann, too pretty to be a feminist, yet still mistreated by media because she’s a conservative woman


The first major decision Barack Obama ever made was to select Joe Biden as his vice president.

Did you stop laughing now?

It was an early indicator that Obama didn’t know what he was doing. And his time as president has confirmed it with miserable approval ratings.
If I listed all of Joe Biden’s gaffes in his nearly 30 year career as a politician, Google would shut down my blog for excessive memory use.

Yet, he gets to be a heartbeat away from the presidency and the Leftwing media glosses over his incompetence saying, “That’s just Joe!”

However, this past week the media has been all over Bachmann like starving mice looking for cheese trying to derail her presidential aspirations at any costs.

Although they won’t admit it, I think it’s because she’s an attractive married conservative woman that makes most troll-like feminists look worse.

Let’s face it. Feminism has always been a pathway for the “truly ugly”, “not so pretty”, “plain”, and “she’s got a great personality” among us a seat at the table.

That’s why the long knives are out for Bachmann.

The Daily Beast

No girl-power rhetoric here: Michele Bachmann tells Kirsten Powers she’s just an “empowered American” who takes media indignities foreign to the average male pol in stride.

Bachmann seemed loath to engage in the kind of girl-power rhetoric utilized by Palin and Hillary Clinton, who both invoked the perennial—and so far unbreakable—presidential glass ceiling.

Said Bachmann: “I’m a woman comfortable in her own skin. I grew up with three brothers. My parents didn’t see us [as] limited [by gender]. I would mow the lawn and take out the trash; I was making my own fishing lures. I went along with everything the boys did.”

Bachmann is still doing everything the boys do, but as a female candidate she endures indignities that are foreign to your average male pol. Yet she takes it all in stride.

In a joint interview with Bachmann last year, then-Sen. Arlen Specter lectured her to “act like a [lady]” when she strenuously disagreed with him on a point. A recent Rolling Stone diatribe by Matt Taibbi called her “completely batshit crazy” with a “retro-Stepford image.” MSNBC’s Chris Matthews has accused her of being “hypnotized” on the air and has referred to the three-term House member and former tax attorney as a “balloon head.”

True, the media have a field day playing up her every misstep—most recently her assertion that the Founding Fathers “worked tirelessly” to end slavery—but we should know by now what that is about. (Hint: She’s a woman with presidential aspirations.) If Joe Biden’s gaffes had received half the attention of Bachmann’s, nobody would take him seriously, either.

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Strategic Flaws in the 2011 US Economy

In a sign of increasing pessimism about the direction of the U.S. economy, roughly 4 in10 Americans now believes it is in permanent decline, according to a new CBS News/New York Times poll. (Hover and click on the image below for more details)

(Reuters) - If banks loaned out their $2 trillion cash hoard, if worker training programs were stepped up and if 3 million job openings were filled, the economic recovery would be far stronger, a panel assembled by former President Bill Clinton said on Wednesday. [Read Bill Clinton's remarks HERE]

So what the heck is going on with the economy? Gasoline is a big factor. American drivers are to big oil companies what puppets are to puppetmasters. Like a game, the masters rise the prices up to $4 a gallon and beyond, and just as our backs are beginning to crack under the weight, they ease off agin. Cat and mouse game-like. Torture. Push us to the edge of the cliffs, and pull us back a little bit just as we lose our footing. What else is eating away at our money?

Leading the way: HOUSING ::: AdAge reports "Data being released ... from Experian will show that in the first half of 2010, an estimated 275,000 people just walked away from mortgages they could afford to keep paying because they had become such awful investments. That adds up to roughly 17% of defaulters. While that figure is down 35% from the first half of 2009, as evidence of a double-dip housing crash mounts, "we expect the incidence of strategic defaulting to go up," said Ms. Bremmer.

Estimates of the number of mortgages under water in the U.S. hover just over 1 in 4 but that could jump to half in the coming years. Recent data from Corelogic suggests that almost 10% of mortgages originated just last year are already in the negative equity range. The Federal Reserve shows average homeowner equity at just 38% down from 61% a decade ago ...

...strategic defaulters... are no deadbeats in a traditional sense. The Experian data show that they are more likely to have had a jumbo-sized mortgage, have had excellent credit scores, have had more than one house or investment property, and have a higher than average household income. They also stay current on all their other bills. If you look at the incidence in these charts, the proportion of strategic defaulters keeps going up.

They should be owning and spending like home owners. But they're not, and for up to the next seven years they might have a hard time finding a mortgage while their credit recovers. "As many strategic defaulters as there are," said Ms. Bremmer, "there are many more people who are short-selling. Those people are renting, too."" (In other words, they are driving up rents and eventually will end up defaulting on their landlords).

As I have suggested before, if Barack Obama wants to create a REAL stimulus that will "save his presidency" he must give families a 20% cash down payment on a new or existing home that they can afford that is + or - $150 within the amount they are currently spending on rent.

John Sealander ::: Sound Familiar? "I paid all my June bills today. It's weird. Money comes in the door. Money goes out the door. And nothing really changes. There always seems to be enough to pay the bills on time, but I never really get ahead of the game. Maybe in this dismal economy, that's as good as it's going to get. I really need to invent something that I can sell for $19.95 on the cable TV channels and tell people that if they order right now, I'll send them not one, but two useless gizmos for the same price... with separate shipping and handling, of course."

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Shia LeBeouf, Hollywood’s “bitch-ass-man” for admitting he had sex with Megen Fox

Wednesday, June 29, 2011 0 comments


What the heck ever happened to “a gentleman doesn’t tell”?

Not when it comes to this poor excuse for manhood that happens to be the star of the Transformers movies. A real man doesn’t do that kind of thing.

Shia, bitched up like a woman and should hang his head in shame. But, I doubt he has that type of pride.
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‘Net pervert catcher Chris Hanson caught cheating on his wife by hidden cam


The trapper got caught with his own trap!

Is it me, or does the chic Hanson got caught creeping with looks like
a younger version of his own wife?

Daily Mail

He's made his name with a controversial show that catches would-be internet sex perverts in televised stings. But now Chris Hansen has found himself on the receiving end of his own hidden camera tactics, after the married NBC anchor was secretly filmed on an illicit date with a blonde television reporter 20 years his junior.

Hansen, 51, has allegedly been having an affair with Kristyn Caddell, a 30-year-old Florida journalist, for the last four months.

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Wordless Wednesday Evening

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Disasters this September and November? Alignment-Earthquake connection?

I'm not really big on chicken-little style disaster predictions, perhaps the most frightening of which was that whole millenium thing. But I do recall reading a book in the early 90s about Nostradamus, and his prediction (off by a few years) of the 9/11 act of terror "from the skies above the New City".

John Hogue studies Nostradamus. Nostradamus has a few "comet predictions" and as we learned a few days ago, space debris ike comets and asteroids or meteors can pop up out of nowhere, and we'd have about 5 days notice to do anything (if we could do anything) about them.

Elenin is a comet. Hogue writes "As the orbiting earth lined up with it and the Sun a significant earthquake took place either that very same day or within a few days. The first alignment coincided with a magnitude 8.8 quake hit the Chilean coast sending a Pacific wide tsunami on 27 February 2010. Next came a 7.2 temblor shaking up Christchurch, New Zealand on 4 September 2010. The third alignment of Sun-Earth-Elenin happened on 15 March, four days after 11 March 2011 when Japan’s 9.0 quake crushed and later drowned over 25,000 people and knocked out four nuclear reactors along the northeast Honshu coastline with a vast flooding tsunami that also sent waves reverberating across surface of the Pacific Ocean." The comet will align two more times this year, in September and November. Something to think about.

If Hogue's theory is correct, science must assume that earth's inner core can be influenced by gravity or perhaps some undiscovered property of passing celestial bodies. The hardest part of deciphering Nostradamus' predictions is that you have to imagine yourself living in a century where most of the inventions and things we take for granted did not exist. If the man was privvy to "visions" of the future, he must have struggled to convey what he "saw" - especially historical "clips" seen occurring in a different langauage and culture. So if he wrote "Hister" instead of "Hitler" we understand why. We should also understand that until his infamous "Mabus" prediction comes clearly into focus (via the passgae of time), we won't be able to accurately discern the identity of "Mabus".

Nostradamus' 9/11 prediction was accurate, and we come to know that after analysis it conforms to the structure of his previous forecasts. He used anagrams at times (and perhaps other "tricks" so one could not easily figure out exact dates etc.) - and again I'm sure a lot of what he was able to write down he himself probably did not fully understand. Like if you brought Napoleon here to 2011 for 10 minutes and then ask him to write down what he saw - let's assume he was in a room where the TV was on tuned to the news, there were a few magazines and a newspaper on the coffee table, and someone was chatting away on a cell phone. All this stuff is in English and he has to write his experience in his native French.

Back to the comet: we wait and see. What do YOU think? Another "Chicken Little"?
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6th circuit court upholds ObamaCare, thanks to G.W. Bush appointee Jeffrey S. Sutton


Judge Jeffrey S. Sutton wrote, “In my opinion, the government has the better of the arguments.” He added, “Not every intrusive law is an unconstitutionally intrusive law.”


How does that make sense? I wish Judge Sutton, who’s obviously a Lindsey Graham-type Republican, that is to say a RINO, had given an example of what the heck he was talking about.
I’m not a lawyer, but I still don’t understand under the concept of Federalism how the federal government can usurp the power of states and force people in all 50 to buy health insurance. That’s unconstitutional on its face. With that logic, the fed govt cam makes people do, or not do anything.

Bye bye, freedom.

Hello United Soviet States!

And the America we used to know is gone forever.

New York Times

The Obama administration on Wednesday prevailed in the first appellate review of the 2010 health care law as a three-judge panel from the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit held that it was constitutional for Congress to require that Americans buy health insurance.

The ruling by the Cincinnati court is the first of three opinions to be delivered by separate courts of appeal that heard arguments in the health care litigation in May and June. Opinions are expected soon from panels in both the Fourth Circuit in Richmond, Va., and the Eleventh Circuit in Atlanta.

Lawyers on both sides of the case widely expect the Supreme Court to take one or more of the cases, perhaps as soon as its coming term, which starts in October. The speed of the Sixth Circuit ruling could help ensure that timing.

The opinion was the first to not break down strictly along seemingly partisan lines. In the 2-to-1 ruling, a judge appointed by a Republican president joined one named by a Democrat to write the majority opinion.

In various cases at the lower District Court level, five judges have divided on the question, with three Democratic appointees backing the law and two Republican appointees rejecting it.

As they look ahead to the Supreme Court, the law’s defenders can take encouragement from the concurring opinion written by Judge Jeffrey S. Sutton, an appointee of President George W. Bush, a Republican. Judge Sutton is typically considered conservative on questions of constitutional reach.

After acknowledging the difficulty of pinpointing the limits on Congress’s power to regulate interstate commerce, Judge Sutton wrote, “In my opinion, the government has the better of the arguments.” He added, “Not every intrusive law is an unconstitutionally intrusive law.”

Joining Judge Sutton was Judge Boyce F. Martin Jr., an appointee of President Jimmy Carter, a Democrat. Dissenting on the central issues was Judge James L. Graham, a District Court judge appointed by President Ronald Reagan who is on temporary assignment to the Sixth Circuit.

The appeal, which was heard by the panel on June 1, came in a challenge filed by the Thomas More Law Center, a conservative public interest firm in Ann Arbor, Mich. In its 69-page ruling, the panel upheld Judge George C. Steeh of Federal District Court in Detroit, who concluded that choosing not to buy health insurance was a consequential commercial decision that could be regulated by Congress under the Commerce Clause of the Constitution.

More here

I think Sutton’s life is about to become miserable.

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Guo Meimei and the China Red Cross Scandal

Pictured: 'Guo Meimei Baby'

The incident has ignited debate regarding corporate social responsibility in Asia.

CHINA'S Red Cross Society on Wednesday was forced to explain several discrepancies in its budget last year, as it battles to quell public anger and mistrust following accusations of corruption.

The aid agency has been hit with claims that a young woman who posted photos online flaunting her wealth is the daughter of one of its vice presidents, and that her lavish lifestyle is being bankrolled by embezzled charity funds.

On Monday, the state auditor also said it had found five problems in its review of the Red Cross' 2010 budget, such as money allocated for training that did not take place, further fuelling suspicion about how donations are used.

So, she has taken the Asian internet by storm. 20-year old Guo Meimei has been the #1 search item on Baidu (the Chinese equivalent of "google") and the subject of much debate: Guo Meimei showcases her lavish lifestyle on her Sina micro blog— she lives in a villa, owns several luxury sport cars and expensive handbags from international brands.

"The row broke after Guo uploaded pictures of what she claimed were her Maserati and Lamborghini cars... She has since become the hottest topic on the country's major micro blog website, (the Chinese version of "twitter") . The number of her "fans" on the micro blog shot up from several hundred to more than 108,000 by Thursday night." [1] (AS of now, 309,300+!)

Just like in the USA, SMS messaging plays a role in the unfolding story: "One netizen claimed to have connected Guo Meimei to the Red Cross Society of China's vice-president, Guo Changjiang, and alleged that Guo Changjiang had a micro blog of his own that followed only four other people's micro blogs. One of the four allegedly belonged to Guo Meimei.

In response, Guo Changjiang said Guo Meimei was not his daughter and later shut down his micro blog."[2]

DAMAGE CONTROL ::: On Wednesday, Guo Meimei herself wrote on her micro blog that she had no relationship with the Red Cross Society of China or Guo Changjiang, and that she was indeed an actress and hurt by the negative responses:
"I am an actress the rumors have hurt me," she wrote. "I and my family members are taxpayers. How can people attack us about how we spend our money?"
And indeed, curious netizens uncovered that, in the past she worked as a model and actress, in Shenzhen, but was little known to the public. Her family apparently is not wealthy, and are said to now be wondering how, in the last two years, she has become this rich.

"The conclusion appeared to be obvious: Guo was siphoning off charitable donations to fund her lavish lifestyle. The Red Cross was forced to set the record straight. There was no such thing as the Red Cross Commerce Association and Guo had no connection whatsoever to the Red Cross, it said." [3]

Fauna @chinaSMACK has written up a summary ::: the complete saga of Guo Meimei.

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Permission to reprint this blog post in whole or in part is hereby granted, provided that the author (or authors) and Dave Lucas are properly cited. Permission to reprint any comments below is granted only for those comments written by Dave Lucas and staff.
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Katharine Mcphee at The Voice

The American Idol Season 5 runner-up Katharine Mcphee dropped by at American Idol's direct rival singing competition The Voice.

Mcphee went to Tuesday to talk about her new series, Smash, plus she announced she would be doing her own version of one of the coaches' hits.

Katharine Mcphee also talked about doing her own version of Christina Aguilera’s “Beautiful” on her new show, which the coach performed with her team’s finalist, Beverly McClellan, on Tuesday’s show. Now, that’s synergy.

You can also watch Katharine Mcphee's video clip of her Christina Aguilera's Beautiful cover.

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Katharine Mcphee at The Voice

The American Idol Season 5 runner-up Katharine Mcphee dropped by at American Idol's direct rival singing competition The Voice.

Mcphee went to Tuesday to talk about her new series, Smash, plus she announced she would be doing her own version of one of the coaches' hits.

Katharine Mcphee also talked about doing her own version of Christina Aguilera’s “Beautiful” on her new show, which the coach performed with her team’s finalist, Beverly McClellan, on Tuesday’s show. Now, that’s synergy.

You can also watch Katharine Mcphee's video clip of her Christina Aguilera's Beautiful cover.

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Tracy Morgan R' word

In a live performance of Tracy Morgan, audience groaned after he use R word.

Tracy was actually joking during his last weekend performance in New York, saying

"Don't ever mess with women who have retarded kids." The audience groaned, but Tracy didn't stop: "Them young retarded males is strong. They're strong like chimps."
About 3 weeks ago, tracy apologised for his joke gay joke which his co-star Tina Fey didn't like.Morgan joked that he would stab his son to death if he spoke in a "gay voice."

In his apology, Morgan said,

 "I want to apologize to my fans and the gay & lesbian community for my choice of words at my recent stand-up act in Nashville."

"I'm not a hateful person and don’t condone any kind of violence against others.", added by Morgan.

Sometimes you just gotta slow down from your jokes right? Earlier this year, he was also caught unguarded when he was to chose between Tina Fey Or Sarah Palin? and he answered

“let me tell you something about Sarah Palin, she’s good masturbation material.”

Jen Aniston R word was also posted here, an incident where she slip the R word during an interview on “Live With Regis and Kelly.”
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Tracy Morgan R' word

In a live performance of Tracy Morgan, audience groaned after he use R word.

Tracy was actually joking during his last weekend performance in New York, saying

"Don't ever mess with women who have retarded kids." The audience groaned, but Tracy didn't stop: "Them young retarded males is strong. They're strong like chimps."
About 3 weeks ago, tracy apologised for his joke gay joke which his co-star Tina Fey didn't like.Morgan joked that he would stab his son to death if he spoke in a "gay voice."

In his apology, Morgan said,

 "I want to apologize to my fans and the gay & lesbian community for my choice of words at my recent stand-up act in Nashville."

"I'm not a hateful person and don’t condone any kind of violence against others.", added by Morgan.

Sometimes you just gotta slow down from your jokes right? Earlier this year, he was also caught unguarded when he was to chose between Tina Fey Or Sarah Palin? and he answered

“let me tell you something about Sarah Palin, she’s good masturbation material.”

Jen Aniston R word was also posted here, an incident where she slip the R word during an interview on “Live With Regis and Kelly.”
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Andi Eigenmann's pregnant

Jaclyn Jose confirms her daughter Andi Eigenmann's pregnancy today (June 29) at ABS-CBN news show TV Patrol.
Andi Eigenmann pregnant

Veteran actress told TVPatrol reporter,

"I just want to tell everyone that yes, it's true, my daughter's pregnant."

The actress added,

"Hindi madali, pero kailangan kong tanggapin. Kasi mahal ko siya at anak ko siya.

"Wala namang ibang tutulong sa kanya kundi ako at ang kanyang pamilya."

"Ang una mong pupuntahan, simbahan. Mananalangin ka.

"Ibibigay mo na lang sa Kanya lahat. Sasabihin mo, 'Ama, ikaw na ang bahala, hindi ko kaya 'to. Kung anumang desisyon Mo, tatanggapin ko.'"

Ms. Jose declined to talk about the father of Andi's child. Andi Eigenmann is 18 weeks and 2 days pregnant.

Asked about Andi's first boyfriend,

"First boyfriend, wala na sila no'n. Iniwanan siya nung nabuntis siya.

Here's part of Jaclyn Jose's interview.

"I don't want to talk about him anymore. Wala akong hinihiling sa kanila, ni ayaw ko silang makita!

"She decided to keep the baby, na naging proud naman ako sa anak ko.

"Mahal namin 'yan, e. Mahal ng lahat ng pamilya ko si Andi."

Some speculate Albie Casiño since he has been identified as boyfriend of Andi.

It has been also reported that Andi has been girlfriend of former President Joseph Estrada's son Jake Ejercito from former actress Laarni Enriquez.

Jake from his end defended himself via social networking site Twitter saying,

"I'd just like to ask everyone not to jump into conclusions and misinterpret what has been said. I am not Andi's first boyfriend. Let us just respect and pray for her, her baby, and family."
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Andi Eigenmann's pregnant

Jaclyn Jose confirms her daughter Andi Eigenmann's pregnancy today (June 29) at ABS-CBN news show TV Patrol.
Andi Eigenmann pregnant

Veteran actress told TVPatrol reporter,

"I just want to tell everyone that yes, it's true, my daughter's pregnant."

The actress added,

"Hindi madali, pero kailangan kong tanggapin. Kasi mahal ko siya at anak ko siya.

"Wala namang ibang tutulong sa kanya kundi ako at ang kanyang pamilya."

"Ang una mong pupuntahan, simbahan. Mananalangin ka.

"Ibibigay mo na lang sa Kanya lahat. Sasabihin mo, 'Ama, ikaw na ang bahala, hindi ko kaya 'to. Kung anumang desisyon Mo, tatanggapin ko.'"

Ms. Jose declined to talk about the father of Andi's child. Andi Eigenmann is 18 weeks and 2 days pregnant.

Asked about Andi's first boyfriend,

"First boyfriend, wala na sila no'n. Iniwanan siya nung nabuntis siya.

Here's part of Jaclyn Jose's interview.

"I don't want to talk about him anymore. Wala akong hinihiling sa kanila, ni ayaw ko silang makita!

"She decided to keep the baby, na naging proud naman ako sa anak ko.

"Mahal namin 'yan, e. Mahal ng lahat ng pamilya ko si Andi."

Some speculate Albie Casiño since he has been identified as boyfriend of Andi.

It has been also reported that Andi has been girlfriend of former President Joseph Estrada's son Jake Ejercito from former actress Laarni Enriquez.

Jake from his end defended himself via social networking site Twitter saying,

"I'd just like to ask everyone not to jump into conclusions and misinterpret what has been said. I am not Andi's first boyfriend. Let us just respect and pray for her, her baby, and family."
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Japan Hello Kitty Lady Gaga


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Liberal Oregon Pols think Pledge of Allegiance is divisive

This is an absolute teachable moment as to the warpness of the Liberal mind that hates traditional American values.

This is Liberalism run amok!

When conservatives say that Democrats are un-American, here's an example why!

(h/t) The Blaze
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Another ethically challenged Dem Rep. Laura Richardson may have some ‘splaining to do to the FBI


Whatever happened to Nancy Pelosi’s promise to drain the swamp of corruption in Washington?

Dem Rep Charlie Rangel-certified tax-cheat who was in charge of writing tax law for the rest of us.

Dem Rep Anthony Weiner-certified freakaziod who spent more of his time sexting woman other than his pregnant wife than he did work for his constituents.

And here come Dem Rep Laura Richardson with her own alleged kind of misconduct.

The Hill

A leading watchdog group is touting new evidence of alleged ethics violations by Rep. Laura Richardson (D-Calif.) and calling for a criminal investigation.

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) is accusing Richardson of habitually threatening her congressional staff with their jobs if they didn’t work on her campaign, and has asked the FBI to investigate.

“Rep. Richardson presented staffers with an odious choice: work on her campaign, or lose their jobs,” Melanie Sloan, CREW’s executive director, said in a statement. “Astonishingly, in just three short terms, Rep. Richardson has been the subject of at least two ethics investigations. Now a criminal investigation should be added to the list.”

CREW says it also has evidence that Richardson’s staffers were asked to make political contributions and run personal errands on behalf of the three-term lawmaker — a breach of federal laws barring congressional office funds from being used for unofficial purposes.

Richardson’s office fiercely denied the charges, characterizing the claims as old news.

“The allegations in today’s letter released by CREW are not new, and they are based on media accounts, information and claims reported publicly months ago,” spokesman Ray Zaccaro said in an email Tuesday.

In November, the Ethics panel interviewed Richardson’s staff about the allegations of campaign activity, but the status of that investigation is unknown. The Ethics Committee did not respond to a request for comment.

The FBI likewise declined to comment.

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How To Make A Sticky Post

In blogging, "sticky post" refers to a post that remains "above the fold" or at the top of the author's page indefinitely.
On Wordpress? No problemo!
In the Post editor find the "Publish" section.
Next to "Visibility" click "Edit" and then check the "Stick this post to the front page" option there.
Click save and you're done.
If you are using the old or "classic" blog*spot template, and you are comfortable poking around in the html code, you should be able to find the spot beneath your header where you could manually insert a post. A little tedious, but the post will remain "forever sticky" without having to fool with the date.

The easiest way to make the sticky post is like you would any other. Write, edit, embellish and post. THEN you can go back in to the post html and copy/save into notepad. You will have to tinker with the fonts if you want a headline for your post. If you'd rather not do that, create an original graphic or overlay text on to an image that will serve as a "title". There may be a bit of trial and error involved (which is why you should always do an export/save so you have a back-up copy of your original template that you can re-install if anything goes wrong) but eventually you'll get it right. Results may vary depending on the original template that you are using: that's why I'm not telling you specifically where to insert your html. Don't be afraid to experiment!

The 2nd easiest way to make a post sticky is to assign it a future date. It will stay at the top of your blog until that day comes and goes. This is also the simplest method!

Below is a method for the NEWer blogger "Layout" based blogs. I found these instructions via Google. I am reposting the article here because the original page is being hijacked (as soon as it loads halfway it's gone and you'd be taken to a spam website). Click on the URLS below at your own risk!

In blogger post rule, a new post will be shown on the top, while the older one place below/after it or become archive (depending on your post setting), but with this very simple trick you can remain your post sticky at the top.

Actually this trick is very simple, The key is add the "Add a Gadget" widget above Blog Post in Page Element
By default this widget isn't there, we must doing a little trick first to get that widget. If you do not have Add a Gadget Widget yet, please follow this link

The rest step is just to add our Sticky Post (or you can put picture, message, HTML/JavaScript ) by Add a Gadget Widget above the blog post.

If you want to add a "post form" exactly like your post, then you can add a "Text" gadget.
Please not to write your post title in Title Column because it will show up as a "Gadget Title" not as a Post Title, you better write it in Content. and set the display as a Post Title.

The Problem is: to do this trick, we must use HTML code to make up the text... But don't worry, if you are not capable with HTML Codes, there are simple and fast way to make your sticky post without learn it. Use your "New Post" to make a sample of your sticky post, set the display as close as your real post, use the Preview to check your sticky post display then copy-paste into your content collumn text add gadget.

Open your Blogger Dashboard >> New Post. Write your sticky post.

Use Preview to check your final displal, Block your Sticky Post text.

Open your Dashboard in a new Tab >> Layout >> Page Element >> Add a Gadget (above your blogpost) >> Click Text >> Paste your Sticky Post into content column. and Save it.
And this is the final example...

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Permission to reprint this blog post in whole or in part is hereby granted, provided that the author (or authors) and Dave Lucas are properly cited. Permission to reprint any comments below is granted only for those comments written by Dave Lucas and staff.
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Nanteos Cup


In 1997 I was involved in a UK documentary film about Jesus' visit to the western confines of England, and in 1998 I participated in a similar documentary for an American television network. I provided the genesis of the Sacred Cup (sometimes known as the Holy Grail) from Palestine to England in the custody of St Joseph of Arimathea. In the NBC documentary, I spoke from Glastonbury Abbey and in the UK programme the Grail Chapel at the Holy Grail Retreat Centre. As well as discussing the supernatural healing properties attributed to the Sacred Cup of the Last Supper, I talked about the visits believed to have been made by Jesus to England and the coming of the Grail to Glastonbury after the Passion. Since that time I have been inundated with requests for Prayer Cloths that have been anointed and blessed with oil and water in the Nanteos Cup (see photographs above). I must stress that I have never stated that the Nanteos Cup is the Holy Grail, ie the Sacred Cup used by Our Lord at the Last Supper, and personally entertain not inconsiderable doubt in claims of this kind made by others. I do not, however, question the benefit derived by those who subscribe to its healing qualities via investment in the Divine nature of cures attributed to healing via the Nanteos Cup.
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Glenn Beck and family can’t watch a movie in Bryant Park without being harassed by idiot Liberals

Tuesday, June 28, 2011 0 comments

In the below video Glenn Beck tells of his ordeal he and his family suffered when trying to watch a movie at Bryant Park.

It didn’t go well!

As a lifelong New Yorker, I know all too well how immature New York Liberals can act. If there were a Nobel Prize for the most nonsensical Liberal, I guarantee you a New Yorker would win it every year.

It’s funny how the very people who consider themselves the most sophisticated in the country, routinely act like the worst louts whenever they confront a conservative that can easily beat them in a debate.

We conservatives know it, and they know it, which is why they revert to insults, name calling, yelling racism, yada, yada yada.

But, not all New York Liberals are like that. Still, Beck and his family didn’t deserve what they got.


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