
Satanic Crime

Saturday, July 18, 2009
Greetings Bishop. I am a great admirer of your works. I have several of your books and I am aware of your work in the ministry of exorcism. As a bishop, you are constantly at work against the evil forces that assail our realm. Do you see a substantial increase in the number of cases involving demonic possession, occult crimes and vampirism? Are you called upon to assist in occult cases outside the UK or in the US?I understand there is a huge pulling away from Christianity in general in both Europe as well in the UK. Here in The U.S. Christianity is starting to come under increasing attacks from liberals and such. As always, the devil is behind these attacks, but do you see in your current experiences an organized movement on the human level against Christianity in consort with occult activities around the world? This is something that has been veiled from the eyes of society. Once again thank you Bishop for your time. Your views and the sharing of your knowledge is much needed today. Thank you for your time and may Christ bless & protect you and your family. Rodrigo.

One of the oldest theories of crime causation is demonolatry.

Heightened concern about satanic or occult activity has appeared periodically throughout history. Concern in the late 1970s focused primarily on unexplained deaths and mutilations of animals, and in later years has focused on child sexual abuse and the human sacrifice of missing children. Satanism and a wide variety of other terms are used interchangeably in reference to certain crimes. Law enforcement seminars and conferences have dealt with the occult. These training conferences have various titles, such as "Occult in Crime," "Satanic Cults," "Ritualistic Crime Seminar," "Satanic Influences in Homicide," "Occult Crimes, Satanism and Suicide," and "Ritualistic Abuse of Children."

That occult crimes have steadily been on the increase is not in serious dispute, but it is less easy to quantify and attest whether demonic molestation has risen in tandem. I suspect it has. There has certainly been a noticable increase in cases of demonic possession and ultra-vampiroidism (not to be confused with predatory demonic spirits in corporeal manifestation). The presence of an extant demonic menace remains constant. It is only our susceptibility which has altered, leaving us more vulnerable in a culture less willing to contemplate anything beyond the material plane of existence. Ignoring demonry, however, has done nothing to ensure its departure.
I am sometimes called upon to assist with suspected and indeed confirmed cases outside the British Isles, but only in an advisory and consultative capacity. Sometimes it requires items to be forwarded that may prove helpful. Prayer is always helpful and given universally. My practical involvement, however, remains very much within British shores. There is more than enough to deal with here.
The frightening, mindless embrace of varying degrees of occult activity and belief by the masses is more apparent today than at any other time in human history. Inhaling the materialistic air of institutionalised atheism and deprived of a healthy, robust Catholic Church to challenge the amoral status quo, folk have substituted spiritism for spirituality and paved the way for the dedicated, elite few to gradually engineer a massive, albeit unspoken, shift in allegiance from Christ to Satan. The occult influence within and around this rarefied circle of global elite who ultimately shape world affairs is undeniable.
The power elite are not solitary rulers. Advisers and consultants, spokesmen and opinion-makers are often the captains of their higher thought and decision. The elite are the professional politicians of the middle levels of power, in Parliament and the Congress and in the pressure groups, as well as the new and old upper classes of town, city and region. Mingling with them are those professional celebrities who live by being continually displayed but are never, so long as they remain celebrities, displayed enough. If such celebrities are not at the head of any dominating hierarchy, they do often have the power to distract the attention of the public or afford sensations to the masses, or, more directly, to gain the ear of those who do occupy positions of direct power. More or less unattached, as critics of morality and technicians of power, as spokesman of God and creators of mass sensibility, such celebrities and consultants are part of the immediate scene in which the drama of the elite is enacted. But that drama itself is centred in the command posts of the major institutional hierarchies. There are so many disparate yet interrelated, interconnecting currents and streams in this complex design of elite power-brokers and fellow travellers that it is difficult to identify with absolute certainty one controlling force or figure overseeing "Satan’s pervasive and dark action" in the world today, as the Holy Father put it.
In this time, the stakes in the essential struggle of the spirit have become higher than ever. The conflict between light and dark is more subtle, the struggle less overt, but the future consequences of our personal actions will be higher than ever because of the variety of choices and the possibility to exercise self-indulgence through the vehicles of technology and commerce without restraint or discernment. The outcome of this struggle, to determine whether or not man will sink into self-indulgent materialism or rise above it to create a truly better world, is far from certain. It no longer depends on others, but on ourselves. We can actively work to become more spiritual, thereby transforming ourselves and the material world and successfully realising what generations of initiates have dreamed of and worked toward, or we can choose to work to materialise and dull the spiritual aspect of man into haziness until it is ultimately lost. The choice of which future we actively wish to create is now man’s individual responsibility, and the result of that choice and of our actions will ultimately be our legacy to future generations.


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