
"New" Harry Potter Movie

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I saw a "trailer" for a "new" Harry Potter movie - in Chinese!

It appears that an ingenious filmmaker used computer animation + clips from existing legit Harry Potter films to composite his (her?) very own Harry Potter movie, based on the infamous fake book distributed by the Inner Mongolian People’s Publishing Company, entitled "Harry Potter and Beaker & Burn" - the characters in the clip all speak Mandarin and there are crude English subtitles.

I'm well-aware of the Harry Potter black market, and this movie notion got me curious!

I had to leave the computer to eat dinner, and when I got back (thinking I'd download the clip and put it on my smartphone) online it had been taken down. The picture looks like it contains parts of at least 3 actual Potter films, and that's from what I could tell looking at the :60 second trailer!

Now I'm wondering if there was an entire "fake" movie made, or if all that's there is just the trailer and the accompanying disc cover:

And... yet another 'head-scratcher':

Whilst cruising some of the Chinese websites looking for more on the Potter movie, I ran across this rather odd "lead" which led to another link just like it, and then another, another, until... (click on it and see for yourself!) The only reason I followed through was that it was odd to see an Asian woman pictured next to a headline bearing the name 'Nicki Minaj'.

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