
NetActive 18 May 2011

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

More Monkey Business in Malaysia: Tweets on the acid splasher

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More than 20 cases of acid attacks have been reported already in Malaysia since March. According to Global Voices, many residents are scared to walk in the streets. Nutty Malaysian Netizens were quick to spread information about the 'acid splashing' cases but some reports turned out to be false.

Here's (literally) the biggest baby on the net today:

Wednesday's Flood in Louisiana Update (UPDATED) Flooding continues in Louisiana even though I didn't write about it yesterday. This is the last full week of school and I'm feeling like a zombie. But compared to the people down south, I've got no troubles at all. Here's a little aggregation of ...

The Rapture is coming! Here's a survival kit

Las Vegas Weekly - Kristen Peterson - via Google
Forget Harold Camping's failed Rapture prediction of 1996. The Christian radio broadcaster says this time it's for real. He's predicted May 21, 2011 as the ...
End of the world, May 21, 2011? Whatever, it's funny- CBS News
Megan Hart: Don't worry about the world ending on Saturday ...- Muskegon Chronicle -
May 21: Judgement Day?- KPSP Local 2

Angry Birds Tops 200 Million Downloads; More Than Double Its “Crazy” Forecast (TCTV) - BERLIN-- Yesterday at the Next 11 conference, I interviewed Rovio's Mighty Eagle Peter Vesterbacka on stage...

Wingy Wednesday!!Fluffy Flies! Rescued Baby Crow Is Going To Be Fine! Our 3rd Rescued Bird This Spring! Whew -  *Here he is..................... Fluffy..........* 

Marketing Your eBook as an Audiobook

Why You Won't Succeed - Ebooks aren't a straight path to fortune and fame.

#TwitterAllowsYouTo. discuss. - For someone so disdainful of the Internet, New York Times Executive Editor Bill Keller sure fits the textbook definition of a troll.


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