
Let's Welcome The Queen Facebook

Monday, November 8, 2010
In my own opinion, there is only one queen known to everyone and that is the British's Queen Elizabeth. And why the Queen Facebook is trending? Well, the British Monarcy official joined the Facebook. According to CNN News today, the Queen officially joined the phenomenal social networking site Faceboook by creating their page The British Monarchy.

The page will feature a mix of news, links, videos and photographs of various members -- primarily Queen Elizabeth, and Princes Charles, William and Harry.

Added by spokesperson of The British Monarcy, “We’re delighted to welcome the British Monarchy to Facebook,” a spokesperson for the web’s leading social networking site
. “People can now have a direct connection with the Royal Family through their page to see a unique glimpse into palace life.”

What are you waiting for? Like The British Monarchy page now!


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