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Saturday, May 21, 2011
Sorry, but I just wanted to get more hits on my blog!

Thanks for understanding!

Now seriously, folks... it's time for some "blog housekeeping" - here's what is happening:
  • Big Bear Hugs for Lainy & Windy ::: details below
  • Traffic Experiment Underway ::: which could be the basis for an eBook (more on that later)
  • Sidebar Cleanup PROJECT ::: I agree with blogger extraordinaire Windy that there is an awful lot happening in the sidebar and it is time for a bit of reorganization.
Before Sidebar adventures begin ::: I have to stand by, to wait and see what the heck is going to happen with MyBlogLog, which is supposed to sunset before the end of the month.

So, anything odd or strange you see happening on this humble weblog will likely be the result of my tinkering! Please leave a comment or email me if something particularly concerns you - or if you have any comments or suggestions.

Speaking of traffic (as the title of this post subtly beckons)

Several blogs routinely publish traffic and/or earnings reports. It's all good, and perhaps one could learn a lot from information shared... perhaps not.

Personally, I see no reason to share my numbers with anyone save for potential advertisers. That's just my POV. I will admit that some time ago I was SHOCKED when I read a PDF prepared by a blogger who had positioned her blog as a desirable one for any person or company looking to purchase an established blog.
The blog was put on the market in June and sold by September 2010. The sales kit contained this info:
PR 3, Alexa Ranking in the 227,000 neighborhood... 68% bounce rate... Average Visits 19 per day with an average visit length of 1:31

OK - let's take a look at some recent numbers of mine (before the Windy-Lainy love spike): PR4, Alexa 178,600 neighborhood... 71% bounce rate

Total Visits ............... 517,830
Average per Day ................ 455
Average Visit Length .......... 1:19

I'm thinking here that this proves once again that it is more important to attract visitors who will spend TIME on your site than it is to simply attract "hits." The anti-entrecard crowd bitch about "drop and run" visitors, but they don't understand they can keep entrecard, put it to good use (as I did) and STILL ATTRACT visitors who will "sit" for awhile!
In the PDF the blogger gave numbers that left me scratching my head! Traffic was piss-poor, there was nothing there of any outstanding nature, although the blog was wonderfully designed... and ended up in the hands of a new buyer for a cool USD $500!

While I won't be sharing numbers per se, I would like to share some incredible news, and offer a sincere thank-you to bloggers Windy and Lainy. Since engaging the duo in an online "drama" in the style of classic American Soap Opera, my traffic and accompanying advertising revenue have gone through the roof, proof positive that injecting a bit of controversey into the blogosphere can be a real pay-off.

The fascinating part here is that NO LINKS were involved, i.e. Windy and Lainy did not link back to my blog from posts they had written. What they DID do was call attention to me and my blogs, which got their readings looking for me on Google and Bing! As a result, this humble weblog you are now reading as well as THE ONE MINUTE BLOGGER have been thriving! Thank you again, Windy and Lainy! I dedicated my little "traffic graphic" to you! You guys are great!


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