
Why You See What You See On This Blog

Tuesday, May 24, 2011
ARTICLES about current events and pop culture include politics, the economy, ecology, entertainment and pure juicy gossip. Sometimes I imagine myself as the editor of a grand magazine...

This little humble weblog has had a pretty good run so far. I remember the days of checking the statcounter and seeing 9 visitors. And the day I checked the counter at 0800 and saw 18,000 visitors! If you're a regular reader, I'm glad you're here. If you're just droppin' by for a quick visit, I'm cool with that. You are always welcome here!

DONATE BUTTON - Nobody's ever given a penny, but I saw other blogger with their little "tip jars" and "buy me a beer" links - so it's there. If anyone ever makes a deposit I'll be grateful. I'm not holding my breath.

ADS are what they are - bringing a smidgen of revenue in - available because people used to ask me all the time if they could place ads on my blog.

twitter / top posts / popular articles ::: ways to let you know what's happening with me and with the blog here, as in what's trending. I've always believed a blog should be interacting and offer the reader a number of destinations.

World Market Watch ::: because, like other bloggers, I have stuff in my sidebar that is primarily a convenience for ME (same with the NY LOTTERY numbers) - but I also blog about the economy and the market once in awhile, so this fits right in with the decor.

The Rest of The Sidebar ::: a mishmash of links and stuff. Some of them go back to my old days blogging on multiply! A little bit of sentimental value, some of these do have, and there are a few that, although "dated" (like the trackback set-up links) can still be used once in a great while... there are a handful of blogs that still accept trackbacks!

I have some of my favorite books listed, some other links. From time to time I get the urge to clean up the sidebar, and eventually do. A lot of "history" there, and I figure it's far enough down the page it won't really bother too many folks.

So that's a look at what I've been looking at... the little product I have here... the little journal, part-time diary, piece of history, chronicle of events...

Comment below if you have a story about YOUR blog you'd care to share!
TRYING SOMETHING NEW::: SERPD - it only works if you are on the actual individual post page. You have to register on the website. It's a real bitch to get past the cranky capcha screen, but once in you're golden!


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