
Kick Blog Ass!

Thursday, May 26, 2011
In this picture (credit: Jim Wilson, New York Times) Darren Kitchen, 28, of San Francisco shows off his wares: he tells the NYT he makes $5,000 a month selling products on his Web site,, which offers a weekly video show about computer hacking. Read his story and more on "My Blog Is Also Paying My Bills"... below find a sample lifted from his website.

Episode 906 – Cookies beware, we’re Session Hijacking! Blackbuntu vs BackTrack, Kompozer and a 28 foot multi-touch bar!

Promote. Engage. Connect!

Diana Simon is a new blogger with a "coaching" site who demonstrates how to get it done... and have a look at who's been commenting!

4-Hour Workweek for BLOGGERS!

"When I was younger… I [didn't] want to be pigeonholed. Basically, now you [bloggers] want to be pigeonholed. It’s your [blogging] niche." ~ Joan Chen, actress; appeared in The last Emperor and Twin Peaks

Michele Welch

Reach out and communicate. Do you know your audience? Have you reached out to them? I’m not talking about “tweeting at them.” I’m talking about actually reaching out. Asking them what you can do better, or asking those who haven’t been around in a while what you can do to get them back. It’s not about 10 percent off coupons or “contests for the next follower.” For God’s sake, be smarter than that.

Location has been hot on the minds of marketer and technologists. Some have even been so bold as to call the ability to know a person’s exact location the holy grail (not really – OK – maybe a piece of the grail). At BlogWorld NY 2011, Mike Schneider, Aaron Strout, Josh Karpf, Tom Aronson, and David Wolf sat down with attendees to talk about this new piece of personal marketing. [LinK]

Now, kick Facebook ass, too!


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