
David Farrant

Sunday, November 29, 2009
Dear Bishop Seán, a mutual acquaintance of ours has sent me a letter in which he confirms receiving unsolicited packages from David Farrant that contain hateful material about you. I feel I had best allow this friend's letter speak for itself by quoting the relevant section: "Do you remember David Farrant had found my address from the excommunicated Illtyd Thomas? At the time I was concerned as dear +Seán and his wife had suffered years of abuse from him. Well, I started to receive self-produced booklets from this person. The first was on its own without anything accompanying it. It was a book of lies about +Seán who has suffered the slings and arrows of this man for so long. But why send it to me? He has been sending me things for months while I have been abroad. Then I started to receive emails from the 'British Psychic and Occult Society' which turns out to be David Farrant again. Polite, not abusive, asking me if I would like to join. Can you believe this Keith? He has the utter cheek to email a stranger to ask me to join! The connection with +Seán has made me a target. I did not get concerned as +Seán and his wife have endured this for so long themselves. I replied to Farrant's email in polite and non-abusive terms that I was interested to know why the 'BPOS' thought I would consider joining? No reply was forthcoming. Then another envelope arrived from North London but with the SW14 postmark on it. It contained another booklet called 'Bishop Bonkers,' a crude attempt to attack +Seán again. Plus I was receiving more emails. I asked via email how he had found my email address but again no reply was forthcoming. Now I was angry. It was my intention to teach this bunch a severe lesson. They had attacked +Seán once too often. It was not me I was concerned about but to track down me, my address, my email, just to attack +Seán - something was going to be done. I emailed +Seán and he pointed out no contact would always be best. I have emailed +Seán to assure him I will no longer reply to anything from this bunch or, more accurately, from Farrant. I received several emails (still getting them). One invited me to a 'meeting' at a library in North London. It was my plan to go, but now I admit to you with a red face and somewhat humble that I intended to go and if just one word of ill was spoken about +Seán I fully intended to knock so much sense into their heads I would have been arrested. This I now know +Seán sensed and was correct of course to warn me not to have contact. I feel grateful because the last thing I would want would be to cause +Seán trouble. Also it is not to my credit that this was my intention. My only defence is I hoped that my actions would stop the terrible attacks on +Seán. All thanks to him for his intervention." I hardly know what to say to our mutual friend beyond the fact that you cannot communicate with demons other than by exorcism. I, too, have received packages of a similar malicious kind from this disturbed person in the past and, taking your advice, ignored it after first lodging a complaint with the police. His unsolicited mail was unwelcome, something David Farrant would not begin to understand. He is only interested in trying to turn people against you through contamination. It will always fail except where people are already against you or would be if they knew you due to the direction they have taken in their lives. My question is what advice do you have for those who share this person's initial sentiment, but do not belong to the same discipline as us? - Br Keith (Ordo Sancti Graal)

My immediate advice, provided the law has not been broken and lives are not put at risk, would be to ignore this person and anyone he might use in the ruthless pursuit of his vendetta. Our enemies should not be the people of this world, but rather the spirits of evil that have entered this world. He is a lost soul who has very likely attracted something spiritually malevolent early in his life which has ever since influenced him and darkened his thoughts. I first met him almost forty years ago when he contacted his local newspaper after making certain claims about an apparition he had sighted. It soon became clear he was more interested in the limelight than anything genuinely paranormal. He also developed a fascination with me which quickly turned into an obsession. By which time he had taken to emulating me to no small degree. When I distanced myself a few months later, he turned unpleasant and court cases ensued. This was followed by his fraudulent adoption of my title and the name of the research society I then presided over. Things began to spiral downwards at an alarming rate as he turned to what ostensibly appeared to be diabolism, but in truth was just further attention-seeking for the sake of the media. He nonetheless engaged in theatrical stunts of an occult nature in churchyards, cemeteries, woods and derelict houses which took on an increasingly satanic appearance. This led to him being charged, tried and convicted for offences which include malicious vandalism to tombs, interfering with and offering indignity to remains of the dead through the use of black magic and attempting to pervert the course of justice by threatening police witnesses with voodoo death dolls impaled with pins. By which time I had decided to get to know him properly for the purpose of discovering exactly what was going on and to try and resolve whatever lay behind the enmity he evinced toward me. This occurred some time after he had invited what he describes as a "satanic force" to enter him in a necromantic ritual he claims to have staged at Highgate Cemetery with a naked accomplice. This ritual is described at length by him in an article he wrote while serving a four years and eight months prison sentence. It was published in the fourth issue of New Witchcraft magazine. However, the person I discovered was a phoney who believed only in his own self-aggrandisement and the amount of newsprint his manufactured stunts might achieve. He certainly did not believe in his own rectitude; so rather than resolve anything my getting to know him only served to make matters worse because he now understood I knew the truth. Throughout that period he was exceptionally devious and deceitful. I do not rule out the very real possibility that by engaging in theatrical Satanism for the benefit of the newspapers he might very well have become possessed by something demonic in the process. I naturally feel sad for him, but he is ultimately the sum of his own choices. None of us are perfect or even remotely so, but there are those who make no attempt to be anything other than wicked. I believe he is such a person. Whatever harm he has attempted to inflict on me is really of no consequence. It is the abuse of innocent people which concerns me; people who have largely never heard of him but are nevertheless contacted or otherwise drawn into his nefarious machinations by having their identities falsely associated in some manner. He has published their names in malicious pamphlets and on the internet, often without their knowledge. Occasionally he will publish people's addresses. My London secretary, Diana, suffered this sort of abuse from him in the final year of her life as she died in pain of cancer. Her name and address had been published in one of his self-published pamphlets which he then sent to her. My wife and in-laws have received similar malicious mail from this man, as have a wide number of friends, colleagues and associates. Some have complained to the police who tend to recommend them hiring a lawyer. He will go to the most extraordinary lengths to gather information on anyone he feels might have a connection with me, including people from a number of decades back. It is difficult to discern his life comprising of anything other than the pursuit of this meaningless vendetta against me and mine for the last forty years. He has certainly not been in employment of any kind during that period. Over the last seven years I have extended invitations for him to meet me privately at my Retreat. They have been ignored. I now doubt this matter will ever be resolved unless he owns to the darkness dominating him and his activities and seeks help to address what he has become. Meanwhile, he preoccupies himself from one day to the next with the dissemination of items intended to give personal insult to me (see images below) while continuing to produce a stream of libellous abuse in malicious pamphlets from the Muswell Hill quarters found for him when he was released on parole more than three decades ago. He is exceptionally unhealthy, chain smokes, consumes much alcohol and is unable to walk properly due to various maladies and afflictions. I am often asked why I do not sue him for defamation of character. The problem is it would solve nothing. He would not pay the court costs and damages if he lost, as he receives means-tested benefits. Moreover, he still owes tens of thousands of pounds from a libel case he lost in the 1970s and would welcome any publicity a new trial might bring. I prefer to deny him the oxygen of publicity where I am concerned and ask others to do the same. So my advice to those who feel enraged by his behaviour and personally want to confront him is to remember he is still one of God's creatures and to pray for him. Pray for his state of mind and endangered soul. If you are unable to do that, just ignore him.

David Farrant wearing his anti-Bishop T-shirt.

Accomplice Gareth J. Medway
with anti-Bishop merchandise.

The confrontational scenario David Farrant delights in disseminating.
The sign did originally contain a real address. Everything else is false.


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