
Cara Submit Sitemap ke Google

Tuesday, November 30, 2010 0 comments
Cara Submit Sitemap ke Google
Google Sitemap adalah sebuah Peta Situs yang memberikan anda kesempatan untuk menampilkan halaman situs anda ke Google. Google akan datang kemudian melalui spider mengindeks halaman anda dengan lebih cepat. Membuat dan mengirimkan peta situs membantu memastikan bahwa Google mengetahui tentang semua halaman di situs anda, termasuk URL yang mungkin tidak ditemukan oleh proses normal Google.

Sebelum meneruskan artikel ini anda harus sudah Submit dan Verifikasi Blog ke Google Webmaster Tools. Untuk lebih jelasnya Cara Submit Sitemap ke Google Webmaster Tools, silahkan ikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini :

Cara Submit Sitemap ke Google
  • Perhatikan pada bagian kiri atas, klik menu Site Configuration.
  • Klik Sitemaps.
Cara Submit Sitemap ke Google
  • Klik Submit a Sitemap.
  • Tambahkan alamat sitemap anda di kotak isian dengan :
sehingga menjadi

  • Setelah anda memasukkan alamat sitemap anda, silahkan klik Submit Sitemap.
Cara Submit Sitemap ke Google

Anda bisa menambahkan beberapa sitemap. Ada 4 default feed untuk blogger yang bisa anda submit :

* Apabila anda menggunakan layanan feedburner lalu anda mengalihkan alamat feed ke alamat feed yang diberikan oleh feedburner, maka akan ada peringatan bahwa sitemap yang anda submit mengalami error, ditunjukkan dengan tanda silang merah di kanan sitemap. Solusi agar tidak muncul peringatan error adalah dengan menambahkan kode menjadi :

Mudah-mudahan dengan cara ini membuat sitemap blog anda lebih cepat di indeks oleh google, dan mudah-mudahan pengunjung blog anda bisa lebih meningkat dari search engine.

Silahkan mencoba dan semoga bermanfaat...

Selanjutnya lakukan :

Cara Submit Blog ke Yahoo
Cara Submit Blog ke Bing
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Leslie Nielsen famous quotes

Monday, November 29, 2010 0 comments
RIP Leslie Nielsen. After Leslie Nielsen's death, today people are remembering him by searching Leslie Nielsen famous quotes.

Here are Leslie Nielsen famous quotes.

From ‘Airplane’:

Rumack: Can you fly this plane, and land it?
Ted Striker: Surely you can’t be serious.
Rumack: I am serious… and don’t call me Shirley.


Rumack: You’d better tell the Captain we’ve got to land as soon as we can. This woman has to be gotten to a hospital.
Elaine Dickinson: A hospital? What is it?
Rumack: It’s a big building with patients, but that’s not important right now.


Rumack: Captain, how soon can you land?
Captain Oveur: I can’t tell.
Rumack: You can tell me. I’m a doctor.
Captain Oveur: No. I mean I’m just not sure.
Rumack: Well, can’t you take a guess?
Captain Oveur: Well, not for another two hours.
Rumack: You can’t take a guess for another two hours?


From ‘The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!’:

Frank: It’s the same old story. Boy finds girl, boy loses girl, girl finds boy, boy forgets girl, boy remembers girl, girl dies in a tragic blimp accident over the Orange Bowl on New Year’s Day.
Jane: Goodyear?
Frank: No, the worst.


Mayor: Now Drebin, I don’t want any trouble like you had on the South Side last year, that’s my policy.
Frank: Well, when I see five weirdos, dressed in togas, stabbing a man in the middle of the park in full view of a hundred people, I shoot the bastards, that’s *my* policy!
Mayor: That was a Shakespeare-In-The-Park production of ‘Julius Caesar,’ you moron! You killed five actors! Good ones!


Frank: I’d known her for years. We used to go to all the police functions together. Ah, how I loved her, but she had her music. I think she had her music. She’d hang out with the Chicago Male Chorus and Symphony. I don’t recall her playing an instrument or being able to carry a tune. Yet she was on the road 300 days of the year. In fact, I bought her a harp for Christmas. She asked me what it was.


From ‘The Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear’:

Frank: That’s the red-light district. I wonder why Savage is hanging around down there.
Ed: Sex, Frank?
Frank: Uh, no, not right now, Ed.
Frank: Now, Jane, what can you tell us about the man you saw last night?
Jane: He’s Caucasian.
Ed: Caucasian?
Jane: Yeah, you know, a white guy. A moustache. About six-foot-three.
Frank: Awfully big moustache.
Frank: I’m single! I love being single! I haven’t had this much sex since I was a Boy Scout leader!
(Music Stops. People stare.)
Frank: I mean at the time I was dating a lot.
From ‘Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult’:

Tanya: What are you doing?
Frank: Oh! I was, uh, just conjugating my next move.
Tanya: Your bishop’s exposed.
Frank: It’s these pants.
Frank: Well… We shot a lot of people together. It’s been great. But today I retire, so if I do any shooting now, it’ll have to be within the confines of my own home. Hopefully, an intruder and not an in-law, like at my bachelor party
Ed: You might end up dead!
Frank: “You might end up dead” is my middle name.
Ed: What about Jane?
Frank: I don’t know her middle name.
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Leslie Nielsen famous quotes

RIP Leslie Nielsen. After Leslie Nielsen's death, today people are remembering him by searching Leslie Nielsen famous quotes.

Here are Leslie Nielsen famous quotes.

From ‘Airplane’:

Rumack: Can you fly this plane, and land it?
Ted Striker: Surely you can’t be serious.
Rumack: I am serious… and don’t call me Shirley.


Rumack: You’d better tell the Captain we’ve got to land as soon as we can. This woman has to be gotten to a hospital.
Elaine Dickinson: A hospital? What is it?
Rumack: It’s a big building with patients, but that’s not important right now.


Rumack: Captain, how soon can you land?
Captain Oveur: I can’t tell.
Rumack: You can tell me. I’m a doctor.
Captain Oveur: No. I mean I’m just not sure.
Rumack: Well, can’t you take a guess?
Captain Oveur: Well, not for another two hours.
Rumack: You can’t take a guess for another two hours?


From ‘The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!’:

Frank: It’s the same old story. Boy finds girl, boy loses girl, girl finds boy, boy forgets girl, boy remembers girl, girl dies in a tragic blimp accident over the Orange Bowl on New Year’s Day.
Jane: Goodyear?
Frank: No, the worst.


Mayor: Now Drebin, I don’t want any trouble like you had on the South Side last year, that’s my policy.
Frank: Well, when I see five weirdos, dressed in togas, stabbing a man in the middle of the park in full view of a hundred people, I shoot the bastards, that’s *my* policy!
Mayor: That was a Shakespeare-In-The-Park production of ‘Julius Caesar,’ you moron! You killed five actors! Good ones!


Frank: I’d known her for years. We used to go to all the police functions together. Ah, how I loved her, but she had her music. I think she had her music. She’d hang out with the Chicago Male Chorus and Symphony. I don’t recall her playing an instrument or being able to carry a tune. Yet she was on the road 300 days of the year. In fact, I bought her a harp for Christmas. She asked me what it was.


From ‘The Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear’:

Frank: That’s the red-light district. I wonder why Savage is hanging around down there.
Ed: Sex, Frank?
Frank: Uh, no, not right now, Ed.
Frank: Now, Jane, what can you tell us about the man you saw last night?
Jane: He’s Caucasian.
Ed: Caucasian?
Jane: Yeah, you know, a white guy. A moustache. About six-foot-three.
Frank: Awfully big moustache.
Frank: I’m single! I love being single! I haven’t had this much sex since I was a Boy Scout leader!
(Music Stops. People stare.)
Frank: I mean at the time I was dating a lot.
From ‘Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult’:

Tanya: What are you doing?
Frank: Oh! I was, uh, just conjugating my next move.
Tanya: Your bishop’s exposed.
Frank: It’s these pants.
Frank: Well… We shot a lot of people together. It’s been great. But today I retire, so if I do any shooting now, it’ll have to be within the confines of my own home. Hopefully, an intruder and not an in-law, like at my bachelor party
Ed: You might end up dead!
Frank: “You might end up dead” is my middle name.
Ed: What about Jane?
Frank: I don’t know her middle name.
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Ingrid Pitt R.I.P.

What are your thoughts about the actress Ingrid Pitt who has died in the last few days? I ask because I believe you knew her. - Mair Jones

Ingrid Pitt (originally Ingoushka Petrov or Natasha Petrovna) was born on 21 November 1937 in Warsaw, Poland to a German father and a Polish mother. She became an actress probaby best known for her work in Hammer Films, having made her debut in Doctor Zhivago in 1965 playing a minor role. Inevitably, Ingrid Pitt will always be associated with the roles of Carmilla in The Vampire Lovers (1970), a film based on Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu's novella, and Countess Dracula (1971) in the film of the same name loosely based on the life of Countess Erzsébet Báthory (7 August 1560 – 21 August 1614).

I did not know her especially well, and her daughter Steffanie not at all; though Ingrid was sometimes an invited guest at my live appearances before a large television audience where aspects of the supernatural were under discussion. I remember her sitting immediately before me in the front row, frequently conservatively attired, wearing a tweed suit, her eyes fixing me intently throughout. We would have refreshment together afterwards in the green room, and that is how we came to know each other. We worked on a couple of projects for television when I was still based in London. I did just one more project with her after I had removed approximately a hundred or so miles from the capital, and recall one day complimenting her as she arrived at the medieval prison location on the south bank of the River Thames (which provided one of the many sets for that particular film documentary made over a number of months). I will never forget the look of utter astonishment in her green-blue eyes before her features relaxed and she smiled at me. Perhaps compliments had dried up by then, but she had been a most striking looking actress in her day. Furthermore, I was hidden in the shadows behind the studio lights and might not have been immediately recognisable to her.

She always kept me informed about her ventures and sent me her books and magazines from time to time. These publications seemed mostly to concentrate on the theme which had brought her fame in the 1970s. I was invited to a number of her gothic parties, but never found time to accept. Perhaps the inclination was also lacking. The sadness in her eyes always struck me as hiding some deep-rooted tragedy in her past. I nearly mentioned this to her on one occasion, but decided against it. Some things are better left. What was obvious about Ingrid, however, was her intelligence and immense dedication. She was a natural storyteller and charmed audiences with personal appearances at retrospective screenings and other events. She lived in Argentina for a while and was a friend of Isobel Perón, the third wife of former President, Juan Perón.

Ingrid died in a south London hospital on 23 November 2010, two days after her seventy-third birthday, having collapsed a few days earlier. There are not many left from that epoch of Hammer Films which those of a certain generation remember with relish. What I like about these films is that ultimately they are morality tales where faith and the existence of things supernatural are to the forefront. Ingrid played her part in all that for which we should be grateful.

Our deepest sympathy is extended to Steffanie, Ingrid's daughter, who has confirmed that her mother suffered with heart problems, probably the cause of her death, and had not been in good health for at least a couple of years. May she now rest in peace.

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Leslie Nielsen dead,the Naked Gun star

Sunday, November 28, 2010 0 comments
Famous comedian Leslie Nielsen dead has been reported  today due complications of pneumonia in a hospital near his home in Fort Lauderdale. Leslie Nielsen most widely known for his act in series of Naked Gun movies.

Died:November 28,2010
Image source: Wikipedia

Leslie Nielsen was born February 11, 1926 with the age of 84. Just three months to go before his upcoming birthday.
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Leslie Nielsen dead,the Naked Gun star

Famous comedian Leslie Nielsen dead has been reported  today due complications of pneumonia in a hospital near his home in Fort Lauderdale. Leslie Nielsen most widely known for his act in series of Naked Gun movies.

Died:November 28,2010
Image source: Wikipedia

Leslie Nielsen was born February 11, 1926 with the age of 84. Just three months to go before his upcoming birthday.
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Submit dan Verifikasi Blog ke Google

Submit dan Verifikasi Blog ke GoogleSubmit Blog ke Google - Banyak cara yang bisa kita lakukan agar blog kita bisa dikenal dan di kunjungi, antara lain adalah dengan rajinnya kita blogwalking atau berkunjung ke blog milik orang lain, mendaftarkan ke berbagai agregator, dan yang paling efektif adalah melalui search engine atau mesin pencari.

Bagi blogger pemula mungkin beranggapan bahwa apabila kita membuat website atau blog akan secara otomatis terindeks atau berada pada list berbagai search engine, dan kenyataannya tidaklah demikian. Yang harus kita lakukan adalah mendaftarkan blog kita ke dalam mesin pencari tersebut, salah satunya ke mesin pencari Google. Untuk lebih jelasnya cara Submit dan Verifikasi Blog ke Google adalah sebagai berikut :

1. Tambahkan URL Anda ke Google

Untuk menambahkan URL Anda ke Google, silahkan sobat kunjungi
Apabila anda sudah berada pada halaman, ada beberapa langkah yang harus di lakukan, yaitu mengisi form yang disediakan :

  • URL Isi dengan URL blog sobat.
  • Comments Isi dengan keyword atau kata kunci yang berhubungan dengan blog sobat.
  • Isi kotak kosong dengan huruf verifikasi yang tersedia.
  • Klik tombol Add URL.
  • Selesai.

Submit dan Verifikasi Blog ke Google

2. Menambah dan Verifikasi Blog ke Google Webmaster Tools

Yang paling mendasar dari google webmaster tools tentu saja adalah submit blog. Keuntungannya tentu adalah artikel anda akan lebih cepat terindeks google. Bagi yang mau Menambah dan Verifikasi Blog ke Google Webmaster Tools, silahkan ikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini :

1. Silahkan menuju Google Webmaster Tools.
2. Login dengan akun anda.
3. Klik Add Site.
4. Masukkan URL blog anda, Contoh:
5. Klik Continue.
Submit dan Verifikasi Blog ke Google
6. Verify ownership, klik Add a meta tag to your site's home page.

Submit dan Verifikasi Blog ke Google
7. Copy meta tag (yang dilingkari merah) ke blog anda.
- Login Blogger
- Rancangan
- Edit HTML
- Letakkan kode meta tag yang tadi anda dapatkan di bawah <head> atau <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>

8. Klik Simpan Template.
9. Kembali lagi ke halaman webmaster tools Verify ownership.
10. Klik Verify.
11. Selesai ... dan anda sekarang bisa mulai mengoptimalkan blog anda dengan Google Webmaster Tools.

Selanjutnya anda tinggal melakukan Cara Submit Sitemap ke Google.
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Sejarah SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Sejarah SEO (Search Engine Optimization)Search Engine Optimization atau biasa dikenal dengan istilah SEO rasanya sudah begitu populer, bahkan dipelajari oleh sobat blogger. Hal ini sangat dimaklumi karena eksistensi seorang blogger di dunia maya salah satunya ditentukan oleh penguasaannya akan trik dan Tips SEO. Bahkan ada pendapat yang menyatakan: menguasai SEO berarti 50% dunia online sudah digenggaman tangan.

Untuk mengenal lebih jauh tentang SEO rasanya sobat blogger harus mengetahui tentang Pengertian dan Sejarah SEO (Search Engine Optimization) itu sendiri. Ayo kita mulai...

Pengertian SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Optimisasi mesin pencari (bahasa Inggris: Search Engine Optimization, biasa disingkat SEO) adalah serangkaian proses yang dilakukan secara sistematis yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan volume dan kualitas trafik kunjungan melalui mesin pencari menuju situs web tertentu dengan memanfaatkan mekanisme kerja atau algoritma mesin pencari tersebut. Tujuan dari SEO adalah menempatkan sebuah situs web pada posisi teratas, atau setidaknya halaman pertama hasil pencarian berdasarkan kata kunci tertentu yang ditargetkan. Secara logis, situs web yang menempati posisi teratas pada hasil pencarian memiliki peluang lebih besar untuk mendapatkan pengunjung.

Sejalan dengan makin berkembangnya pemanfaatan jaringan internet sebagai media bisnis, kebutuhan atas SEO juga semakin meningkat. Berada pada posisi teratas hasil pencarian akan meningkatkan peluang sebuah perusahaan pemasaran berbasis web untuk mendapatkan pelanggan baru. Peluang ini dimanfaatkan sejumlah pihak untuk menawarkan jasa optimisasi mesin pencari bagi perusahaan-perusahaan yang memiliki basis usaha di internet.

Sejarah SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Danny Sullivan berpendapat, istilah search engine optimization pertama kali digunakan pada 26 Juli tahun 1997 oleh sebuah pesan spam yang diposting di Usenet. Pada masa itu algoritma mesin pencari belum terlalu kompleks sehingga mudah dimanipulasi.

Versi awal algoritma pencarian didasarkan sepenuhnya pada informasi yang disediakan oleh webmaster melalui meta tag pada kode html situs web mereka. Meta tag menyediakan informasi tentang konten yang terkandung pada suatu halaman web dengan serangkaian katakunci (keyword). Sebagian webmaster melakukan manipulasi dengan cara menuliskan katakunci yang tidak sesuai dengan konten situs yang sesungguhnya, sehingga mesin pencari salah menempatkan dan memeringkat situs tersebut. Hal ini menyebabkan hasil pencarian menjadi tidak akurat dan menimbulkan kerugian baik bagi mesin pencari maupun bagi pengguna internet yang mengharapkan informasi yang relevan dan berkualitas.

Larry Page dan Sergey Brin, dua mahasiswa doktoral ilmu komputer Universitas Stanford, berusaha mengatasi permasalahan tersebut dengan membangun Backrub, sebuah mesin pencari sederhana yang mengandalkan perhitungan matematika untuk memeringkat halaman web. Algoritma tersebut, yang dinamakan PageRank, merupakan fungsi matematika yang kompleks berupa kombinasi antara perhitungan jumlah link yang mengarah pada suatu halaman web dengan analisis atas kualitas masing-masing link tersebut.

Berdasarkan prinsip kerja PageRank, secara umum bisa dikatakan bahwa halaman web yang memperoleh peringkat tinggi adalah halaman web yang banyak di-link oleh halaman web lain. Nilai PageRank juga akan semakin tinggi apabila halaman web yang mengarah kepadanya juga memiliki kualitas yang tinggi. Nilai sebuah link dari situs berkualitas tinggi seperti Yahoo! atau DMOZ dapat bernilai lebih tinggi daripada kombinasi nilai link dari seratus situs web berkualitas rendah.

Backrub hanyalah sebuah permulaan. Pada tahun 1998 Page dan Brin mendirikan Google yang merupakan versi tingkat lanjut dari Backrub. Dalam waktu singkat Google memperoleh reputasi dan kepercayaan dari publik pengguna internet karena berhasil menyajikan hasil pencarian yang berkualitas (tidak dimanipulasi), cepat, dan relevan. PageRank lantas menjadi standar baik bagi mesin pencari lain maupun bagi webmaster yang berusaha agar situs webnya memperoleh nilai PageRank setinggi mungkin sehingga menempati posisi tertinggi pada hasil pencarian.
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Privacy Policy

Saturday, November 27, 2010 0 comments
Your privacy is very important to us. Accordingly, we have developed this Policy in order for you to understand how we collect, use, communicate and disclose and make use of personal information. The following outlines our privacy policy.

  • Before or at the time of collecting personal information, we will identify the purposes for which information is being collected.
  • We will collect and use of personal information solely with the objective of fulfilling those purposes specified by us and for other compatible purposes, unless we obtain the consent of the individual concerned or as required by law.
  • We will only retain personal information as long as necessary for the fulfillment of those purposes.
  • We will collect personal information by lawful and fair means and, where appropriate, with the knowledge or consent of the individual concerned.
  • Personal data should be relevant to the purposes for which it is to be used, and, to the extent necessary for those purposes, should be accurate, complete, and up-to-date.
  • We will protect personal information by reasonable security safeguards against loss or theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification.
  • We will make readily available to customers information about our policies and practices relating to the management of personal information.

We are committed to conducting our business in accordance with these principles in order to ensure that the confidentiality of personal information is protected and maintained.
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Grand Lotto Results Nov 27 2010


The highest Php 693,229,971.60 jackpot of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office or PCSO, Mega Lotto 6/45 is to be win with the following number combination.


That's a huge money to have. Just a 10% of that jackpot, I will be able to live the way I wanted to be. Since I didn't place a bet, I will never have a chance in winning the said jackpot.

Let's just wish that there is/are already winner/s of this jackpot so that everyone will be at peace of mind. If the amount of jackpot reaches billion, I think it would just stir controversies and anomalies.
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Grand Lotto Results Nov 27 2010


The highest Php 693,229,971.60 jackpot of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office or PCSO, Mega Lotto 6/45 is to be win with the following number combination.


That's a huge money to have. Just a 10% of that jackpot, I will be able to live the way I wanted to be. Since I didn't place a bet, I will never have a chance in winning the said jackpot.

Let's just wish that there is/are already winner/s of this jackpot so that everyone will be at peace of mind. If the amount of jackpot reaches billion, I think it would just stir controversies and anomalies.
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Young Justice to premiere in Cartoon Network on Friday

Friday, November 26, 2010 0 comments
For kids and even adults who has been around for the past two decades, I doubt no one knows Superman, Batman, Robin, Green Lantern, Flash and other DC superheroes who are members of the Justice League.

Young Justice, a young version of Justice League? Absolutely! The latest cartoon show, which is currently on its pilot stage will premiere today (Friday, November 27) on Cartoon Network. Although the latest show are focused on Young Justice or the young versions of the Justice League superheroes,the producers also promised to include a wide variety of beloved DC characters.

If you can't hardly wait to know more about Young Justice, you may watch the trailer below.

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Young Justice to premiere in Cartoon Network on Friday

For kids and even adults who has been around for the past two decades, I doubt no one knows Superman, Batman, Robin, Green Lantern, Flash and other DC superheroes who are members of the Justice League.

Young Justice, a young version of Justice League? Absolutely! The latest cartoon show, which is currently on its pilot stage will premiere today (Friday, November 27) on Cartoon Network. Although the latest show are focused on Young Justice or the young versions of the Justice League superheroes,the producers also promised to include a wide variety of beloved DC characters.

If you can't hardly wait to know more about Young Justice, you may watch the trailer below.

Read more » or Navy Knowledge Online

Monday, November 22, 2010 0 comments
Looking is a government military website that asks for registration before having a full access to the website. Navy Knowledge Online (NKO) is provided as a Department of the Navy service.

From the Navy Knowledge Online (NKO) or, you will obtain links to other websites under the Department of the Navy services.

Department of the Navy's websites are all secured and you may wonder why in some browsers like Google Chrome will prompt you an alert before accessing the website.

In Firefox you will have message like this:

Secure Connection Failed uses an invalid security certificate.

The certificate is not trusted because the issuer certificate is unknown.

(Error code: sec_error_unknown_issuer)

While in Chrome:

The site's security certificate is not trusted!
You attempted to reach, but the server presented a certificate issued by an entity that is not trusted by your computer's operating system. This may mean that the server has generated its own security credentials, which Google Chrome cannot rely on for identity information, or an attacker may be trying to intercept your communications. You should not proceed, especiallyif you have never seen this warning before for this site.

Since, the said website is using a secured protocol the message coming from your browsers are just fine and you don't have to worry anything about it.
Read more » or Navy Knowledge Online

Looking is a government military website that asks for registration before having a full access to the website. Navy Knowledge Online (NKO) is provided as a Department of the Navy service.

From the Navy Knowledge Online (NKO) or, you will obtain links to other websites under the Department of the Navy services.

Department of the Navy's websites are all secured and you may wonder why in some browsers like Google Chrome will prompt you an alert before accessing the website.

In Firefox you will have message like this:

Secure Connection Failed uses an invalid security certificate.

The certificate is not trusted because the issuer certificate is unknown.

(Error code: sec_error_unknown_issuer)

While in Chrome:

The site's security certificate is not trusted!
You attempted to reach, but the server presented a certificate issued by an entity that is not trusted by your computer's operating system. This may mean that the server has generated its own security credentials, which Google Chrome cannot rely on for identity information, or an attacker may be trying to intercept your communications. You should not proceed, especiallyif you have never seen this warning before for this site.

Since, the said website is using a secured protocol the message coming from your browsers are just fine and you don't have to worry anything about it.
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Looking for Thanksgiving Word Search Printables 2010?

Since Thanksgiving is near, you might be busy looking for Thanksgiving Word Search printables for your children activities. I will be providing links where you can search and have your Thanksgiving Word Search printables.

First let's start with Printables4Kids, I've visited the site and found a lot of printable materials such as puzzles, movies and tv related printables. From the sitename itself, you'll enjoy looking what you want for your children activities in the coming Thanksgiving.

If you feel like playing first without printing, you can visit Blackdogs4kids. Yeah! I played before I was able to finish this post :)

So, that's it for now. You should be have your Thanks Giving Word search printables by now. Thanks for dropping by. Enjoy playing your word search puzzles.
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Looking for Thanksgiving Word Search Printables 2010?

Since Thanksgiving is near, you might be busy looking for Thanksgiving Word Search printables for your children activities. I will be providing links where you can search and have your Thanksgiving Word Search printables.

First let's start with Printables4Kids, I've visited the site and found a lot of printable materials such as puzzles, movies and tv related printables. From the sitename itself, you'll enjoy looking what you want for your children activities in the coming Thanksgiving.

If you feel like playing first without printing, you can visit Blackdogs4kids. Yeah! I played before I was able to finish this post :)

So, that's it for now. You should be have your Thanks Giving Word search printables by now. Thanks for dropping by. Enjoy playing your word search puzzles.
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Justin Bieber performance at American Music Awards 2010

I'm pretty sure Bieber fever are now celebrating their teen sensation idol Justin Bieber's awards received in American Music Awards 2010 held at Nokia Theater in LA. Justin Bieber bags four major awards in the recently concluded musical awarding ceremony AMA 2010.

Perhaps, you found this page looking for American Music Awards performances. Although most of the videos are not yet posted in Youtube, you can watch Justin Bieber's performance at American Music Awards. Bieber played piano and sung Pray from the video embedded below.

What can you say about Justin Bieber performance in American Music Awards 2010? Love it or hate him more?
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Justin Bieber performance at American Music Awards 2010

I'm pretty sure Bieber fever are now celebrating their teen sensation idol Justin Bieber's awards received in American Music Awards 2010 held at Nokia Theater in LA. Justin Bieber bags four major awards in the recently concluded musical awarding ceremony AMA 2010.

Perhaps, you found this page looking for American Music Awards performances. Although most of the videos are not yet posted in Youtube, you can watch Justin Bieber's performance at American Music Awards. Bieber played piano and sung Pray from the video embedded below.

What can you say about Justin Bieber performance in American Music Awards 2010? Love it or hate him more?
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Winning Lotto combination in Philippines

Saturday, November 20, 2010 0 comments
Here's the winning combination for November 20 6/55 Grand Lotto draw Saturday 18-17-36-04-40-13.

Since PCSO website is down due to transfer of data server from Quezon city to Pasay, I decided to post it here also. According to the news, the accumulated pot money for the said game is already P543,66,673.20.

Wow! That's really huge amount of money. That's small though compare to Manny Pacquiao's earning.

Meanwhile, here's the downtime advisory of the MIS Office of the PCSO.




Due to the transfer of the PCSO MIS Data Center to the new office building at the Philippine International Convention Center, CCP Complex, the Lotto Game Results

Search Engine, IMAP Follow-up and our official Email service will temporarily be offline.
The Lotto Game Results Search Engine will be back online by Tuesday (Nov. 23, 2010).
We shall try our best to make the IMAP Follow-up and Email Services online as soon as possible when our Data Center is fully operational to our new office at PICC.
Thank you so much and please bear with us.

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Winning Lotto combination in Philippines

Here's the winning combination for November 20 6/55 Grand Lotto draw Saturday 18-17-36-04-40-13.

Since PCSO website is down due to transfer of data server from Quezon city to Pasay, I decided to post it here also. According to the news, the accumulated pot money for the said game is already P543,66,673.20.

Wow! That's really huge amount of money. That's small though compare to Manny Pacquiao's earning.

Meanwhile, here's the downtime advisory of the MIS Office of the PCSO.




Due to the transfer of the PCSO MIS Data Center to the new office building at the Philippine International Convention Center, CCP Complex, the Lotto Game Results

Search Engine, IMAP Follow-up and our official Email service will temporarily be offline.
The Lotto Game Results Search Engine will be back online by Tuesday (Nov. 23, 2010).
We shall try our best to make the IMAP Follow-up and Email Services online as soon as possible when our Data Center is fully operational to our new office at PICC.
Thank you so much and please bear with us.

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Who's Jaxon Bieber to Justin Bieber?

I'm pretty sure Jaxon Bieber may not be new to you if you're a Bieber fan but if not here are some pictures of Jaxon Bieber.

Well, Jaxon Bieber is just the baby brother of Justin Bieber who's hitting the Twitter trending keyword a while ago. Could he beat his older brother did with Twitter's facilities?
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Who's Jaxon Bieber to Justin Bieber?

I'm pretty sure Jaxon Bieber may not be new to you if you're a Bieber fan but if not here are some pictures of Jaxon Bieber.

Well, Jaxon Bieber is just the baby brother of Justin Bieber who's hitting the Twitter trending keyword a while ago. Could he beat his older brother did with Twitter's facilities?
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Eva Longoria filed divorced for Tony Parker

Thursday, November 18, 2010 0 comments
Three days ago I have posted here about celebrity couples who went separate ways and now up with new their new relationships. Jessica Simpson who just engaged days after ex-husband Nick Lachey (former 98 Degrees boy band member) announced his engagement and soon wedding with girlfriend Vannessa Minnillo.

What's the latest? Well, it's not really latest, the alleged filing of divorced of Desperate Housewives star Eva Longoria to Tony Parker has been spreading like wildfire since yesterday. According to celebrity news sites, Eva Longoria already filed a divorced to NBA superstar Tony Parker after the alleged infidelity relationship of the estranged wife of his former teammate Brent Barry named Erin Barry. Longoria reached her limit when after finding text messages from Erin Barry.

Reporter Bryan Armen Graham also tweeted, "Have it on good authority from entertainment sources that 'former teammate' in Tony Parker-Eva Longoria affair is Brent Barry.'

Desperate Housewives star Eva Longoria filed her divorce to Tony Parker at Los Angeles Superior Court and it was also noted that the star is requesting for spousal support from Parker.

Well, that's how it really works.
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Eva Longoria filed divorced for Tony Parker

Three days ago I have posted here about celebrity couples who went separate ways and now up with new their new relationships. Jessica Simpson who just engaged days after ex-husband Nick Lachey (former 98 Degrees boy band member) announced his engagement and soon wedding with girlfriend Vannessa Minnillo.

What's the latest? Well, it's not really latest, the alleged filing of divorced of Desperate Housewives star Eva Longoria to Tony Parker has been spreading like wildfire since yesterday. According to celebrity news sites, Eva Longoria already filed a divorced to NBA superstar Tony Parker after the alleged infidelity relationship of the estranged wife of his former teammate Brent Barry named Erin Barry. Longoria reached her limit when after finding text messages from Erin Barry.

Reporter Bryan Armen Graham also tweeted, "Have it on good authority from entertainment sources that 'former teammate' in Tony Parker-Eva Longoria affair is Brent Barry.'

Desperate Housewives star Eva Longoria filed her divorce to Tony Parker at Los Angeles Superior Court and it was also noted that the star is requesting for spousal support from Parker.

Well, that's how it really works.
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Jessica Simpson Engaged? Really True

Monday, November 15, 2010 0 comments
Maybe Jessica Simpson's ex-husband Nick Lachey and longtime girlfriend Vanessa Minnillo engagement is not really new to entertainment followers and fans since it has been announced few weeks ago.

Now the limelight of Nick and Vanessa has been stealed when Jessica Simpson engaged with her boyfriend, an NFL star Eric Johnson.

Since Jessica Simpson engaged now, is wedding will be following next? If that will happened, the ex couples will be having their second wedding in their lives. Meanwhile, Eric Johnson already finalized his divorced with his ex wife too last September.

Now, that's how Hollywood celebrities marriages work!
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Jessica Simpson Engaged? Really True

Maybe Jessica Simpson's ex-husband Nick Lachey and longtime girlfriend Vanessa Minnillo engagement is not really new to entertainment followers and fans since it has been announced few weeks ago.

Now the limelight of Nick and Vanessa has been stealed when Jessica Simpson engaged with her boyfriend, an NFL star Eric Johnson.

Since Jessica Simpson engaged now, is wedding will be following next? If that will happened, the ex couples will be having their second wedding in their lives. Meanwhile, Eric Johnson already finalized his divorced with his ex wife too last September.

Now, that's how Hollywood celebrities marriages work!
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Where to Watch Manny Pacquiao vs Antonio Margarito Online Free

Saturday, November 13, 2010 0 comments
Are you still looking where you can Watch Manny Pacquiao vs Antonio Margarito online? If you would keep searching chances are you will be prompted with survey forms. Don't worry they are actually safe just go on filling up those forms and you will be able to watch Manny Pacquiao vs Antonio Margarito online.

Asidde from watching Manny Pacquiao vs Antonio Margarito online, you still have more options to watch for free. In Philippines, there are actually government agencies and LGU's who will be hosting a pay-per-view for free for their constituents. For instance, the House of Representatives in Philippines will open their sports complex enable their employees catch up the biggest fight of the year, Manny Pacquiao vs Antonio Margarito. There are also restaurants in various key cities here in Philippines that offers an exclusive viewing of the said fight.

Perhaps the most convenient place to Watch the Manny Pacquiao vs Antonio Margarito is at home. It can either be at GMA 7's delayed telecast full of commercial or from your cable subscribed television. If you have an Internet connection, you can watch Manny Pacquiao vs Antonio Margarito online via SOPCast which is one of the most reliable online players available for live streaming videos and TV shows.

To watch the fight Manny Pacquiao vs Antonio Margarito online using Sopcast, you can follow the same procedure I've used when I  Watch  Manny Pacquiao Vs Miguel Cotto Fight

Are you ready to watch Manny Pacquiao vs Antonio Margarito? I will be updating this post to offer live streaming or post the Sopcast channels where you watch the fight. Let's get ready to rumble! Good luck to the two fighters.

P.S. I was surprised to noticed that it's been exactly year when Manny fought Miguel Cotto.

Update 1 : 

The following are recommended Sopcast channels where you can try watching the fight.

  1. sop://
  2. sop://
  3. sop://
  4. sop://
  5. sop://
  6. sop://
  7. sop://
  8. sop://
  9. sop://
  10. sop://

Update 2

You can also watch live streaming to my upcoming site here
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Where to Watch Manny Pacquiao vs Antonio Margarito Online Free

Are you still looking where you can Watch Manny Pacquiao vs Antonio Margarito online? If you would keep searching chances are you will be prompted with survey forms. Don't worry they are actually safe just go on filling up those forms and you will be able to watch Manny Pacquiao vs Antonio Margarito online.

Asidde from watching Manny Pacquiao vs Antonio Margarito online, you still have more options to watch for free. In Philippines, there are actually government agencies and LGU's who will be hosting a pay-per-view for free for their constituents. For instance, the House of Representatives in Philippines will open their sports complex enable their employees catch up the biggest fight of the year, Manny Pacquiao vs Antonio Margarito. There are also restaurants in various key cities here in Philippines that offers an exclusive viewing of the said fight.

Perhaps the most convenient place to Watch the Manny Pacquiao vs Antonio Margarito is at home. It can either be at GMA 7's delayed telecast full of commercial or from your cable subscribed television. If you have an Internet connection, you can watch Manny Pacquiao vs Antonio Margarito online via SOPCast which is one of the most reliable online players available for live streaming videos and TV shows.

To watch the fight Manny Pacquiao vs Antonio Margarito online using Sopcast, you can follow the same procedure I've used when I  Watch  Manny Pacquiao Vs Miguel Cotto Fight

Are you ready to watch Manny Pacquiao vs Antonio Margarito? I will be updating this post to offer live streaming or post the Sopcast channels where you watch the fight. Let's get ready to rumble! Good luck to the two fighters.

P.S. I was surprised to noticed that it's been exactly year when Manny fought Miguel Cotto.

Update 1 : 

The following are recommended Sopcast channels where you can try watching the fight.

  1. sop://
  2. sop://
  3. sop://
  4. sop://
  5. sop://
  6. sop://
  7. sop://
  8. sop://
  9. sop://
  10. sop://

Update 2

You can also watch live streaming to my upcoming site here
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Zsa Zsa Gabor Hospitalized With Blood Clot

Zsa Zsa Gabor who has been hospitalized three months ago and was also spread that she was dead is again hospitalized with blood clot in her leg that threatened her heart. According to ABC News, this morning, the actress complained of pain and swelling in her leg. Unfortunately for the actress, the doctor determined that the blood clot could move to her heart.

Zsa Zsa Gabor's spokesman John Blanchette said "He was afraid she was in jeopardy of heart attack,"

Actress Gabor, 93, has been in and out of the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles since she fell and broke her hip in July.
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Zsa Zsa Gabor Hospitalized With Blood Clot

Zsa Zsa Gabor who has been hospitalized three months ago and was also spread that she was dead is again hospitalized with blood clot in her leg that threatened her heart. According to ABC News, this morning, the actress complained of pain and swelling in her leg. Unfortunately for the actress, the doctor determined that the blood clot could move to her heart.

Zsa Zsa Gabor's spokesman John Blanchette said "He was afraid she was in jeopardy of heart attack,"

Actress Gabor, 93, has been in and out of the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles since she fell and broke her hip in July.
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Margarito mocks Roach's disease

Thursday, November 11, 2010 0 comments
Admit it or not, in any sports or competition no one from both sides are mocking if not totally insulting the other side for their weakness or worse their disease if they have one.

Today, Margarito mocks Fred Roach Parkinson's Disease video has been spreading over the Internet like a viral disease. You will see how Margarito Team mocks on Pacquiao Team and Roach's disease in particular.

Meanwhile, Margarito's coach Garcia asked for apology from Roach for the thing they did as reported by NBC Sports.

"This was nothing to do with the disease that Freddie Roach has. We know it’s something that we don’t wish nobody,” Garcia said. “It’s something personal, something between Team Pacquiao and Team Margarito. I just wanted to make that clear."

You can watch Elie Seckbach/FanHouse uploaded video below. From the video you will see Margarito twisting his face and laughing which is obviously making fun of Roach. Robert Garcia who also have part in the mockery by holding up a thick chunk of metal and telling Roach he’d better watch as Margarito‘s hands are wrapped so that it doesn’t end up under the tape.

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Margarito mocks Roach's disease

Admit it or not, in any sports or competition no one from both sides are mocking if not totally insulting the other side for their weakness or worse their disease if they have one.

Today, Margarito mocks Fred Roach Parkinson's Disease video has been spreading over the Internet like a viral disease. You will see how Margarito Team mocks on Pacquiao Team and Roach's disease in particular.

Meanwhile, Margarito's coach Garcia asked for apology from Roach for the thing they did as reported by NBC Sports.

"This was nothing to do with the disease that Freddie Roach has. We know it’s something that we don’t wish nobody,” Garcia said. “It’s something personal, something between Team Pacquiao and Team Margarito. I just wanted to make that clear."

You can watch Elie Seckbach/FanHouse uploaded video below. From the video you will see Margarito twisting his face and laughing which is obviously making fun of Roach. Robert Garcia who also have part in the mockery by holding up a thick chunk of metal and telling Roach he’d better watch as Margarito‘s hands are wrapped so that it doesn’t end up under the tape.

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Missle Launch California, just a jet

Wednesday, November 10, 2010 0 comments
According to Fox News, Missile Defense Agency refute the buzzing topic missile launch California. But what seems to mysterious missile could just be a jet. Based from a post of the visible exhaust from a jet engine, a trail of condensed water vapor called a contrail, resembles a missile trail when seen from some angles. According also to contrailscience, the flare were too bright for a rocket and the said mysterious craft was incredibly slow compare to a real rocket.

News broke on November 8 when a CBS news crew captured an alleged contrail of a missile launch in California. Southern California Weather Authority's Meteorologist Kevin Martin seconded what posted from their website that the it wasn't a missile launch but just a jet.

Martin said in, "We see this often when the flights come at the right time, however, some people are just out to witness it at the right time, "We had strong winds up there as well as really cold temperatures from a passing storm system. This also had an area of upper level moisture ... where airliners fly."

The said missile launch in California is not new to ContrailScience, according to the site the misconceptions had happened many times. There was The Dec 31st contrail, from Laguna Beach, New Years Eve contrail in Santa Monica and few to mentions or may check pictures here.

The Military Defense is yet to issue their statement regarding the said missile launch issue.
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Missle Launch California, just a jet

According to Fox News, Missile Defense Agency refute the buzzing topic missile launch California. But what seems to mysterious missile could just be a jet. Based from a post of the visible exhaust from a jet engine, a trail of condensed water vapor called a contrail, resembles a missile trail when seen from some angles. According also to contrailscience, the flare were too bright for a rocket and the said mysterious craft was incredibly slow compare to a real rocket.

News broke on November 8 when a CBS news crew captured an alleged contrail of a missile launch in California. Southern California Weather Authority's Meteorologist Kevin Martin seconded what posted from their website that the it wasn't a missile launch but just a jet.

Martin said in, "We see this often when the flights come at the right time, however, some people are just out to witness it at the right time, "We had strong winds up there as well as really cold temperatures from a passing storm system. This also had an area of upper level moisture ... where airliners fly."

The said missile launch in California is not new to ContrailScience, according to the site the misconceptions had happened many times. There was The Dec 31st contrail, from Laguna Beach, New Years Eve contrail in Santa Monica and few to mentions or may check pictures here.

The Military Defense is yet to issue their statement regarding the said missile launch issue.
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Let's Welcome The Queen Facebook

Monday, November 8, 2010 0 comments
In my own opinion, there is only one queen known to everyone and that is the British's Queen Elizabeth. And why the Queen Facebook is trending? Well, the British Monarcy official joined the Facebook. According to CNN News today, the Queen officially joined the phenomenal social networking site Faceboook by creating their page The British Monarchy.

The page will feature a mix of news, links, videos and photographs of various members -- primarily Queen Elizabeth, and Princes Charles, William and Harry.

Added by spokesperson of The British Monarcy, “We’re delighted to welcome the British Monarchy to Facebook,” a spokesperson for the web’s leading social networking site
. “People can now have a direct connection with the Royal Family through their page to see a unique glimpse into palace life.”

What are you waiting for? Like The British Monarchy page now!
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Let's Welcome The Queen Facebook

In my own opinion, there is only one queen known to everyone and that is the British's Queen Elizabeth. And why the Queen Facebook is trending? Well, the British Monarcy official joined the Facebook. According to CNN News today, the Queen officially joined the phenomenal social networking site Faceboook by creating their page The British Monarchy.

The page will feature a mix of news, links, videos and photographs of various members -- primarily Queen Elizabeth, and Princes Charles, William and Harry.

Added by spokesperson of The British Monarcy, “We’re delighted to welcome the British Monarchy to Facebook,” a spokesperson for the web’s leading social networking site
. “People can now have a direct connection with the Royal Family through their page to see a unique glimpse into palace life.”

What are you waiting for? Like The British Monarchy page now!
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Google Doodle Today : X-Ray on its 115th Anniversary

Sunday, November 7, 2010 0 comments
Check out Google doodle today! See that bones? It's not about archeology or even osteology (study of bones) but a doodle tribute for the 115th anniversary of discovery of x-ray.

Perhaps we should really thank Google for having stuff like these. The tributes made by Google are not simply impressing us with their skills in doodle creations but somehow  educate us history such as this. Without today's Google doodle, how would I get interest knowing about it's history and even know that the machine was invented 115 years ago. Well, maybe if I happened to study radiology.

Let's talk about the X-ray, no one can deny that X-ray machine is just one of the most useful inventions in medical study that ever invented. Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, a German scientist who was able to produced and detected electromagnetic radiation in a wavelength and now known as X-ray in November 8,1895. According to Wikipedia," XRAY is used as a communications code word for the letter x." To know more about X-ray you may check its Wiki entry here.

Perhaps we should really be thankful to Wilhelm for inventing the X-ray because for 115 years, we are able to use x-ray machines in various usage not just in medical field.
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