
Diana Brewester R.I.P.

Sunday, July 19, 2009
My London Secretary, Diana Brewester, was born on this day toward the end of the Second World War. She sadly passed away in the days running up to Christmas 2003. She was a wonderfully kind-spirited person who gave generously of her time and immense knowledge on matters of mutual interest. Her enthusiastic support for a wide spectrum of projects over the years made her an invaluable friend and colleague. Her extensive knowledge embraced opera, literature and the arts. She was especially fond of Wagner’s music and the poetry of Lord Byron with whom I have a family connection. Diana was acquainted with many eminent people throughout her life, but none were shown the devotion and loyalty she afforded to myself. For that I shall be eternally grateful. Her self-effacing modesty in all she did was something which endeared her to many. Diana Brewester was separated by just three days from when I came into the world on the feast of St Bonaventure and, following our meeting, instantly became a spiritual sister in life just as she is a sister in spirit in death.
May our dear friend and colleague rest in peace + until we meet again.



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