
Herman Cain: We're not No. 2

Saturday, May 14, 2011

So far, the so-called experts aren’t given Herman Cain a mention as a serious contender for the GOP nomination. I think nobody wants to stick their necks out and damage their credibility.

But, let me to you something. Cain is gonna make a huge wave because he has nothing to loose. Out of all potential GOP candidates, he’s the most dynamic speaker. As we all know that’s goes a long way. But, more than just that. Cain is not afraid to articulate conservatism without adding qualifiers.

Don’t be surprised to see pundits jump on the Cain bandwagon as more people react positively to his message.

Politico reports Herman Cain told Georgia Republicans Saturday that being No. 2 economically and militarily is "not in our DNA."

The Atlanta businessman and former talk radio host delivered a rousing speech to party activists at the Georgia GOP's convention that echoed themes he's given in previous speeches, including his rallying cry that the American dream is under attack by runaway debt.

While Cain has never held elected office — he lost a 2004 Georgia Senate bid in the Republican primary — he received an enthusiastic response in his home state, bringing those in attendance to their feet 10 times, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Cain, who supports replacing the federal income tax with a national sales tax, called for cutting taxes to stimulate the economy.

"It's time to tell the people the truth, lower taxes are good for the economy, and we don't have any intention of hurting old people, children or puppy dogs," Cain said.

Cain will formally announce his White House bid next Saturday at an Atlanta rally.


Cain hits a home run every times he speaks.


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