
Barack who? People forget Hillary was a slam dunk for Dem nomination-Herman Cain can repeat history for GOP nod

Sunday, May 15, 2011

I remember it well.

I work in an office filled with Democrats and 99.9% of my black co-workers were staunch Hillary Clinton supporters. Most of the whites too.

So I used to chided my friends, “Hey, how come you ain’t support’en da bratha?”

“Oh, he has no shot. Pleeeese!”

That changed in less than 12 hours after Barack Obama won Iowa Caucuses.

The very next day I heard “OBANA! OBAMA!” chant all over the office.

So I asked my friend again, “What happened with Hillary?’


People are trying to play if off, but Obama was a total unknown. And the talking heads didn’t give him a shot.
So if you think Herman Cain can’t come out the blue to make a serious run, think again!


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